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Tuesday, September 30, 2014
September is a powerful month of completion, consolidation and harvest. We are still zooming along a super accelerated Fast Track in a state of non-stop action and we are still dealing with a multitude of ever changing situations and details. We're constantly challenged to take multi-tasking to Off the Map levels. The surf has been so extremely choppy that we are learning that there's a flow within the choppiness.
Throughout September, we are literally propelled into taking action to change our lives, whether we like it or not. We will be chased out of our comfort zones and thrust into unknown territory. Many elements will either move closer to their True Position or click right into it.
For the past few years, it has felt as if we've been passing through a Black Hole in which everything that is expired, superficial or untrue is being forcibly stripped off of us. It's like being tossed around inside a rock tumbler which has been knocking off all our rough bits until we emerged with a renewed clarity of purpose. Everything that still set off our internal triggers was more grist for the mill that polished our stone.
Aisha North ~ The manuscript of survival – part 426
Let us begin this missive by saying that you have by now already accomplished to pierce a few holes in that membrane that separates you from your own greatness, and like stars on the firmament, these small apertures will begin to exude a powerful light that will begin to attract you attention, but also the attention of others. You see, you are not just here to discover your own greatness, you are here to utilize that high voltage of light to create change on a vast scale, not just for your planet, but for All of creation. And before this adds to your already considerable pile of reasons to begin to think yourselves unworthy of all of this attention, know that you are far above and beyond anything that we can heap upon you of our most lavish of praise. For you are truly gods in your own right, but still, the rediscovery of this lies somewhere off into the future, but now, you will at least begin to get a small inkling of it by the light that will begin to seep through these small apertures you have created for yourself.
Bob Fickes ~ Mother Maria ~ A Gift From Mother Maria
I AM Mary, and I welcome you in peace.
I present to you my White Dove and my White Flame.
For in the Dove is the White Flame of Life. It is the White Flame of Peace. It is the Flame of Love and Ascension Power.
Now I place the White Flame upon your brow just above the eyes so that the Dove may spread its wings and the inner mind may be opened to the Light.
May the White Dove lift you into a higher realm of understanding and perception. May you have Peace.
Next I place my hand upon your heart and plant a seed therein. This is the seed of love. It stretches up to the White Light in the Dove and down into the Red Flame of Mother Earth.
Bob Fickes ~ The Final Frontier: Our Inner Universe
The great adventure has begun. Human consciousness is the final frontier: our Inner Universe. Masters have told us about Enlightenment and demonstrated amazing gifts that inspire us. But for all that they have told us and the many extraordinary things that they have demonstrated, this is only a small view of the things we will discover on our journey to Enlightenment.
Consciousness is a field of infinite possibilities beyond anything we can imagine, even beyond “Lucy” and the super heroes. It is difficult to imagine that just by sitting in meditation with countless thoughts and restlessness we will eventually uncover gifts and experiences that will shatter our old view of what it means to be human.
Beloved masters, your GOD-SEED ATOM / I AM Presence is your original Core Intelligence, your first individualized identity within a Universal or Sub-universal experience. Within this Sub-universal experience, your first twelve God-Sparks / soul fragments contained all the virtues, aspects, talents and knowledge you would need to traverse the multiple levels (dimensions) within this Sub-universe. Since that time, your God-Seed Atom Essence has refracted and separated innumerable times. You are now in the process of reclaiming all the multiple facets of your soul-self within the third/fourth dimensions so that you may move forward to a greater, more dynamic and expansive version of your Higher Self within a fifth-dimensional environment. To assist you in accomplishing this, your Diamond Core God Cell and your personal Flower of Life Creator Wheel contain a full measure of the Twelve Rays of God-Consciousness for this Sub-universal experience. They were designed so that when you were ready to begin the return journey into the higher levels of consciousness, you would have access to your own FULL SPECTRUM DIVINITY. Your task is to activate these Rays, to incorporate the God qualities and attributes they contain, and then to use these qualities and attributes for the greatest good. There is still much confusion as to what the soul is, how it functions, and where it resides. It is vital that you understand the intricate process of reconnecting with the many facets of your Higher Self. It is also important that you gain clarity about the more in-depth teachings we have given you regarding the multiple Higher Self Fragments (you have many, not just one) and the process for incorporating these multiple facets of Self. Therefore, we feel it is time for an advanced explanation of this most important process for the EVOLUTION OF THE SOUL.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Suzanne Lie ~ Beginning Our Primary Mission -- Message from IlliaEm 9-28-14
(I actually received this message in 1997.
Patience, patience, patience is the core of planetary ascension.)
Message from IlliaEm
Beginning Our Primary Mission
I AM IlliaEm, speaking in concert with the Arcturian Group Mind,
We wish to share with you that your Primary Mission is about to begin. Once it begins, it will take on a life of its own.
At that point, it will no longer feel like YOUR Mission, for YOU will no longer be an “individual.” YOU will BE a Multidimensional Being who is part of the very large group of your SELF.
No longer will you have individual, ego-based control of your life. Instead, you will consciously be aware of myriad voices, visions and realities within your consciousness. All this stimuli must then be congealed into one clear, purposeful course of action. Because of this, it is vital that you create a strong foundation for this “journey back to SELF. You will need to completely and thoroughly ground your physical body, your psyche, your thoughts and your emotions in Gaia.
Sandra Walter ~ Equinox through Blood Moon Eclipse passages: Revealing the Shift
Everything has changed – again.
The Equinox through the Blood Moon Eclipse passage brings a deepening of the Solar Cosmic Christ that is somewhat unexplainable in linear terms. You have to feel it to know it, however I will do my best to describe it here. For the linear levels: We have four Equinox-Blood Moon passages in 2014 – 2015 which increase in intensity as they anchor the Solar Cosmic Christ. They get more acute in their purpose, shorter in their duration. We are in the middle of one right now.
The Equinox brings the balancing point for New Light entry (the precise Equinox date/time is based on an off-planet point out in space to align perfectly with the Sun); the Blood Moon eclipse brings a finishing, anchoring energy at the end of the New Light influx. The windows for 2014 – 2015 are:
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Marlene swetlishoff ~ HILARION 2014 September 28-October 5, 2014
Beloved Ones,
As the world shifts to a higher dimension, it is for the most part, not recognized by the world at large, only by those who are attuned to the energy influxes. It is the lighted ones such as you who hold and anchor the light on Earth. Many of you do not recognize the important role that you play in the unfolding events and we want you to know that everyone of you is needed at this time. It is important to hold your light and stay in a space of peace and calm, joy and happiness. By doing this you counteract the attempts to keep the populace living in fear and worry and that balancing effect is needed now.
Many of you are gearing up as your creativity flows through you and you are inspired with many wonderful ideas and creative projects. Some of you feel overwhelmed with the abundance of ideas that are coming into your consciousness and feel that you do not know which one to pursue. Know that if you record the information that comes to you, you will be able to know instinctively which is ready to manifest and which can be looked at later. Many times, the downloads of information coming into the Earth’s atmosphere are received by many different individuals and so there will be a theme that emerges that is shared with many others. Each individual is unique and so what comes through each one will never be quite the same.
Marilyn Rafaelle ~ The Arcturian Group September 28, 2014
SEPTEMBER 28, 2014
We of the Arcturian Group speak today regarding the many changes you are experiencing in your lives and observing in the lives of others. Many have chosen to leave earth at this time, but try not to fret or mourn them dear ones, for it is everyone's choice in this time of ever increasingly powerful energies to stay or to leave. Many have determined on a deeper level that are unable to spiritually evolve to where they need to be in time to be a part of the higher frequencies of ascension energy coming to earth at this time. They have made the choice to incarnate at a later time into what will be then, established new energies. All are where they need to be.
We speak to those concerned that they are not evolving quickly enough or doing whatever is needed to incorporate the new energies. Be assured dear ones, that once you choose to evolve (through activities of seeking, reading, meditation, and even stating your intention, etc.), you will get whatever lessons, clearings, experiences, and guidance are needed. Do not compare yourselves to the descriptions you may of read in some book about how ascension or evolution must feel or appear in order to be authentic--every person will experience his journey as is appropriate for him. Each one's Higher Self knows what is needed and when it is needed.
Karen Dover ~ GOD message for 27th September 2014
Beloved one I am the energies that are referenced to you as GOD and I am here with you as you now embrace the New Earth frequency realities that are opening through you, around you and within you. Note that ALL can and will change as you now release the constraints and the frequencies that have held you trapped within a construct that has always sought to teach you lack, less, etc. As you now gather your strength and begin to pour your energy into the New Earth DREAM that exists within your heart space the release will be triggered. For many of you this may come as a sense of great relief, the release akin to a pressure cooker that has built up within you with no obvious cause to your human logical mind. For others you may sense a great expansion and the release of tension that has prevented you from moving fully into your creations. For ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE in TRUTH.
Package Audios for Cleansing + removal implants in the lower bodies and chakras
Picture designed by Greg Ohmer especially for the Channeling Course
Méline :
! To those who are taking the channeling course: these audios are a part of your course (module 2 part 2) so if you are following the channeling course, no need to purchase these audios separately!
These are two of the package of audios from the Channeling course, made available separately to work on the cleansing of your 4 lower bodies as well as the chakras. In both audios we remove impurities as well as implants by working with the Violet Flame and the SeafoamGreen to remove and transmute even the residue of this all. These tools are a perfect and powerful combination to do a profound cleansing and removal of implants which keeps you free of implants as long as you repeat on using these tools and Light Rays regularly.The vibration of the SeafoamGreen is so strong that it dissolves the residue that still lingers after a cleansing with the Violet Flame as it enhances the power and the ability of the violet Flame.
Méline :
! To those who are taking the channeling course: these audios are a part of your course (module 2 part 2) so if you are following the channeling course, no need to purchase these audios separately!
These are two of the package of audios from the Channeling course, made available separately to work on the cleansing of your 4 lower bodies as well as the chakras. In both audios we remove impurities as well as implants by working with the Violet Flame and the SeafoamGreen to remove and transmute even the residue of this all. These tools are a perfect and powerful combination to do a profound cleansing and removal of implants which keeps you free of implants as long as you repeat on using these tools and Light Rays regularly.The vibration of the SeafoamGreen is so strong that it dissolves the residue that still lingers after a cleansing with the Violet Flame as it enhances the power and the ability of the violet Flame.
Aggiornamento da Méline Portia Lafont e messaggio di Saint Germain – La padronanza della coscienza
Sembra che sia passato un po’ di tempo da quando ho condiviso degli aggiornamenti e il tempo sembra scorrere così veloce. Personalmente IO SONO stata letteralmente coinvolta in una tale energia creativa, da una forte ispirazione e dal lavoro. Mi trovo in uno stadio di profondo rilascio delle vite passate, di tutti i miei aspetti più oscuri dell’essere che sono stati integrati durante le mie precedenti esistenze. Non mi sarei mai aspettata di essere coinvolta in un processo così pesante di rilascio ma ne intravedo il dono e le benedizioni poiché sento che sto diventando più leggera e ancor più vicina al mio Sé personale e alla mia Fiamma Gemella. Comprendo che questo è un processo necessario per raggiungere veramente quel corpo di Luce e la Ri-Unione con la Fiamma Gemella. E’ stato un messaggio forte e chiaro, per me, di focalizzarmi solo su questo, per il momento, in quanto le parti connesse con la Fiamma Gemella desiderano disperatamente riunirsi in Uno.
Ci si aspetta lo stesso da voi, da coloro che sono disposti e aperti a ricevere e manifestare questo processo nella propria realtà. In base a quanto chiedete vi sarà dato e posso veramente affermarlo. Infatti, nel mio lavoro di lettura/canalizzazione ho visto che molti di voi stanno sperimentando molto di quello che accade anche a me. Si tratta, generalmente, di lasciar andare molto materiale appartenente a vecchi strati connessi con vite passate e siamo sorpresi nel constatare quanto ancora ci viene richiesto di rilasciare. Sembra un processo infinito ma tendiamo a dimenticare che portiamo nel nostro Essere migliaia, se non milioni, di vite. In precedenza questo materiale non poteva essere ripulito e lasciato andare in una manciata di vite EPPURE noi LO FACCIAMO e POSSIAMO fare tutto ADESSO, in questa vita. Perché? Perché in questo processo sono disponibili ad assisterci così tanti Esseri, energie, portali, Fiamme Solari e Codici di Luce e perché ci troviamo nell’Età dell’Oro in cui tutti gli allineamenti e le potenti energie che ci vengono donate sono profondi e Magici!
Saturday, September 27, 2014
It is time to ‘Open the gate’ to all experiences you keep yourself separated from, in thoughts, in deeds, in longings, and heart’s desires. Open the gate that keeps you from a future that is sweet and plentiful. It is your belief system that keep you stagnate not moving forward. It is your personal canyon that seems endless, in a sky that seems cloistered with thunder clouds. Open the gate and set free all that has once served you so that it can learn to fly, learn to swim, learn to tunnel deep in the earths mysteries. Open the gate to everything that you are destined to be, minus all the earth drama.
Experience the flowing of the trueness of your beginning without end, of your end without beginning. Let go of all self imposed limitations and programs. Let go of all excuses and procrastination's. Unearth the potential that you have kept sequestered away. Open to see all that is happening in a single moment in any place in this universe. For you have that ability but you must announce if to yourself in remembrance. 'I can see through space and time, through sky and cloud, through dirt'. 'I can walk through stars and the air with the greatest of ease.
Natalie Glasson – The Exposure Of The Earth Sacred Treasure By Goddess Oscea – 27 September 2014
Within the consciousness of the Planet Earth, this means within the light creating the energetic and physical structure of the Earth there is a great volume of wisdom born from the universe of the Creator. The wisdom is held within encoded waves of love which ensure all those with pure intentions can access the knowledge as it also holds the divine plan of the Creator for the Earth, all nature and elemental kingdoms and humanity.
Love acts as a powerful protector as one can only penetrate the energy waves of love to access their treasures if one exists and vibrates from the true love within their being. When you approach the love waves within the light structure and consciousness of the Earth the key to unlock and accept its wisdom is your own truthful emanation of love. This precaution has been put in place in order to ensure the wisdom isn’t used for misaligned purposes encouraging the Earth to stray from its destiny.
Bob Fickes ~ Discovering our Aura Body
Consciousness is electric. The more powerful our state of consciousness, the brighter our Aura becomes. As our consciousness gets bigger, our Aura expands. Eventually our Aura fills the room with the light of our consciousness. This means that now our consciousness is filling the room 360 degrees. If we relax we can feel how big our consciousness has become. We can feel the electricity vibrating all around us. We can say that the Aura is another body that our consciousness can use just like our physical body. Our Aura body has senses of perception just like our physical body. The Aura body can feel and know things that are beyond the ability of our physical body.
Learning to feel our Aura is more than just an exercise to see the colors. It becomes an opportunity to use our consciousness to know things that are happening around us. If consciousness is electricity, this electricity can feel movements within itself much like the water in a swimming pool can sense waves moving through the pool. Thoughts and feelings produce waves in the electrical field of the room. If you are quiet and feel the gentle waves generated by other people’s thoughts, you can also learn how to know what they are thinking.
Mankind at certain times have always stood before immense epochs in their history, where the collective stood before the portals of the next dimensions and then had to either step through this portal, or were left behind.
Whether this was in the civilizations before Lemuria, and Atlantis of afterwards, there were always times when the higher paths, and the higher evolutionary states could have been reached, but then the self-destructive tendencies which haunted mankind since the first time, would re-emerge.
Bob Fickes ~ How to See Auras
The Aura is the electrical field that surrounds our body. The electrical field of our consciousness produces the Aura. Every thing we think and every emotion that we feel generates electricity. The vibration of each feeling and each thought is displayed in our Aura as a variety of colors. We can learn to see this electrical field very easily once we have been shown how to do it.
Normally we use our consciousness through our senses to focus on something and see the details. This is training we have learned since the time we were a child and reinforced our whole life through our education and our work. We have never learned how to perceive without focusing on something.
Friday, September 26, 2014
Update from Méline Portia Lafont and message from Saint Germain ~ Master consciousness
It seems it has been a while since I shared some new updates as time seems to pass by so fast. I AM personally literally being pulled in so much energy of creativity, inspiration and work. I find myself being in a stage of profound release of past lifetimes; of all the darker facets of my being that were integrated during all my former lives. I never expected to be doing such heavy release but I see the gift and the blessing in this process as I feel that I am getting lighter and even closer to my own personal Self and Twin Flame. I understand that this is a process that is needed in order to truly get to that Light body and the Twin Flame Reunion. It has been a clear and strong message for me to only focus on that for the moment as my Twin Flame parts yearn to reunite as One.
It awaits all of you who are willing and open to receive and to manifest this in their own reality. As you ask, so shall you receive and I can affirm this wholeheartedly. In fact I have been seeing that many of you during my reading work are experiencing much of the same as I do. It is about releasing so much of our old layers from past lifetimes in general and still we are amazed of how much exactly is required to be released. It seems like a never ending story but often we tend to forget that we carry thousands if not millions of lifetimes in our Being. Before, this could not be cleared and released in a handful of lifetimes, YET we DO and we CAN do all of this work NOW in this lifetime. Why? Because so many beings, energies, portals, Solar Flares and Light Codes are available for us to assist in this release because we are in the Golden Era and all the alignments and powerful energies that are gifted to us are just profound and Magical!
Aisha North ~ The manuscript of survival – part 425
This message will perhaps shake up a few of those old misconceptions that still survive even in some of the enlightened circles. You see, this has very much to do about the very nature of things, and when we say that we are actually referring to the state that makes everything come about or rather come into existence in a way that enables you to perceive them. For existence and the definition of it is indeed a very convoluted subject, as what seems to exist to a human, is merely the tiniest tip of the proverbial iceberg compared to what really is out here. You see, or rather, you cannot see so much of what truly IS, and even with the most sophisticated of your equipment, you have only started to scratch the surface of Creation. Or perhaps we should say you have only seen one tiny layer of that huge and complex structure. And so, mankind go around with some very set notions in their minds of what IS and what is indeed possible, and so you continue to see everything from an extremely narrow perspective.
Greetings everyone, before I begin the channeling I would like to tell you once again of very exciting news, that we have indeed entered a photon belt. On September 22nd the following image was posted by NASA.
The image above shows the plane of the Milky Way with x-rays indicated in blue and gamma rays indicated in purple. Read more at:
At the same time I have received an e-mail from a beautiful Light worker Luis Nunez who wrote to me saying “For some reason the thought crossed my mind yesterday, to search and see if there was a live stream of earth on real time going on at around 8:30 central European time. I found a stream from the international space station being broadcasted on Ustream and I took a couple of pictures that I’d like to share with you….People may say it’s a coincidence, but to me it was a beautiful moment…”
St. Germain - Meisterbewusstsein ~ Durch Méline Portia Lafont
Ich grüße und segne euch, meine Lieben.
Die Zeit hat uns zu Jetzt-Situation der Menschheit geführt, eure weltlichen Angelegenheiten werden langsam angehoben in ein neues Bewusstsein, das im Laufe von tausenden von Jahren ausgesät worden ist. Es ist das Kollektiv, das neue Bewusstseinsformen annimmt und neue Arten von Kreationen hervorbringt. Während die Meisterwesen, so wie ihr es seid, in ihren das Meisterbewusstsein beherbergenden Körpern die neuen irdischen Muster erschaffen, steht gerade eine große Bewegung für die Menschheit insgesamt an und vollzieht sich bereits.
Dies erfolgt in mehreren Phasen und Ebenen von Integrationen, und so sieht sich die Menschheit augenblicklich den alten Schulden der Dualität gegenüber gestellt, die sich zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt in vollem Umfang präsentieren. Wenn ihr dieses alte Verständnis von Dramen und Chaos hinter euch lasst, werden die neuen irdischen Muster von allen Torwächtern und Meisterwesen implementiert.
Atualização de Méline Portia Lafont e uma mensagem de Saint Germain ~ Consciência mestre
Traduzido Portuguese por Patrícia Teixeira
Parece que foi já á algum tempo desde que partilhei algumas atualizações pois o tempo tem passado tão rápido. EU ESTOU literalmente no meio de tanta energia criativa, inspiração e trabalho. Eu encontro-me numa fase de grande libertação de vidas passadas; de todas as facetas de escuridão do meu ser que foram integradas em vidas anteriores. Eu nunca pensei que iria fazer tanta libertação mas eu reconheço a bênção neste processo, pois eu sinto que estou a ficar mais leve e cada vez mais perto do meu próprio Ser e Chama Gémea. Eu entendo que este é um processo que é necessário de maneira a verdadeiramente a chegar ao corpo de Luz e á Reunião com a Chama Gémea. Tem sido uma mensagem forte e clara para que eu somente me concentre nisto, pois as partes da minha Chama Gémea anseiam a nossa reunião como Um.
Lauren C Gorgo ~ Lightbody Living: our new normal
Very recently I was brought into a meeting with the League of Galactic Nations, and so immediately I knew that something special was on the horizon. I was asked to stand in as a cosmic receiver and earth transmitter for what was called an “approaching super-accelerated time of transformation.”
The primary topic discussed was our growing light and its effects on our physical body…mostly in preparation for what feels like a incoming cosmic cacophony…in a good way. Though it wasn’t specifically mentioned, I am assuming that this is all in direct relation to the equinox and the new moon/eclipse passage/mercury retrograde combo we are headed into…or, more holographically speaking, that is headed into us.
I also got the feeling through this meeting of galactic minds that this entire year was somehow leading up to this very moment…moment, as in several weeks…and is also the reason why many are still so steadily in the process of quantum deep excavation, releasing the seemingly-never-ending-remnants of unresolved emotion trapped within the lower body system. Tho I can see now that all this prep work was to assist us (as much as possible) to enter this higher frequency band, unhindered.
From the messages I have been downloading the last couple of weeks, I feel pretty confident in saying that we are about to witness some kind of major breakthrough…that there is a pay-off of sorts approaching. Whatever is coming feels pretty potent and not necessarily in a bring-us-to-our-knees way…although ascension experience has definitely taught me to never rule that option out.
If you have been repetitively dunked in the deep end, it's all for the sake of sovereignty...
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Bob Fickes ~ Life is Perfect!
When we get our Enlightenment, we will look back at our life and see that everything was perfect. Every detail including every mistake was divinely placed so that we would come to this Enlighenment. What is this Enlightenment? It is the fully Awakened state of human consciousness. In order to achieve this state we need to become aware of every detail of our life. The key to this achievement is not what we do or how we do it. The key to this achievement is in being mindful of everything we do. Being fully aware of what we are doing.
Each day determine to be awake and simply observe what you are doing. When you are walking, just be with the walking. Feel the movement of your body as it takes one step after another. If you are thinking, be aware of the process of thinking. How your thinking is changing your life. How your thinking is useful and constructive. See life as it is: it is perfect. What you need to be doing is what you are doing right now. What you are not doing is not important. What you wish for is not important. What others are doing is not important. Simply observe what YOU are doing.
Trust is a gift that comes from deep within the heart and soul.
There is perhaps no greater trust than that of an open and loving heart.
In that one then wishes to embrace the other totally – and utterly, and then trust that the other will honor the sacred space within, and not break that trust.
For within each of us there are sacred sanctuaries – the innermost gardens of our hearts.
It is here that we cultivate our deepest wishes, our deepest dreams, and highest aspirations. It is here that we can sit quietly and think things through. It is here that our inner seeing, hearing, knowing, and gut feelings have room to guide us forever onto the pathways of the heart and soul.
Aisha North ~ A message from Mother
And here I am once more, ready to impart another message into your being. For you have all come through another stage of your development now dear ones, and so you stand before me as if freshly born again, the empty vessels of yesteryear lying discarded beside you. And so too me, for I have also been taken through a renewal of the senses and of the spirit in such a way, the material layers have once more become fortified as these nutritious elements of energetic upraising have surged through us all. You see, this period of time is not just about the amount of light and how it is being dispersed by our collective Sun, this is also about the energetic shift that has taken place, and for the likes of us, the latter is indeed the greatest news. For as you all came together focusing your intent on shifting forwards, you helped the entire volume of this mass to become lighter in every way. For what came our way from the outer reaches of Creation once more helped to alter the conglomeration of mass already created here on this planet in such a way, the energetic imprint it all carries has also been shifted to a very new angle, one that not only reflects the light in a very new way, but also one that assimilates the incoming light even more efficiently.
Wes Annac – Oversoul Teachings Q&As: Contact With ‘Silver Beings’ – 23 September 2014
As long as you’re unwilling to take up the creative ventures so many of you are destined to take up in this transformative time of heightened consciousness and awareness, you’ll have difficulty finding the divine flow you seek.
You can feel and access this flow at any given time, but it requires the willingness to allow your ego-driven perception and everything that comes with it to fade and be replaced with the infinite, omnipotent love of your opening and expanding hearts.
You have the opportunity to feel and radiate an increasing amount of pure love energy for the rest of humanity to absorb and benefit from, but you have to be committed to your missions if you want your work to reach the millions of other people it can potentially reach and touch their hearts in a way that inspires them to become active in raising humanity’s vibration.
Selacia – Becoming The New You – 24 September 2014
By Selacia
Do you ever feel like you are stuck in the middle, like you are in between worlds?
It is like one world is the old existence you thought you were done with and the new world is not yet fully formed.
This feeling of being in a void is in fact common on the path of awakening. In fact, the more conscious and awake you are, the more you will be able to sense subtle shifts in your life phases. It’s actually natural to have moments when you sit in a void, a space within which creation of the new is taking place. Your conventional mind may worry that nothing is happening – so untrue!
Your spiritual transformation, after all, is a process over time. Never a finished product, you continue to push the envelope, relentlessly seeking to express more of your authentic divine changemaker self. During phases of experience, you grow spiritually and shift in countless ways.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Bob Fickes ~ The Age of Feminine Power: Your Time has Come
There is something stirring deep within the heart of every woman. The divine goddess is awakening on Earth and every woman is feeling it on some level. This is the birthing power, the true creative power of the universe. The new woman wants to express her feelings and do something important for her self and her world. She has a new wisdom and intelligence that sees life differently than our ancestors of the recent past.
The power of a woman is in her love. When a woman opens her heart and shares her love, everyone around her feels more confident and more powerful. They always say that behind every great man is a great woman. This is the power of love.
Tips on Strengthening Child Self Esteem By Johneal Rouse
Méline: This article was written by a sweet friend of mine, we have met during the Glastonbury weekend workshop. You can find out more about Johneal underneath the article and on his website:
The summer holidays are long gone and with that the wonderful if slightly stressful period of having the kids at home all the time..
However the start of a new school term can be a good time to step back and reassess your own sub-conscious beliefs and self talk, which in turn has a tremendous effect on how you relate to and nurture your child’s self worth and self belief.
Below are a few pointers on enlightened parenting and planting positive seeds of self esteem in your child that honours your truth as well as theirs.
- Recognise (and consistently reiterate the message) that your child is inherently worthy and lovable, and that this is not based on their doing things right or the way you want them done at any time. Even where you need to correct, or pull your child up for inappropriate behaviour, doing this in a manner that validates them as being worthy and lovable.
Karen Dover ~ The Release of Constraints
Many of you may have experienced an intense equinox with much emotion surfacing which may have floored you. The distortions that are taught within the old 3D earth created construct are not supported in the New Earth frequency realities. As the planet itself is raising its frequency then the frequencies that no longer resonate within the human vehicle rise to the surface. It is to be noted that ANY triggers that have appeared for you over the past linear 48 hours are there to HELP you, you can only release that which you can see and acknowledge at a human conscious waking mind level.
There is no more “hiding” any longer, that which no longer serves the human race will be illuminated from within the human race. From the simplest teaching to the most complex hidden teaching the frequencies are no longer supported therefore rise to the surface to be released. Any attempts at swallowing down said frequencies and “carrying on” will see much frustration and intense emotional pain manifest within you. The emotional pain is there to be released, the human race has been TAUGHT to accept abandonment, betrayal and grief as a “natural” part of being human and as this is not TRUTH it is not supported.
Archangel Michael's Shield of protecion by Trillia Gia
Archangel Michael Speaks
Channeler: Trillia Gia
It is I, Archangel Michael. I greet you this day. I come to speak directly to you in this now moment of time. Feel My Presence and know always that you are never alone. We are family and it is My honor to guide and protect each soul who sends forth a call from their heart flame to Mine. We are well within the days of transition and know that the Change that is within you shall soon manifest before you.
Have you chosen to bring forth the beauty that flows forth from your heart in service to our Father Mother God through your heart to create the miracles you seek? Each of you who reads My words have stood before Me to pledge your hands, your feet and most importantly your heart in service to our Creator to bring forth that which has been decreed, to bring forth Freedom to your Mother and all her children! When you took your sacred pledge before Me to serve as Earth Eagles you each received required training to serve you well in these Days of Harvest. Many gifts were bestowed upon each chosen to step down their frequencies and walk among the shadows. For each to succeed you understood well that it is necessary to call forth for My protection and to put on your Armor of Light daily. My specific shielding when used by dedicated Earth Eagles enables My Legion of Light known as the Eagle Command working within and alongside the great Galactic Federation of Light (GFL) to maneuver the space around you for your protection.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Master Lanto on the September Equinox Energies: You Are The Power of the Universe – Channeled by Fran Zepeda September 20, 2014
Master Lanto:
Greetings. The purity of the energies are entering your beings at an increasing rate. Lifting you in gigantic waves of ascension. And in this Lifting, you have a chance and a duty to yourself to rise above the diminishing lower energies that are still clinging to you.
I come to support you in this Lifting, in this refinement of your energies. The purity of the energies are matching the purity of your soul and while sometimes it is difficult to differentiate this purity from the lingering leaving energies of the past, it is well worth your while to intend to rise above this difference.
I take you now on a journey of your pure soul, of allowing yourself to mingle with all your higher aspects now. The energies of Now are in complete support of this. This upliftment, this revealing of the purity and radiance of your soul and your connection with Creator is now leading the way in your journey of ascension.
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