Monday, July 1, 2013

Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – 1 July 2013


arcturian-group-333x500Greetings once again dear ones.  We observe you bursting forth with more  and more light as you awaken to truth and begin to live it in your daily lives.  We observe no reaction to many issues that previously would  have  upset you–you are beginning to experience a non- resonance with all that you are ready to leave behind.

Everything is energy and when your relationship with something or someone works, it means you are vibrating at the same rate. When an individual’s energy level changes, he often no longer  resonates with those same people, foods, entertainments, news, etc. and is  no longer on the same “wave length” so to speak.  Spiritual growth is the process of evolving out from under the dense and heavy energies of separation and duality consciousness and into the higher lighter frequencies of truth. 
Some in ignorance of what is happening, struggle to  restore what they no longer resonate with, thinking that there must be a problem within  causing them  to no longer enjoy or  believe the way they used to. This is not a problem, but a graduation dear ones, and  simply reflects a shift in the energy from what you are used to (3D concepts and beliefs)  to what is now awakening  (truth of who and what you are).  This is what you have been asking for dear ones, so please do not be afraid to let go of anything and everything that no longer resonates with you no matter how much it has been a part of your life up to this point.

We hear many say; “What, my marriage, my family, just let them go?” No, letting go means letting go of your concepts about these things.  It means a conscious choice to  remove any energetic cords still holding you in bondage to concepts of persons, places or situations–it is spiritual awareness, and then a living out from that awareness.  This may or may not result in the ending of some relationships because awareness brings with it a sense of detachment even within ones family.  Issues that seemed very important, simply no longer resonate and this is often difficult to accept for those who have always known you in a certain way.

When there is no longer anger or  related ego issues with regard to some person or situation, but simply the realization that the whole thing is now old and has been completed  through truth and love, then whatever it is can be let go of and  left.  However when one is  still enmeshed and suffering from  human concepts and beliefs about a  situation and is simply seeking escape through  “letting go”, the lesson will keep repeating regardless of where a person may escape to.  Lessons simply avoided must be dealt with again and again until resolved in a higher way.   Painful life situations indicate the spiritual student’s need and readiness for deeper work–a looking within to  discover the spiritual lesson  presenting as the  situation.  This then must be followed by the integration and practice of whatever truth has been learned accompanied by a forgiveness of self and others.

When you find yourselves  in difficult situations, learn to go within and ask; “What am I believing that is causing me to feel this way?  In the Light of the truth I know, is this true?”  That way you discover what old concepts and beliefs you are still resonating with and  as you begin to let these  beliefs go and live out from truth, you find that the outer experiences  begin to manifest accordingly.
There is a “knowing” when something is finished and it is time to move on–a knowing  that flows from within as an ever present intuitive sense that silently guides  and teaches–trust this knowing for it comes from the real you .  Everyone has this ability, this inner voice, but free will allows all the choice of listening to it or not.

The light of higher dimensional energy  is bringing forward  all  old and still unfinished issues to be looked at and seen in a new light and this often brings forth the need to forgive self as well as others.  Many unresolved issues stem from past lives in which traumatic events occurred and are still being carried within your energy field.  All seeking to evolve are now clearing these energies and this clearing will  take varied forms of expression depending upon the individual.  Some will actually re-experience a situation or have an ache or pain that cannot be identified.  Some will remember an event that happened years ago in this lifetime and start to relive all the accompanying anger or frustration.  Many are experiencing intense emotions, often crying and laughing at the same time.  It is all part of the clearing, opening, and integration of new energies taking place for at this time.

Not loving yourselves is the  bottom line of  most every problem.  You have not known or been taught who you really are.  All seek  to experience love (because that is what you are), so in ignorance of this realization individuals  try to emulate the rich and famous who seem to have it all.  Others may spend their lives seeking the attainment those things believed to bring happiness and  acceptance (love)–clothes, body, processions, partners, education, positions, etc. etc.  These unaware ones are susceptible to every false concept  presented by a world determined present loveability and success as the result of  having more, more, more.   Never allow yourself to be validated by anyone or anything outside of you.  All truth, answers, and love lie within by virtue of who and what you are.

Letting go is the reason you are seeing empty churches and worldwide  protests.  It is why so many are beginning to question the status quo, and so many are experiencing  deep dissatisfaction with their lives.  Third dimensional concepts and beliefs are like the stories in a fairy tale book that as a child you thought were real. As spiritual adults you  are learning to sit back and say; “Well that was an interesting story.” while seeing through  appearances and noticing that the sky didn’t fall down when you did things differently than you have always done them.

Let go of  guilt about actions taken in the past for it is important to realize that every action, every word, and every thought was  believed to have been  appropriate  at that particular time.  Everyone  acts  from their highest sense of right according to their state of consciousness and that is where you within when taking these actions.  This does not mean that every self serving action on the part of yourself and others is to be  excused away, but  it does mean that in an unawakened state, much is said and done that  may cause pain and regret later, after the individual awakens.  The experience of tremendous guilt and even self loathing for actions taken or words spoken in the past simply need to be seen through the realization that that was who you were then, but are no longer.   It is only if an individual were to take those same outgrown actions now after attaining  deeper awareness  that these actions would quickly rebound.

An spiritually awakened individual  must live out from his highest state of consciousness  for to continue believing and living in ways of duality and separation after one is aware of truth, will bring about “wake up calls”–not usually pleasant.  Learn to live your truth dear ones–live, know, think it in every moment.  Begin to recognize when you are slipping into old habits and take a moment to center.    You can run into a bathroom when you feel you are sinking into illusion and just take a minute to rest within and know;  “I and the father are one.”  As you rest in this awareness, you have meditated and re-established your conscious connection to Self.

From now on it is all about walking the walk instead of just talking the talk.
We send love and light to all.

We are the Arcturian Group link to original article

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