We have entered a delicate emotional and spiritual space in our “evolution” and I’ve heard from many recently in regards to feeling like the deeper emotional issues are coming up AGAIN to be processed. From here, many are re-Creating their own emotional “traumas” in an inadvertent way both individually and in the bigger societal picture. The definition of trauma is a deeply distressing or disturbing experience and when this happens we usually find an emotional “snapshot” which may leave our perceptions of this moment at great odds with the “reality” that we may still be living and re-living this detrimental emotional experience. Exhaustively enough, it is “here” that we will find a great Key of transcendence if we allow ourselves to look a little further withIN to release some of the deeper social, psychological, and spiritual “programming” from separation and judgement. This is especially important when we feel separated from Self because we are in judgment of our own underlying emotions that stem from the trauma or the not so conspicuous PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress “disorder”) that comes later which is actually a very NATURAL emotional response. When we find ourselves feeling discontent with others or societal influence due to underlying trauma or PTSD it is withIN that we find all the answers we need and, as a matter of fact, our answers are coded right into our DNA so we never need to look any further than right Here where YOU are.
We’ve all experienced something “negative” in our Lives whether it be in a physical, psychological (mental), emotional, or spiritual aspect. One of the most common experiences is the perception of abandonment because we are ALL experiencing a newer awareness including that of separation as spiritual beings having a human experience. We learn, for the most part, the “God” resides somewhere outside of ourselves dictating our Lives in some way, shape, or form but the Truth is that we are the “God” of our own individual Universe which is shaped by our physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Our preconceived ideals of what that means have been literally turned upside-down by our societal beliefs and familial expectations. The bottom line is this – if we haven’t made it ALL the way through our PAIN and found a Loving space for Self on the other side then we will most likely continue to re-Create our struggle in order to completely Overcome it. This results in finding Love for Self and a more complete Healing by going through what we may be used to going around. Over and over and round and round we go until we find Acceptance and Resolution leading to the KNOWING that we can never be any less than Whole or Complete even as we are experiencing “separation” and the feeling of abandonment that comes with it.
For this exercise we must think of “God” as our Higher Self who only has our best interests at Heart and wants to see YOU succeed in all areas of Life on Earth. In other words, we have to KNOW that Self wants what’s best for Self and be able to put our Trust and Faith into this realization. From here, we can see that the drama of our trauma doesn’t have to be so dramatic after all as it’s leading us to the ultimate prize of release, letting go, or Acceptance (however you chose to look at it). The most important thing to remember about the stress that comes with trauma and PTSD is that we are searching for a way to have our Emotional needs met in order to move on. We are ultimately trying to find a Safe emotional space where we are comfortable with expressing the emotions the event brought on in the first place. It’s a very typical thing to project these emotional needs onto others and expect them to fulfill us which is, unfortunately, quite impossible. The problem with this is that the person we are expecting to meet these emotional needs is unable because they can’t possibly know what Self needs more than Self which sets us (and them) up for “failure” in almost every situation. Ultimately, Self is the only one who is experiencing Self’s emotions and in order to Heal we must meet our OWN emotional needs but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a Loving support system around us when we work through it.
As we put our Trust and Faith in our Higher Self we can begin to work with the damage and confusion on a more Spiritual level which brings significantly more accessible results. We can begin to be Honest with ourselves about what our emotional needs really are and how these “needs” are effecting our Lives in the bigger picture. We must be willing to establish how and with whom we are going about having these emotional needs met. While we are in this process we MUST keep in mind that our emotional needs aren’t necessarily “unhealthy” rather we may be going about meeting them in an “unhealthy” way by doing harm to Self or others. This is a very common theme, especially of late, and what we call emotional projection meaning that we are projecting our emotions onto others in order to have them meet an emotional need they cannot possibly meet setting us/them up to disappoint which causes us to be “traumatized” all over again. This is also where we feel as if we take 2 steps forward and one step back or consistently end up back at “square one” which, as we’ve learned, is the TRUE definition of “insanity” – doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.
Every person and situation in our Lives is a mirror to the bigger picture of what we are trying to Learn about Self. As we project our emotions and judgement onto others what we are really doing is asking Self to find Acceptance for the things we perceive as pissing us off or being “wrong” with the world or our relationships. That’s certainly not to say there’s not some really negative energies out there but in order to transcend from the negativity we perceive “out there” we have to Love it into submission right “Here”. This means what we “hate” or fear out there or in another is what we really hate or fear from withIN. There’s nowhere to hide from this perception because we wouldn’t know hate and/or fear if we didn’t have it in our possession withIN. These seemingly “negative” emotions are ALLERGIC to the energy of Love and in order to rid ourselves of them we must LOVE them from withIN. From there, we begin to forget the negativity surrounding our trauma and can approach it from either a Loving standpoint or, even better, get to a place where we no longer put energy into it at ALL which is when it all but disappears as we (finally) move forward.
These epiphanies are uncomfortable and sometimes make us feel shame, guilt, or even “stupid” even though it takes great commitment and courage to face what one truly hates and/or fears withIN. It’s from this place of great vulnerability that we find our greatest Strength. I find many have a hard time with others who they perceive as being limited or “vulnerable” in some way, emotionally speaking. After all, this is when we Truly reach the rainbow bridge of emotionally imaginative Creation because we are in a Safe space where we aren’t doing “harm” onto others by way of our emotional projections. Heaven on Earth is a mindset and a way of BEing rather than a place or an emotion that can be met by another from a projection because this IS part of the “illusion”. The illusion tells us that we are incomplete, fragmented, or broken but the Truth is that we can never be these things in Spirit. It’s only our judgment that tells us our emotions are “wrong” and our projection that tells us we need someone else to validate that the emotions are normal and healthy. The safety comes when we no longer need this validation from others and find Love from withIN, even the parts of Self we think are “ugly”. As most everything we Learned is upside-down, those who are reading this and embracing this process of Healing are opening up to a much deeper emotional vastness that covers all ends of the emotional and spiritual spectrum. This means that by studying and making correction with our spiritual and emotional body we are able to Connect with Self and others in the most profound and expansive way. From this end of the spectrum of pain, trauma, and PTSD to the other end of the spectrum of Love, Acceptance, and a Wholeness that comes from withIN. This Loving Acceptance of Self is where we find our own personal brand of Heaven on Earth that comes from withIN and then begins to transform our reality (without).
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Copyright © The Moon Hippie Mystic. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains and you include this copyright notice.
About the author:
Jennifer Deisher has been sharing her gift of empathetic soul readings since her awakening, which converted her traumas into Experiences that unlocked the authentic Blueprints of the Soul. Today, her unique insight and connectedness with Spirit allows her to guide others into their True Self.
Jennifer believes the art of human connection has been conditioned into detachment from our True Self, which consequently denies us the essential Blueprints of our evolution. Driven to share her perspective with the world, her writing has been published on numerous websites around the world. She is also a media writer for The New Earth Project, and founded the website BlueprintsForButterflies to help others connect with their Higher Self and create a spiritual foundation in line with their own individual energy signature.
For more information please visit blueprintsforbutterflies.com or check out www.newearthnation.org
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