Halo Light Fam heart-emoticon
After really deep peace the last 2 days, I am so so sleeeeepy today.... We have a lovely loooong Earth directing solar flare due to arrive right in time for New Year's Eve. With this, physically speaking, like myself and others, you may feel the itchies all over, ear aching (feeling a bit yeast like in the ears as well as in other areas wink-emoticon ....), waves of heat flashes, as well as sleeplessness with sudden tiredness. ALL is well and appropriate as we close out 2015 with an honest review of how far we have come and what we may need to focus on in 2016.
Some Helpful tips to assist the ever adjusting physical vessel ~ SLEEP of course, meditation, lavender oil baths, aquamarine or amethysts under the pillow, cell salts, chlorophyll ( good for moving out yeasts and molds which can bring itchies to the surface especially if the liver is clogged and in need of detoxing. The itchies may also come out in the form of eczema or rashes. The liver can represent underlying anger that is primed for releasing so it allows us to heal that part of an old story), ORGANIC sea greens & phytoplankton such as kelp and blue/green algae (iodine & iron) assist with cellular blood cleansing & the thyroid (throat chakra and thymus which is also being cleared for speaking our truth and increasing divine health/immunity and deconstructing any existence of the old ways of being. Building the immunity will sooo assist with radiation levels that we absorb daily from the environment, nuclear waste, atmos/magnetosphere....organically and artificially), high dose Vitamin C granules, vortex & pH water, centering / grounding in NATURE, yoga, breathe work, gentle stretching and walking (especially by the sea, mountains or forests for purest fresh air). As a HUman barometer here I always feel the solar flares / cosmic activity several days before it's been posted of the arrival.
I hope this will assist those who resonate & if you feel guided to a personal session for this, please contact me. I AM a holistic practitioner specializing in solar activation of the evolving crystalline body.
Peace & Blessings, Paige heart-emoticon
(thank you for your patience as my website is being upgraded and renewed...)
(thank you for your patience as my website is being upgraded and renewed...)
Note: always trust your intuition -- if you feel that your symptoms need the attention of a medical doctor then please do what's best for You.
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