picture credit goodfon.su
Ladybugs, Dragonflies…and Love ~
Thoughts on the wake of June Solstice 2014 ~ Our Emerging Divinity ~ June 29, 2014 ~ by Fran Zepeda:
~ I agree to Open beyond my beliefs, judgments and mindsets Now, and allow all to flow and open up a whole New World I never want to leave again.
It is exquisite and all-encompassing.
Just a switch in my perceptions – a guardian monitor of my thoughts – opens them up and makes me aware of their limitations and I open more and welcome the unknown, the flow.
I open up to my full creativity and do not worry about pre-laid plans, for all will find its place in the scheme of things based on an entirely new framework of Now.
Nothing is forced and everything is in flow as I welcome my higher aspects into my Heart with warmth and sweet Joy.
I throw the pieces of my life Now into the mix of the flow and watch them re-orient and shift into a celestial and magical new pattern.
I am in the flow.
I put away all judgments and move past them, like a vehicle expertly maneuvering bumps and turns in the road, and I fly out into the unknown in full comfort and safety Now, for my higher aspects are leading the way.
I explore my higher aspects Now and get to know everything from that perspective. How beautiful everything is…
…from the fluttering butterfly finding its way to me and circling around me as if wanting to get to know me, as I admire the beauty and grace and lightness of its Being… (and “hear” that “Butterflies are fearless in their transformation…they are beautiful and endless in their endurance to break out of the old mold/cocoon”…as are we)…
…to the ladybug I encounter on a leaf, as if in zoom-lens mode – I delight in its existence and sudden appearance…
…to the sweet hummingbird who just flew in to perch on my tree, resting, and seemingly waiting for its turn on the feeder, as I sit writing this…
…and then later, as I am in a yoga pose near the feeder, it suddenly comes very close to me, circling my head and body, and then gazing right at and through me, as if to greet and commune with me as I reach a very serene and peaceful centered place in my pose. It acts curious yet respectful, as it gets very close to my face as I reciprocate my curiosity and enjoyment in the interaction…
…to the dragonfly suddenly crashing into my view with a speed and power I admire….
…to the awareness of the beautiful lilting music softly playing in the background…
…to the joyful sound of the gurgling fountain as birds splash and bathe in it…
And these “small” things become “Big” as I view them from my higher aspects…
For joy can be found in all things if they are lit up by our higher aspects.
And likewise, everything that is Not viewed as beautiful from our old 3D perspective becomes loved and cherished as well…for there becomes no separation. Everything is viewed without judgment and with acceptance and Love when lit up by our higher aspects.
It just IS, and thus doesn’t provoke any adverse reaction.
Within the space of this newly-oriented perspective comes many insights we were not equipped to enjoy before, a plethora of new feelings and thoughts and experiences, if we open our view to that of our higher aspects. All becomes serene and magical and wondrous, for it makes up the ALL of life and existence.
As I allow myself to be open and flowing, a beautiful vibrant pink flower that catches my eye suddenly welcomes me into its existence and I become one with it momentarily, experiencing the flower in its sweet fragrance and vibrant energy and color. Our energies mesh and I am part of it as it beckons me in.
The same is true with Celestial Beings, who beckon me to listen to their essence and message as I hum to their vibration and receive powerful waves of Love and inspiring messages to uplift. I find now, more often than not, that they deliver messages to me without any preparation in the form of formal or dedicated meditation – That meditative channeling state Now is becoming my natural way of Being.
I am in awe of what we can experience if we just open and put aside pre-conceived agendas, ideas, beliefs and experiences, and open to the wonders of the higher dimensions, lit up by our higher aspects NOW.
Everything Now is colored by those higher aspects and nothing feels mundane or ‘dirty’. All is aglow with its own light, and colored by our own inner light to see the higher aspects, essence, message and gift of it.
A jubilant feeling of exultant and exalting Joy overtakes me as I welcome my higher aspects to take up more steady residence and presence in charge of my perception Now.
I close my eyes Now and ‘see’ vibrant colors and hues and feel vibrant Love energy in every inch of me. I am In LOVE.
In conclusion, I offer this poem from my Heart to Yours:
I open my arms to Infinity,
And Bask in Love Everlasting.
If just for a moment Now, I forget all worldly things,
And Rejoice in Love Everlasting.
Love touches everything Now in my existence;
It doesn’t miss a thing.
As I open my arms to Infinity,
And Bask in Love Everlasting,
Nothing will ever Be the same.
All my Love…
©2014 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included.www.franhealing.com www.franheal.wordpress.com www.ouremergingdivinity.com
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