We hear and know of your longing to be reunited with your true twin, with the one and lonely, with your other half.
This is the person that you turn to when you are alseep, that your subconscious mind refers to day and night, and compares your Earthly relationships with, and even your relationship with your first loved ones: your parents.
The twin flame love is all embracing, all powerful, all encompassing, all union and blending in oness.
Nothing on Earth can ever equal this true love, which knows no boundaries, no limit, no taboo, no forbidden games.
Your twin is always aware of you, no matter whether this person is on Earth or not, you are always connected and one in the higher realms. You are in constant communication whether you know it or not, and you can hear each other’s thoughts, you can feel each other’s unconditional and consdous love at all times, just stop and listen inside.
Your true twin is the one you have been seeking for a life time, when you meet a new person, your subconscious mind compares this person to your twin, and searches for the qualities in this new person which are comparable to your twins’.
This is the reason why you are more attracted to certain people than others, or sometimes for no apparent reason, other than the fact the that person’s energy and vibration resembles that of your true twin.
You have been searching for your twin for your entire incarnation, day and night, all the love that you give to a person is the love that you give to your twin and that you have received from your twin.
When you are hurt, tired, and discouraged, your subconscious turns to your twin for true comfort and true love.
Your twin is the source of your healing, of true love and joy, eventhough many of you on Earth may feel the need for getting on with your lives separated in the 3d sense and with someone else. In truth, twin flames can never be apart and are always a part of each other, even when separated by great distances, pain, hurt or sorrow.
Those tricks of the mind cannot keep your essences apart.
We love you very much, your guardian angels.
Channel: Multidimensional Ocean
Thanks. What a great message.