Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Pleiadians ~ Interdimensional travel through the blue pearl part 1 ~ by Ishante

What is known by some on your planet as the blue pearl or blue dot is the entry and exit point of consciousness within the physical body vehicle. It is a portal, a doorway to other dimensions, and it is accessible to you now like never before as the golden ray of Christ consciousness sweeps the planet, and you continue to anchor your I AM presence through your individual and collective mastery.

In your recent history, great sages and masters trained for many lifetimes to open their hearts and raise their kundalini to a point in which the blue pearl was able to be seen and utilised. The energy on 3D Gaia was denser, slower and sluggish, making it more difficult, but not impossible for this to occur. This is no longer the case now in this your present moment. Your beautiful planet has already ascended into 5D, and the planetary grids and gateways are fully activated thanks to the unwavering and dedicated work of a number of gatekeepers and way showers on your planet.

As you continue on your ascension journey, many of you (if you haven’t already) will start to experience the blue pearl coming into view within your 3rd eye area, particularly during your meditations. It first appears out of the blackness, as a black dot which may often times vibrate or pulse. Please know that this is nothing to be frightened of as it is simply the journey one takes through darkness into the light of being as the lower self rises to meet the I AM presence in decent, and merges with all that is and all that you are.
We will discuss this in greater detail during another transmission for we still have much to say to those who are drawn to this message through our beloved channel.

The blue pearl is the mechanics of how you will teleport and travel interdimensionally. It is not the only method, but it is one that we Pleiadians with the support of the Sirians will be sharing with those of you who resonate with this transmission.

For those of you who do feel attracted to these words and this method, we invite you to gaze upon pictures of the helix nebula in the constellation of Aquarius, otherwise known as NGC 7293. This much loved dying star displays some very intricate and complex geometry which your astronomers find intriguing. It is in effect going through its own blue pearl portal as it is rebirthed into something completely new. It has much to teach and show you, and as you expand your awareness to engage more fully with it you will begin to see and understand the similarities.

In a following transmission we will describe the blue pearl in detail, and what you can expect to see and experience as you explore it further. We will also share with you with some tips on how to journey through it if this is what you so desire.

Until next time, our unwavering love, commitment and blessings to you all ~ The Pleiadian Collective


  1. Thanx!!!! wow, this is Excellent! I have ecperienced the blue dot or the blue light or the blue Pearls on many occations, first thinking there was st wrong with my Eyes. I have seen it a lot lately. Amazing! /BeInTheVortex on YOutube.
