21st August 2014
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World
A “diamond planet” was discovered in late 2012 and I’ve been fascinated by it ever since I heard about it – but didn’t really know why. As with most things recently, I wonder why these things stick out in my mind and therefore, what it was offering me on my spiritual journey. Then I put it together when I read an article from Forbes magazine about the diamond planet and the monetary “value” that was placed on it – $26.9 Nonillion (which is 26.9 followed by 30 zeros).
Here is a quote from the article I’m referring to “There is no doubt in my mind that it would be quite valuable for those of us on earth to be able to mine The Diamond Planet and sell its raw diamonds. Naturally, there is a question of whether all that supply could be absorbed by the market.”
The concept that humanity has any right to consider mining this far off planet for diamonds and selling them here on Earth is not only arrogant, it demonstrates our skewed priorities and the extent of the illusions that make up our disintegrating reality. Diamonds are only considered “valuable” because our society attributes a specific value to them. The perceived monetary value of the ‘diamond planet’ serves as a distraction from our true nature – curiosity and scientific enquiry about this amazing discovery.
For many of us today, we have forgotten where we come from and our true Divine Nature. I know that I had, and it’s been quite the journey finally “remembering” many of those things; those Universal truths. The process has pushed my mind to the “brink of insanity” and back again, and somehow, I always come back to myself, finding peace in my heart’s connection to Mother Earth.
Honoring the Divine Feminine
I have a very strong connection with Mother Earth and Grandmother Moon, and my awakening has been very “feminine” in nature. But, we can’t have Life without both aspects – yin/yang, masculine/feminine, night/day. As with most things there is “duality”, and the duality that I’m referring to right now is the God/Goddess elements of our spirituality.
I have read a great many things about this duality, and specifically about how many calendars used to be both Solar and Lunar. As we moved away from recognizing the Lunar aspect of time in our calendars, we have also moved away from the Lunar side of our spirituality – the Goddess, or Divine Feminine.
The Goddess is the intuitive side of our nature. She is our feminine aspects; the side of us that nurtures, that forgives, shows compassion, and is guided by emotional intelligence. She respects life and the Earth, has the power to heal, and a loving “maternal” instinct toward others. Respect for the Goddess energy is what has been missing from our society – and from ourconsciousness – for so very long. And she is trying very hard to get our attention.
Scarcity or Abundance?
Of course we all need money to survive, right? Well, I say wrong. We need the Earth to survive, and she has provided us with everything we need to do so. I mean, we can’t eat money right?
Money is only a representation of an energy exchange. On its own, it’s not a bad concept. The problem is that our current monetary and resource systems have been corrupted. A culture of scarcity and competition – instead of abundance and cooperation – has been deliberately cultivated, while mechanisms like fractional reserve banking ensure that wealth is funnelled away from the general population and into the hands of a few power brokers. Our nation’s “leaders” are at war with one another over land, money and oil, and it’s happening as we speak.
Beautiful Mother
I often wondered how we could ever place a monetary value on gifts of life from nature, such as food and water. Why so many must go hungry when our Mother has provided plenty for all of us, if only we would cooperate.
I often wondered why I didn’t have the freedom to live where I wanted on this beautiful planet; why I was “restricted” to a certain area just because of where I was born. Am I not free to roam, to explore, to see all the gifts of Mother Earth? Why does someone else get to decide where I can go?
What isn’t working for you?
Right now we have the opportunity and the obligation to ask ourselves – What we can do to break the cycle that is no longer working? What does our beautiful Mother need from us, in return for her sustenance? What do we want and need our societies to look like going forward?
It is all of our responsibility to open ourselves up to these questions. Until we show reverence for our Mother Earth, she will be sure that we continue to see and hear and feel her. She will rumble and roar until we look up to See her and ask her what she needs to thrive.
As Mother Earth continues to realign herself to a higher vibration, we are in a unique position; we have both the power and the need to manifest a new reality together, creating something new, different and beautiful.
We are diamonds, and it is our job to take care of our Mother who has provided us with sustenance and life.
We are diamonds, and it is our job to make sure that no one around us goes hungry or without shelter, or natural freedoms, or love.
We are diamonds, right here on Mother Earth, and it is our responsibility at this time in history to shine bright with our inner light and change our very reality.
See her, feel her, taste her, smell her, and LOVE her.
See, feel, taste and love EACH OTHER!
We don’t need to mine diamonds from the sky. I already see diamonds… everywhere!
Previous articles by Jennifer:
- Quantum Mechanics of the Soul
- Stop, Look and Listen: Healing a Society in Denial
- Healing The Trauma Drama
- Let It Rain – Finding Gratitude in Grief
- Into the Deep – Learning from the Shadow Within
- The Ties That Bind – Releasing Toxic Relationships
- Remember Love
- Where I Come From…
- Dying to Live: Unity and Oneness, or Corporate Rule?
About the author:
Jennifer Deisher shares her gift of emotional and spiritual Healing through soul readings and an ability to connect with others via intuition, empathy, and emotional experience. A profound Spiritual awakening opened a creative writing channel that converted her traumas into artistic expression, unlocking the authentic Blueprints of the Soul. Today, her unique insight and connectedness with Spirit allows her to guide others into their Higher Self where our own unique and individual Blueprints await discovery.
Jennifer believes the art of human connection has been conditioned into detachment from our True Self, which consequently denies us the essential Blueprints of our evolution. Driven to share her perspective with the world, she founded the website BlueprintsForButterflies to help others connect with their Higher Self and create a spiritual foundation in line with their own individual energy signature.
For more information please visit BlueprintsForButterflies.com
This article adapted for Wake Up World by Andy Whiteley and Jennifer Deisher.
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