Saturday, August 2, 2014

Karen Dover ~ GOD message for 1st August 2014

Beloved ones I am the energies that wish to be known in the context of GOD and I am here with you as the world that you have been taught to know inside out now shifts, moves and expands. Those who are here to anchor the expansion of the planet now moving fully into place physically as the planet itself now moves and expands in energetic frequency. At a human conscious waking mind level this may see much chaos as the reference points for the old 3D earth created reality are no longer. In essence there is nothing that you can compare this moment to and therefore the human logical mind is triggered and may attempt to persuade you that you are “lost”.

None are lost for it is a concept that is without foundation. “Lost” implies that you are wandering with no direction and this is not TRUTH and is not supported in the New Earth. For you are guided at all moments of all moments by your SOUL, the connection with your SOUL now strengthening beyond that which you have ever experienced in this your human life experience upon this planet. Again the human logical mind has been taught to rely on the human eyes and the human eyes forgoing the deep connection that is TRUTH and that is your SOUL connection.
I place the following coding in your outer waking reality:

33 22 44 55 111
55 66 333
I place the SEAL of SOLOMON in the heart space and the word PEACE,  I place the ankh of life deep within the SOLAR PLEXUS and place the word ALL and I breathe life back into the human life experience THROUGH the human race in TRUTH.
ALL JUST IS and ALL that is TRUTH will now unfold and strengthen as it was always to unfold and strengthen, ALL that is not TRUTH will now shatter for it is not supported by the New Earth and is now negated by the expansion of the human race in TRUTH.
Be at peace for ALL is by DESIGN, the DESIGN of your SOUL in TRUTH.
I am the energies that wish to be placed in the context of GOD and I walk among you for I am YOU in TRUTH.

(c) Karen Dover
All rights reserved
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