In order for the manifestation of the new era and the new Earth of love there is a need to erase and dissolve many different forms, beliefs and perspectives of separation and illusion, then the truth of love will be experienced with ease and perfection. We now wish to co -create with you a reality which is beyond separation and illusion.
You may wish to begin by saying out loud or within your mind; ‘Beloved God and Goddess Creator vibrations, support me now to see, sense and acknowledge the truth and divinity of my being, energy, form and presence.’
You may wish to begin by saying out loud or within your mind; ‘Beloved God and Goddess Creator vibrations, support me now to see, sense and acknowledge the truth and divinity of my being, energy, form and presence.’
This simple intention will allow us to work with your energies to dissolve all illusion and separation thus gifting to you a greater awareness and responsibility of your spiritual ascension. In order to anchor and realise the presence of the Creator’s essence within your being you may wish to work with this intention;
‘Beloved God and Goddess Creator vibrations, I call you forth to activate from the purest essence of my being to flow into divine fruition and expression with sacred balance. Assist me in accessing, acknowledging and realising the Creator essence of this present moment of ascension from within my being. Let my Creator essence evolve within me to align with the ascension vibrations of the Creator’s universe. Assist me to be awake, aware, conscious and observant of my own energies, shifts, evolvement and the divine Creator essence so abundantly within my being.
Let my physical body and energetic bodiesbe encoded with the present day fully awakened Creator essence manifesting fully with awareness and inspiration within my being. My bodies now shift to be as one with the Creator essence, meaning that I exist at the quickest Creator vibration available to me at this time. I allow my bodies to transform.’
We wish to assist you in being aware of separation and illusion as this gives you the opportunity to remind yourself of the space of peace, love and joy already within you so you are no longer intertwined with perspectives that hinder and block your recognition of the Creator within your being. You may wish to work with the below intention.
We wish to assist you in being aware of separation and illusion as this gives you the opportunity to remind yourself of the space of peace, love and joy already within you so you are no longer intertwined with perspectives that hinder and block your recognition of the Creator within your being. You may wish to work with the below intention.
‘Beloved God and Goddess Creator vibrations please penetrate my being erasing all energetic patterning of separation and illusion. Raise my energetic vibration to the purest Creator love frequency so I may always be aware of separation, seeing straight through with clarity and understanding the illusion of all forms of separation. I now vow to no longer create thought patterns of separation or illusion, I only choose to energise positive creatively loving thoughts and energetic patterns within my reality.
I ask the God and Goddess Creator Vibrations to erase all suffering and pain held within my being and bodies connected to suffering and illusion. I acknowledge, sense and positively understand myself to be united completely and absolutely with the Creator, experiencing the eternal love of the Creator. Unity, happiness and contentment now replace any and all forms of separation and illusion that I may have previously acknowledged as the truth of my being. I now acknowledge
myself as being free from separation and illusion. My chosen energy and focus is now gratitude.’
With your awareness and recognition of the Creator awakening, your entire being is opening up like an egg shell being cracked open, this can cause feelings of extreme sensitivity and even pain to experiences created within your reality. When you require healing and nourishment due to a painful or hurtful experience in your reality you may wish to call upon the God and Goddess Creator vibrations to be of service.
‘Beloved God and Goddess Creator vibrations, I call upon your energies to wipe my energetic vibration and patterning, my emotional, mental and physical bodies of the negativity I have just experienced. I no longer wish to retain the experience within my being or collected within my soul’s memories. My divine wish is to experience a deep and absolute cleansing on all levels of my being experiencing a profoundly powerful dispensation of pure love from the heart chakra of the Creator to be embodied completely by me.
myself as being free from separation and illusion. My chosen energy and focus is now gratitude.’
With your awareness and recognition of the Creator awakening, your entire being is opening up like an egg shell being cracked open, this can cause feelings of extreme sensitivity and even pain to experiences created within your reality. When you require healing and nourishment due to a painful or hurtful experience in your reality you may wish to call upon the God and Goddess Creator vibrations to be of service.
‘Beloved God and Goddess Creator vibrations, I call upon your energies to wipe my energetic vibration and patterning, my emotional, mental and physical bodies of the negativity I have just experienced. I no longer wish to retain the experience within my being or collected within my soul’s memories. My divine wish is to experience a deep and absolute cleansing on all levels of my being experiencing a profoundly powerful dispensation of pure love from the heart chakra of the Creator to be embodied completely by me.
I recognise myself as purified, and all evidence of my experience dissolved from my being as I now emanate a powerful and pure love. This powerful and pure love is immovable, untouchable and impenetrable; it resides as a strong love
presence within me eternally. I am healed, cleansed and purified, I am love.’
With great emphasis placed upon unity within the inner planes of the Creator’s universe, all aspects of your soul especially the numerous incarnations of your soul are returning to the aspect of your soul you embody, wishing to gain healing, truth, love and to be bonded once more in love. Some of your soul aspects may be influencing your being causing old energetic patterns or pain to emerge; we can assist you in healing and purifying all aspects of your soul to aid a deep and pure embodiment within your being.
‘Beloved God and Goddess Creator vibrations, I ask you to purify my soul and enhance my soul’s embodiment within my physical present being. Please erase from my soul memories, scarring and all forms of negativity my soul and the many incarnations of my soul choose to hold onto. Purify, cleanse and heal my soul encouraging the pure and wise energetic patterning of my soul to be fully formed and present within my physical body, chakras and auric field. I now accept a greater or complete aspect of my soul as fully embodied and fully realised within my being. I am my soul in this embodiment.’
Your soul has numerous purposes upon the Earth but one of the natural focuses of your soul is to bring the experience of heaven or the bliss of the Creator to the Earth for all to enjoy and experience. The heaven of the Creator can only be brought forth through the projection of the recognition of heaven from within each soul. When separation and illusion are dissolved then it is easier to connect with, manifest, embody and experience the heaven of the Creator on the Earth.
‘Beloved God and Goddess Creator vibrations, it is my intention to manifest the heaven, bliss and profound joy of the Creator within my being, perspectives and reality while also supporting humanity and the Earth.
presence within me eternally. I am healed, cleansed and purified, I am love.’
With great emphasis placed upon unity within the inner planes of the Creator’s universe, all aspects of your soul especially the numerous incarnations of your soul are returning to the aspect of your soul you embody, wishing to gain healing, truth, love and to be bonded once more in love. Some of your soul aspects may be influencing your being causing old energetic patterns or pain to emerge; we can assist you in healing and purifying all aspects of your soul to aid a deep and pure embodiment within your being.
‘Beloved God and Goddess Creator vibrations, I ask you to purify my soul and enhance my soul’s embodiment within my physical present being. Please erase from my soul memories, scarring and all forms of negativity my soul and the many incarnations of my soul choose to hold onto. Purify, cleanse and heal my soul encouraging the pure and wise energetic patterning of my soul to be fully formed and present within my physical body, chakras and auric field. I now accept a greater or complete aspect of my soul as fully embodied and fully realised within my being. I am my soul in this embodiment.’
Your soul has numerous purposes upon the Earth but one of the natural focuses of your soul is to bring the experience of heaven or the bliss of the Creator to the Earth for all to enjoy and experience. The heaven of the Creator can only be brought forth through the projection of the recognition of heaven from within each soul. When separation and illusion are dissolved then it is easier to connect with, manifest, embody and experience the heaven of the Creator on the Earth.
‘Beloved God and Goddess Creator vibrations, it is my intention to manifest the heaven, bliss and profound joy of the Creator within my being, perspectives and reality while also supporting humanity and the Earth.
My intention is to dissolve the veil of separation which many energise including myself between the heaven of the Creator and the Earth. With recognition of the heaven of the Creator so all separation experienced between myself and humanity and the divinity of the Creator is erased. I and all of humanity now accept our divine right and acknowledge ourselves as divine sacred creators on the Earth eternally connected to the Creator experiencing fruitfully abundant realities born of love.‘
Our greatest wish is to be of service to you at this time of tremendously powerful awakening and shifts of ascension.
God and Goddess Creator vibrations
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