Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
Concluded from Part 2
Swami Nikhilananda tells us that even angels and other higher-dimensional beings exist under distorted conditions compared to the conditions of Source’s realms.
“Even the gods and angels are under the influence of the gunas*. The gods or superhuman beings show a preponderance of sattva; men, of rajas; and sub-human beings of tamas. Brahman, alone untouched by maya, is beyond the gunas.” (1)
The fifth dimension’s still distorted in its own ways, and its distortions help us learn and grow into a clearer state of consciousness. The earth’s distortions are helping us do the same, and eventually, we’ll swap them out for the newer, purer distortions of the fifth dimension.
Now, we’re going to examine some material that suggests humans can become angels when our lower-dimensional work is done. Obviously, whether or not we actually become angels depends on the things we do on earth, but no matter what we do, we’ll eventually reach and surpass the angelic realm.
The things we do in the lower vibrations determine how quickly we can become ‘angels’, and if we live basically good lives and strive to serve Source and humanity, we’ll probably reach the angelic realm faster.
Some people might still have thousands of lower-dimensional experiences to undergo before they’re back with the angels, but eventually, we’ll all be back with them, watching and assisting in the evolutions of various lower-dimensional realms and civilizations.
And, of course, after so long in the angelic realm, we’ll depart it for greener pastures. We’ll eventually leave the angelic realm for an even greater state of consciousness, but perhaps we shouldn’t get ahead of ourselves – we still have a lot of work to do before we can even come close to considering ourselves ‘angels’.
Acts 27: 23-4 suggests that Jeshua joined the ranks of angels after leaving the earth. In this verse, Jeshua speaks to Paul in an apparent angelic form. The verse is given from Paul’s perspective.
“For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve,*
“Saying, Fear not, Paul: thou must be brought before Caesar.” (2)
The ‘angel of God’ was Jeshua, who was perhaps able to advance to the angelic rung after his most famous life on earth. Other material we’ll examine suggests that Jeshua was already an angel when he walked the earth, and this’d make sense given that he was believed to possess superhuman abilities that only a higher-dimensional soul could have.Jeshua obviously isn’t the only soul with the potential to become an angel by lightening His vibration to match the angelic realms – all of us can and probably will do the same when our time comes. Something tells me that most of us have already been angels; archangels; ascended masters; any of the higher-dimensional roles that can be filled.
We were doing something before we came to earth, and it’d make sense that we inhabited various positions and took on various ‘statuses’ in our pre-earth travels. Who knows – maybe some of the angels who’ve come here will return to their positions when they leave!
According to Pseudo-Dionysius, Jeshua was indeed an angel when He was on earth.
“I do not need to remind you … of the fact that because of [Jesus'] generous work for salvation he himself entered the order of revealers and is called the ‘angel of great counsel.’ Indeed, when he announced what he knew of the Father, was it not as an angel?” (3)
It’d make sense that Jeshua was an angel before and after he was on earth, and clearly, only a soul with a strong spiritual perspective and understanding could’ve done the things he did. I don’t believe all of the religious hype about Jeshua, and obviously, a lot of what’s been said about him is distorted to say the least.I do think, however, that he was an extremely advanced spiritual teacher who came to help inform, uplift, and enlighten humanity about the deeper truths of our existence, of which there are many. I think Jeshua came to share his gifts with the world, but we obviously don’t have to praise or worship him to find enlightenment.
He’s a teacher; an advanced, higher-dimensional guide who, I’d imagine, only wants humanity to understand spirit. I don’t think Jeshua would want us to blindly follow the distorted religions that are operated in his name – I think he’d want us to find the truth within.
The truth can only be found within, of course, and no matter whose teachings we subscribe to, we can’t evolve unless we do the necessary inner work.
Al-Ghazzali tells us about the apparent positive effects abstinence has on our ability to focus on spirit and, eventually, ascend to the angelic kingdom.
“When in the crucible of abstinence [man] is purged from carnal passions he attains to the highest, and in place of being a slave to lust and anger becomes endued with angelic qualities. Attaining that state, he finds his heaven in the contemplation of Eternal Beauty, and no longer in fleshly delights.” (4)
Even though the majority of us are ready to leave the lower vibrations behind, I think it’s important that we do and experience things we won’t be able to do in the higher realms. This doesn’t have to apply to other spiritually inclined writers, but I also don’t want to present spirituality in a way that associates it with close-mindedness.
Presenting the admittedly stern and difficult enlightenment path as something that entails completely giving up on certain earthly things might dissuade other potential seekers from taking their first steps, but, of course, we’ll eventually have to be willing to give up the earthly and the finite if we want to explore the greatest depths of spirit.
The best advice I can give is to do what works for you, and if it no longer works, stop doing it. If something feels right in your heart (instead of just sounding right in your mind) feel free to pursue it.
It all comes down to what does and doesn’t work for each seeker. We’re free, spiritual beings, but at a certain point, we’ll have to be willing to embrace spirit over matter.
In our final quote, Beinsa Duono tells us about the realms that exist ‘above’ and ‘below’ ours.
“We think that man is on the highest rung of the evolutionary ladder, but evolution is without end. Just as there are beings that exist below man, there are Beings that exist above man as well. These Beings evolved from the universes of the past.” (5)
Someone who doesn’t know a lot about the higher dimensions might readily call these beings ‘angels’, but there are an infinite amount of higher-dimensional souls believed to be assisting humanity with our ongoing evolution. I’m sure there are plenty of angels who watch and assist us, but beyond them, various entities and collectives exist who, in my opinion, we can communicate with.We’re far more capable of higher-dimensional communication than we give ourselves credit for, and if we wanted to, we could communicate with the angels and various other beings who’d offer their wisdom and insight in hopes of helping us find enlightenment.
Humanity’s understanding of the existence around us is far too miniscule to really understand what the higher dimensions or the souls who exist in them are like, so for now, we can only hypothesize.
My hypothesis is that the angels are one out of, again, an infinite amount of higher-dimensional groups who are focused on humanity’s spiritual evolution. We can communicate with the angels if we want, and eventually, we might even become angels (or another higher-dimensional classification).
This is the first of plenty of reports about enlightenment that I’d like to present in the weeks and months ahead. Like nearly everything else I write about, we haven’t scratched the surface of what’s available about the enlightenment path, and hopefully, these reports will teach us new and interesting things about enlightenment and our spiritual evolution.
I learn something new every time I write about enlightenment (and anything else), and hopefully, you’ll all grow and learn from these reports too. Their purpose will be to help any of you out there who are also interested in enlightenment but don’t know as much about it as you’d like, and don’t worry – we’ll have plenty more to discuss.
There are entire encyclopedias about enlightenment that we can study and learn from. Like I’ve said plenty of times by this point, the greatest teachings will be found within, but these reports are intended to assist our inner work with material about it and the exalted place it’ll help us access.
Humanity’s just beginning to understand spirit and the amazing things that await our perception, and those of us who are starting to become aware can traverse the enlightenment path with grace if we choose, making it easier for the rest of the world to do the same when their time comes.
Wes Annac – Here to learn and grow from this difficult yet heavenly existence.
- Swami Nikhilananda, Shankara’s Self-Knowledge. Madras, 1967, 67-8. *The “gunas” are the three cosmic forces of balance, activity, and torpor.
- Acts 27:23-4. *Suggestion that Jesus has joined the ranks of angels.
- Cohn Luibheid, trans., Pseudo-Dionysus, His Complete Works. New York and Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1989, 159.
- Al-Ghazzali, The Alchemy of Happiness. trans. Claud Field. Lahore: ASHRAF, 1971; c1964, 17.
- Beinsa Douno, The Wellspring of Good. Downloaded fromhttp://www.beinsadouno.org/lib/sg.htm, accessed 21 Feb. 2005, n.p.
I’m a 21 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Culture of Awareness daily news site.
The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as articles I’ve written and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material that’s spiritually inspired and/or related to the fall of the planetary elite and our entrance into a positive future.
I can also be found at Conscious Oneness, The Golden Age of Gaia, Lightworkers.org, Ashtar Command Crew, Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness), and Twitter.
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