July 7, 2013
So here we are, halfway through the Gregorian calendar year of 2013. Wild, crazy, epic time! However, most people still don’t quite understand, or even suspect, what is really happening in and around our world. Most people are still stuck in the old limited 3D paradigms and their methods of processing information, thinking, feeling, and even living. As a direct result, most people are more than a little nervous, upset, fearful, insecure, and uncertain about what the future holds, as their ‘tried and true’ old strategies for navigating reality are just . . . not . . . working anymore!
The basic problem is this: The vast majority of the human population still seems unable to just BE in the moment called ‘now’, live from there. But what is actually much worse is that they have never even really thought deeply about it, much less attempted to discipline their minds to stay in that immensely powerful and creative space. And, believe me, it takes a LOT of discipline to accomplish that, and constant vigilance as well! But even that isn’t really the core problem. This is: Most people still LIVE in either the past or the future, and not at all in the now. OK, maybe in a flashing moment of fun or ecstasy, the ego releases its vice-grip on their consciousness, sure — for a few brief moments at best. However, outside of a few zany artists and mystics and the like, most people still are too deeply programmed in the old 3D ways of living and surviving to simply let go of what does not, and never has existed: the past and the future. They have never been taught to, nor really even felt the need to, live wholly in the Now.
You see, most people – including myself, of course, much of my past life – tend to constantly be dwelling on the past and the future in their moment-to-moment thoughts. Therefore, because our mind in that mode is almost perpetually ‘in’ the past or ‘in’ the future – ‘That trip I took to the beach last month was awesome!’; ‘I hope the baby isn’t coming down with a cold again. . . .’; ‘I wonder if I can afford that new phone next week?’; ‘That was some awesome sex with her yesterday. . . ‘; ‘Where is the money to pay the bills going to come from?’; ‘God, I hope my 401K is enough for me to retire on’; ‘I hope someone comes to save us soon from this horrible mess we’re in’; etc., etc. – what is supposed to be a ‘when’ actually becomes a where. Unfortunately, that is exactly ‘where’ our egos dwell (our intellect primarily, our purely material-world-oriented 3D minds) — in the past and the future! To make it worse, most people are still stuck in basing their expectations of future behavior and results and circumstances on past behavior and results and circumstances, especially when it comes to their personal relationships and finances – which just keeps them stuck in the ego’s murky, controlling domain even more.
Only the NOW actually exists in Reality. This has even been established ‘scientifically’, via advanced physics. In relation to this world, this realm, this dimension, the past is long gone. The future is not yet manifest, and is totally malleable via the ‘control room’ of your most prevalent thoughts. And emotions, especially the positive ones, are only felt in the precise nanosecond of now. Therefore, logically speaking, if we want to live life to our fullest, experience and enjoy what this on
I hope I’ve been able to convey at least a little of what came to me the other morning in that strange, wonderful space between sleeping and waking. It’s definitely ‘time’ to let go of the past, forgive any and all perceived trespasses against us (and by us – self-forgiveness is at least equally important), and simply move on. It’s also ‘time’ to create our wonderful future in the moment of now, by taking full responsibility in each and every moment of our days and nights to take the actions necessary to improve our world – no more delays, no more fear, no more hesitation — and be who we all truly ARE at our Sacred Core. As long as we ‘dwell’ in either the past or the future, our egos can maintain control of our Selves, and keep us distracted, side-tracked, and out of touch with our Center. In the end – which all signs are indicating is NOW, by the way – true liberation can only come from Within. Only by understanding where the shackles that bind us are hidden, can we finally find them, recognize them for what they are, and unbind ourselves from the limiting constraints of the egoic body-mind, regardless of where those constraints and deep psychological programs originally came from. It matters not. Only our personal liberation does.
I look forward to us all dwelling in a much better ‘place’ very, very soon. . . . .
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