Here is today’s message from my guies – 30 Jue 2013 Light Anchor:
Dear souls of the human realm, remain grounded over the next few weeks, do active grounding exercices with extra care and renewed efforts. The energies of the Mother Ocean are displacing you in all directions, like a feather on the surface of an ocean.
What you need now is to drop you anchor, and find inner peace.
Let go of the illuusions that the mind creates for you, from your memory, let go of over active imagination, and try focus on the present, the now moment, that allows for ever new begining and love.
Listen to your mind, to your thoughts: they are the waves sweeping your very existence. Be aware of them, but do not allow them destroy you and take you over with them.
Your anchor is your body, is has an enormous amount of energies, that can fuel your efforts for remaining in the now.
Be aware of your thoughts, but do not believe every single one of them, look at them pass, one after another, often meaningless, and let them go.
What you find in the present moment and in your body is real, it is here and now, this is where the energy that make up what you are resides, this is where your DNA is stored and this is how you can help rediscover who you are.
Trust only what comes from within, you have all your answers within, and spread your joy, and acceptance of others around.
With all our love, from the angelic realm, your guides.
Channel: Multidimensional Ocean
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