When you recognize this, and when you realize and accept this, you radiate such a high light vibration that nothing can stop you in anything that you choose to do. Most of us have forgotten this truth however.
When you are feeling confident and loving, everyone will respond to your positive and high vibration. You have not only lifted up your consciousness level, but you are lifting everyone else’s consciousness and energy vibrational level. Your positive high vibration will lift up and positively influence bad people. That is how strong you are. Have a great sense of humor. Laugh a lot.
This raises your vibration and energy level. This raises your consciousness level. Anytime you are in a difficult situation, include humor into that situation. It will dissolve that situation and lift up the energy to another vibration and all the people associated with that situation. People that are laughing and smiling have a high frequency vibration. Associate yourself with happy people and watch yourself become happy. They will lift up your vibration.
Have peace, love and calmness in your heart at all times. These are all high vibrational frequencies. When there is grief or despair, love will heal it. Show compassion for every situation and the frequencies of that situation will be raised. You should always try to laugh as much as possible and have a sense of humor. This raises your frequency quite a bit. When you are laughing, when you are smiling, NOTHING can get to you.
Think of angels being around you. This will always raise your vibrations and consciousness levels as well. Angels love the vibration of laughter and your laughter brings your vibration closer to them. Always carry a sense of joy and enthusiasm in your life and in everything that you do. Stay calm and centered in any situation that is thrown your way. Acknowledge it as a lesson to be learned and take the lesson from the situation and move on to the next lesson.
This keeps you at a high vibration. Always have compassion and gratitude for everything in your life. You are blessed every moment of your life by Father / Mother God. Understanding and accepting this fact will raise your vibration so much. You need a high vibration in these times as the energies are hitting Earth like never before. Stay happy and joyful and laugh!
Now I will tell you what not to do and what lowers your energy and frequency vibrations. Remember first that any high vibrations will always dissolve and transmute the lower heavier vibrations. First of all, do not have any negative emotions. Do not have thoughts of violence, hurt, pain, abuse, worry, or jealousy. Do not be mad. Do not hold grudges for what was done or said to you in the past by others. Do not hold any of this inside of you.
You must release it all. When you swear, you have a dark cloud over your head, so do not swear. Do not judge others or criticize others. Do not be cynical of others. Do not patronize others or their beliefs. Do not make fun of others. Do not get involved in the drama of what is going on in someone’s life-the he said, she said or he did she did scenario. Do not take sides in an argument an egg one side on versus another.
Also please understand that you must remove your guilt from things you have done or said in your life. Your vibration is lowered when you do something because you feel that you ought to do it (or not do it) or that you should do it (or not do it) out of guilt. Guilt and fear are such low vibrations. Stay away and run to the hills when you see them. Do not let others force you to do things you are not comfortable doing. This gives them control and you lower your vibration.
Please don’t ever do things out of obligation or guilt. Do not let anyone make you feel guilty or place you in fear that if you do not do something (or do something), then something bad will happen. These are all low vibrations. Make your own decisions based on your intuition and from getting guidance from within. Remove all lack of self-worth that may come from any negative self-talk. You are a powerful being of light, remember?
So do not let others sway you based on their insecurities. Change your attitude and find your God Self, your I AM Presence and watch your light shine. Remember who you are and why you are here. You are here to ascend. You cannot do this if your energy vibrational level is low. Just raise it! It is that simple. Just smile and laugh and stand in your light.
Your light will always conquer other’s shadows and darkness and you will lead by example and the dark will turn to the light and follow you. Be proud and show the world your light by raising your consciousness and energy level. That is who you are in the higher dimensions; a pure being of light right from God’s heart. Take pride and honor this light!
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