The Universe, by design, is an intelligent Universe with math and physics being a key “language” in understanding its laws and principles. “A Course in Miracles” and the Universal Law of Attraction tells us that the Universe, being Limitless, can’t differentiate the scope or magnitude of a Miracle. The Miracle is just as likely to be something constituted as small as it is grand just by our own perceptions. Let’s talk about how a Miracle actually “works” and why we shouldn’t put an expectation on the magnitude of our Greatness when we “put our Hearts together”. The best way to explain how a Miracle works is to use the theory of an Atomic electron transition also known as a Quantum Leap.
An Atomic electron transition is a change of an electron from one quantum state to another within an atom or artificial atom. It appears discontinuous as the electron “jumps” from one energy level to another in a few nanoseconds or less. It is also known as atomic transition, quantum jump, or quantum leap. [i] These Quantum Leaps occur when energy begins to vibrate at a higher rate thus “jumping” it to another frequency taking it closer to the Source of the frequency of its new vibration. The same is true for us as human beings in that we are made of molecules, atoms, and energy meaning that we also have our own individual and collective frequency that is emitted into the Universe. The significance here is that we are also capable, on an individual and collective level, of making a Quantum Leap according to Universal Law and Physics 101. When we emotionally connect with the idea that “God” is energy and not some “man” sitting in the sky in judgment waiting for us to “die” in order to decide if we’ll go to Heaven or “hell”, we release ourselves from any fear surrounding the Unconditional Love of “God”. In fact, energy and/or Source never dies it only changes form. The energy of “God” is Love and the closer we vibrate to the Source the more we are resonating with the frequency of “God”, Source, or Love which is why this state feels so natural to our being. This is a state of Pure Love free from all judgment. It can also be defined as benevolence, Compassion, Generosity, a State of Grace, or a Sea of Tranquility.
A Quantum Leap?
As many are seeing the small shifts around them and hoping for a Miracle in the form of a Quantum Leap, we can all take steps toward making such an Event occur as it is physically possible for it to be so. As with the atoms and molecules it must start withIN for it to manifest “without” or into our reality. As we collectively raise our vibration back to Source, or Unconditional Love, it also grows more uncomfortable for those who continue to stay “without” or in a fearful vibration. We must learn to follow the laws of the Universe by living in Harmony with the Earth and Her resources. We must live in balance with one another in equality, free from labels and separation. There are many people upon the planet right now who are living a Heart based Life of Love, forgiveness, and balance. As the many continue to raise their vibration it will also raise the vibration of the collective where those who are Living without or in a state of fear (war anyone?), anger, greed, lack, victim, or judgmental mentality will find it harder and harder to stay in this lower, negative vibration. Some people describe this as karma but it is better described as the Universal Law of duality and/or simply cause and effect. It takes a look inward to find the cause and then to look at the effect it is having on our individual and collective reality. In other words, anything that is not Love-based will begin to manifest as something perceived as “negative” into our reality sooner or later but this displeasure is where Miracles are born.
There is no right or wrong perspective only a positive or negative way of perceiving. We can perceive from a place of being uncomfortable, angry, or in judgment or we can perceive from a place of Truth, Peace, Equality, and Unconditional Love. It is all a state of mind that manifests into a state of Being known as Christ Consciousness, Zen, Nirvana, Heaven, and any number of lingual definitions of that which words cannot describe. This is not a “place” but a state of Consciousness which begins as knowledge and manifests itself into Wisdom when it is recognized as Universal Truth from withIN. If we don’t see the change we wish to see in our Lives it’s because we aren’t Allowing ourselves to REceive the Gift that comes to us in the form of reoccurring situations whereby we can change our way of thinking, looking, and feeling about the circumstances in our Lives which are always a direct reflection of our respective thoughts. As we practice spiritual and emotional intelligence by moving from fear to Love it actually tells our DNA what to do in this “evolution” we are going through collectively! We understand that “God” is actually an Infinite and Intelligent Source of Love and our prayers are answered with an Infinite number of Positive outcomes in seemingly impossible situations.
Love is the Answer
Whether by small jump or Quantum Leap we are collectively on the Path toward Home which is our own personal brand of Heaven manifested individually thereby Creating it into physical form. It is up to us as individuals to decide the scope of our Miracles, our Leaps of Faith. We can greet everyday as a Miracle when we give ourselves the Gift of Spiritual Consciousness. By giving this Gift to Self you are giving a Miracle to the collective of Humanity, the Earth, and our Universe. This is the Gift meant for everyONE and to receive it all one has to do is have the intention to do so. A Divine Gift of Love and a Quantum Leap all wrapped up in a Miracle! Please say “Yes!”…
Music to drive it Home: Christina Perry ~ A Thousand Years
ABOUT THE AUTHOR AND INSTRUCTOR: Jennifer Deisher believes the art of human connection has been conditioned into detachment from our True Self which consequently denies us the essential Blueprints of our evolution. Driven to share her perspective with the world, her writing has been published on numerous websites around the world. She founded BlueprintsForButterflies to help others connect with their Higher Self and create a spiritual foundation in line with their own individual energy signature.
Jennifer has been sharing her gift of emotional and spiritual Healing through an ability to connect with others via intuition, empathy, and emotional experience. A profound Spiritual awakening opened a creative writing channel that converted her traumas into artistic expression unlocking the authentic Blueprints of the Soul. Today, her unique insight and connectedness with Spirit allows her to guide others into their Higher Self where our own unique and individual Blueprints await discovery. For more information please, to book a session, or to sign up for Jennifer’s Creative Writing Workshop – Opening the Creative Channel WithINplease visit
If the Writing Inspires you please send us some LOVE in the form of a donation. To book a session or sign up for the Creative Writing Workshop – Opening the Creative Channel WithIN please click here.
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