Last year, when people were talking about huge physical changes happening in our Paradigm in December 2012, I kept feeling that nothing would happen at a physical level, but that in the summer of 2013, something was up.
And here we are!
A few weeks ago, I was driving down the street, and very suddenly I got the distinct feeling that Gaia had began her physical expression of higher dimension. That the planet consciousness was going from holding space at an energetic level, to holding 5D at a physical level.
At the same time, the polarized energies of light and dark, which have been battling on the planet for thousands of years, increased their output to mind blowing amounts. This is causing all sorts of extreme behavior, reactions, beginnings and endings for the people of the planet.
The following weeks, and now into July, there is a sense of observation and experience without judgment. This last piece, the no-judgment, is very important and this message has been coming in strong from various individuals, situations and also downloads. It also includes feeling judged, or wanting to be judged in a positive light.
This "battle" between light and dark is very real. It is increasing every day. Gaia can be interpreted to have "taken sides" to the light end of the spectrum. And is now going to start physical manifestations of this "side taking". I'm not really sure how this is going to pan out. We might fall into fear, thinking that Gaia is angry and we are going to see lots of disasters around the planet. And maybe we are right. But the thought that crossed my mind was, well, we are inhabiting Gaia sentient material, our own physical bodies! Just imagine, everyone on the planet has a physical body, which is sentient, which is an elemental of the planet Earth. Which is directly connected to Gaia.
We, as a species are becoming more and more aware of how we "work", how we "function". The more aware we become, the more able and empowered. We are able to see how we, as a divine, eternal, being, can have a chosen (by us) limited experience. We become conscious of what those limits are, we choose what they are, and thus morph and transform our lives accordingly.
If you are interested in exploring how limits are constructed, work, how we can use them for our advantage, or remove them, get the talk "Limitations - Why Do We Create Them?" as it goes into great depth about it. Or you can simply read the huge library of articles at ascension101, as just about all the articles deal with one or more of our limitations and how to become aware of it, and process it.
So, two very important movements forwards for our species this month, one is becoming aware of how we construct our experience via boundaries and limitations, and the other is not to judge those boundaries! Not to judge ourselves, others, or wanting good or bad judgments for ourselves or others.
What can we do?
- I will be launching a free to join, global experiment in consciousness in a few days. This will be totally awesome. So stay tuned!
- Don't judge yourself or others, and don't wish for judgment whether positive or negative.
- Reconnect with Gaia (great free meditation to do this is in the Tools section of ascension101) and give her permission to express at a higher vibration.
- Take off your shoes and walk barefoot for at least an hour per day. It doesn't really matter where, but outdoors is best, wherever the sun has been hitting the ground.
- Enjoy stuff! Eat tasty food, smell the roses, play games, go to a park and roll on the grass!
- Watch a sunset or sunrise this week.
- Find things to enjoy about other human beings in your environment. It could be the way they look, a smile, clothing, it doesn't matter what it is. Just find something to enjoy about other human beings.
- When people, or even yourself, go a little "crazy" around you this summer, don't fret and (again) don't judge. Simply observe.
- Smile :)
- Take time off from the internet, tv, radio and other media outlets.
- Release attachment to result.
- Step outside the box of limitations.
- View this time like you are stepping into the most amazing experience of your life and allow that amazing experience to manifest.
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