Monday, June 1, 2015

Sandra Walter ~ June Zoom: The YES of the New Light


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

We are entering the June Zoom passage; our halfway point between the final Equinox-Blood Moon gates. May we all receive these pure expansive energies with ease and grace. What a Divine opportunity is upon us; so much to embrace, explore, and expand into. There is a lot unfolding with Shasta, and Gaia. I AM guided to share more later in the week, thank you to the reader collective for your patience.

There are new levels presenting in my service work. So much is aligning and saying YES to compliment the acceleration, both internally and externally.  We are truly blessed in this Mastery year of 2015.

Next weekend I AM facilitating an online retreat, open to all. No travel necessary, I like that. It is a beautiful three-day creation of direct activations, tools, light language and a new way to experience the conscious merge with your Higher Self.

A Brief Overview of the Retreat

On our first day, we will explore our Creator beingness, connecting with Source Creation dynamics. We do this via the vesica piscis and the tube torus; from how Source creates a Universe all the way to our experience in form. This may be new material for those not in the Ascension Path class. Merging with higher expressions of our True Self – even just the Higher Self – can greatly enhance our experience of Ascension. It is the goal of those desiring to embody Christ consciousness to merge consciousness with many aspects of the Self. It may be a good way to break apart (or at least challenge) more rigid belief systems as well.

On the second day, we will explore and experience multidimensional merge sequences. We cross the barrier between 4D and 5D to unify with the Higher Self. This activity is beautifully supported by light language and frequency tones. All of our focus goes to the heart center and its expasnsion, so it may be a powerful experience for some who have not felt Galactic level support for this endeavor.

In our third session, we strengthen the connection with the Higher Self and expand outward to 6D and beyond. Our Higher Self and Divine Teams serve as our tour guides to show us dimensional expressions of self beyond the 5D realm.

The downloadable replays of the retreat sessions may serve as guided meditation journeys. There is so much available to us during this heightened gateway of 2015. Blessings to everyone who is willing to explore these expanded states of consciousness on behalf of HUmanity and Gaia. Whether through the retreat, the Ascension Path class, or your own private study, we are supported, guided and held in a sacred space for these explorations of Self.

I AM honored to facilitate the retreat with Lauren Galey on June 7, 13 & 14.  Registration is still open at  Thank you for supporting this new service work, and blessings to Lauren for serving as a platform for the new light dynamics available. 

Ascension Path participants

Our monthly connection call is on Wednesday, June 3 at 6pmPT. Our focus is on Solstice preparation and the June Zoom. We have strong guidance for this passage, so please join us or listen to the replay this week. The Ascension Path class is open to all and available anytime. Join us HERE. 

Turning up the Volume on Love

Kindwhile, we continue to move into alignment with the New Light and our Ascension. Let it show you the truth, Beloveds. Use the Divine Neutrality exercise, reset often with the Creator Breath, realign your intentions and creations as the Shifts present, and focus on the emergence of Source through the Heart.

Ease and Grace as the wave washes over and through the planet; we become the flow of Love as this higher light enters. As the heart center expands to accommodate our Divine Presence and the incoming waves, we serve as pure conduits for the HUman heart grid. What a blessing to BE this, to experience the transformation, and to surrender the old Self. So be it!

In Love, Light and Service,

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