Hello beautiful Ones!
I AM super delighted to announce that the Channeling Course OR "Connecting to SELF" is completely finished and available! There are now 3 extra Modules online as well as the entire Course with some extra's attached to it.. I AM proud of my Course for all the energy I've put into it and I am so excited to share this with you all because I know how much it has helped me during my channeling journey and it surely will help you as well. Blessed and honored to be able and share it with you all. I thank you for your patience and trust in myself and my work! Thank you!
Check out the link for all extras and options concerning the channeling course because there are specials attached to every option of purchase. For those interested in starting the Course or introducing it to your friends: When purchasing the Channeling Course complete (all 6 modules) at once you receive a discount + a 50% discount coupon for 1 future reading + a special gift. There are payment installment options as well with extras!
The Dutch version is almost finished as well, keep your eyes on the website now and then as it will come online later on! Module 3 is currently being translated for our Portuguese friends as well.
That being said...
The current energies after the final Blood Moon, brought up a lot ! There is much confusion as to what is going on and how some parts and facets of your old life can still attain in your new birthed reality, while other parts are clearly gone ~ as if they were erased to some degree. Many have experienced a true and profound rebirth ~ like I did ~ and are feeling to be walking in the lands of New Earth. This is so because YOU have transformed and birthed into new Rays of consciousness and so will you be experiencing EVERYTHING in new ways on your Earth coming from the inner plane being the projector and the external world being the white screen. The Final Blood Moon has truly been the marker of the new Earth paradigm beginning! As of now we truly are the active builders of this paradigm and are we experiencing to be creators within our conscious mind. As always we have to see it as an happening within and not outside of you. The changes in the external are a result of the inner shifts and vibrations of your Being so find your answers there when you have questions as to why some things are still part of your reality while most are not anymore.
Then of course we still have the collective consciousness influences but as 1/3 of the Global mass has achieved this shift and another great amount of over a few million have been activated to awaken since the Blood Moon, we will start to see shifts and changes as well and even more in our collective awareness.
Many have been feeling the calling or desire to create for themselves and to make a new living that is more in alignment with their soul purpose In that sense of these Blood Moon energies, I believe it is time for you to act upon this calling and make it work! Remember that you now orchestrate as a Higher Self into embodiment of what you wish to bring out in life, so have confidence in this fact and your abilities! You have made the steps now to proceed as a true active creator and co-facilitate this task with others.
In the meanwhile, I am here to assist wherever I can. I too have made some profound changes and so will my kind of energy work come to change in palpable ways real soon. I already have some ideas and have been shown what I am to do and that brings up a few changes on my website as well as in my service work. The Kundalini reiki, Boosters and Gold Reiki are of old paradigm for me so I won't be doing these anymore. Only the Ethereal crystal attunements will stay available for now. But new ones will come as we have evolved into new levels and thus will there be new kinds of activations and energy work that I will be offering. More in due time....
For now I send you my Love and Blessings and know that I am honored to share this path with you all. I am very grateful <3 I Love you!
Thank you.........xoxoxoxo...I am so excited and can't wait for the new levels to come to us.