I see there are lots of things going on this moment of the now. The old energies are still playing out their desperate cards of keeping the system and structures going. Even in making war as just a way of making profit and meanwhile playing their power battles with others striving for it. The further enslavement of you is intended as well as reducing the human populus. The energies of the past month eclipses, and grand cross alignment are pulling all stops in you all personally on emotional levels, confronting you all with very heavy energies of the past and old stuff you till now maybe did not let go of. It needs to be taken care of before balance can be.
The new is forming slowly around us and its new expressions have new faces and have still for you not sensed new ways of expressions going on. Balance is going to be found and things find their place and get out of the conflict reality you still partially live in and feel and see. In this process we all have our own work to do to bring that inner-balance back. Help each other not in doing it for others but showing them you can do things in new ways or different. That is the way showing and service to all in being an example. There is not something like THE way but only your way. Keep you heads up even if terrible things and deep stuff is touched within. You will see that you are never alone in what you go through. Humanity is on the brink bringing the change from energetic levels to manifesting the new. I hope with your support still to be able to get that message out.
Remember you are only free if you are not celebrating the freedom you are told to have but your real inner freedom that has no shackles, limits, borders, and does not get told what to do by anyone or anything ever… Freedom is BEING free. Those that have died in their struggles and fights may have touched the merit of freedom only in the sence you have learned it to be but not the real freedom of you being always free and not living in any illusion to keep you a slave. You will remember and see.
Much love and light to you all,
P.S. Make an effort to support all lightservers in service to all.
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