This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. We are being joined by Sananda (Yeshua) to discuss keeping your energetic channels clear.
The incoming energy is providing you with many opportunities to move to higher levels of being and to experience new insights and awakening. This process is much easier when your energetic channels are clear and free from old or outdated ways of thinking and being.
Clearing your energetic channels can be compared to clearing debris from a highway. Your journey is much easier when you do not have to navigate around items in your path. When your energetic channels are clear, you can rise to higher levels in a natural process of ascension.
The clearing and purification process begins with a desire to move to higher levels. You have studied many concepts, and you are aware that there are levels and worlds beyond your current state of being. This awareness has enabled you to move to your current level, and it has prepared you to rise even higher. Keeping an open mind will allow your present concepts to expand and change, and new ones can emerge as you ascend. You are presented with new information as you remain open. The information is there, and your openness and receptivity will allow it to come into your awareness.
Keeping your receptivity open can begin by remaining in a state of acceptance and non-judgment of others. Each person is at a certain point on the path. You can send them Love by connecting with their Divine Spark within their heart center. It does not mean that you have to agree with their views or actions, but remaining free from judgment will keep your energetic channels clear. Judgment is like a boulder on your path. When you release judgment, you are clearing an obstacle in your channel.
Keeping an open mind also applies to new concepts. What you now accept as part of your beliefs and philosophy may have, at one time, seemed foreign to you. Now, it is a natural part of who you are and what you believe. By keeping an open mind and remaining non-judgmental to concepts, you have removed another rock on your path and purified your channels even more. When your channels are clear, new concepts and understanding can enter more easily.
Many levels of understanding exist simultaneously. An open mind and a desire to see a bigger picture allow this new understanding to come into your awareness.
As you encounter new concepts, you can examine them to see whether they resonate with you. If they do, you have added another level of awareness. If they do not resonate with you, you can set them aside for future consideration or discard them entirely. It is your willingness to look at new concepts that keeps your energetic channels open.
Another aspect of keeping your energetic channels clear is forgiveness. When you hold on to negative feelings about someone else or a situation, this forms a block in your energetic channels. Many times the person with whom you have angry, hurt, or otherwise negative feelings may not even be aware of your feelings. Even if they are aware, your negative feelings toward them are causing you much more harm than you can imagine. The negative feelings form an energetic block that slows or impedes the flow of higher level energy. Again, it is as if you have placed a large boulder in your path on your energetic highway. Not only does this form a block, it also attracts more energy of a similar type due to the Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction. Negative feelings vibrate at a lower frequency than positive feelings, and what you focus on expands.
Therefore, you are actually harming yourself when you harbor negative feelings about someone or a situation. When you forgive someone or a situation, you are removing an energetic block, and this allows higher level energy to flow through you. When you take this process to the next level by sending Love to them, you are opening the way for even greater understanding and harmony.
Another aspect of forgiveness is forgiving yourself when you feel you have not measured up to your desired ideal. Each situation is a learning experience. When you feel that you have not measured up to your ideal, take a moment to review the situation and your actions. Look for the lesson in the situation, and replay it in your mind as you wish you had handled it. This prepares you to choose another option should a similar situation arise in the future. Then forgive yourself for not living up to your desired ideal. Forgiving yourself is just as important as forgiving someone else. If you find that you need extra help in the forgiveness process, you can call on the Violet Flame to assist in the process of transmuting and transforming the energy.
When you consider that all of humanity is an interconnected energetic network, the concept of forgiveness can be viewed from a higher level. It is truly a case of the Golden Rule and treating others as you would like to be treated. Because you are part of this network, forgiving yourself is important because, at a higher level, energy is even more connected, and you want to have what flows from you to others to be as loving and positive as possible.
Beloveds, you are making rapid progress in your ascension to higher levels. We encourage you to continue your rise to higher dimensions by keeping your energetic channels clear through practicing non-judgment and forgiveness.
Know that you are greatly loved.
WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, along with Sananda,
…and we surround you with Love.
And so it is.
All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson,
Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson,
This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email:
Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson,
This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email:
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