~From “Depth” to Life~
In these last few months, many people have really been feeling the “jolts” of change in their lives. I’m sure we all are to some degree feeling an upheaval of sorts as well. We recently had a blood red moon, 2 eclipses, and many solar flares of great magnitude to add to the pot. There’s no doubt about it…life just isn’t the same, nor will it ever be again.
Being a Vibrational Energy Healer/Reader my whole life, I would love to add a few tid bits of healthy advice for everyone to consider as these shifts are only increasing… especially up to the end of the year.
1.The changes we are experiencing are about lifting our recognition of our personal power. Both as individuals and as a collective whole, we are becoming new every day. Therefore, we must realize that by moving forward in life, this suggests we change our way of thinking in regards to how “things have always been.” Decisions we make may no longer feel like something we would have done even a year ago, and may be completely in a new phase of changing into the road less traveled. The best suggestion: go for it…. we really can no longer abide by something that our hearts do not feel.
2.As easily as illnesses come on, they can also leave. Energy is actually clearer and much more productive on our planet now. This is because we are being “downloaded” by many means of what the Universe is giving us and also has in store for us. It isn’t a good thing, or a bad thing. In higher consciousness, there’s no such thing. It’s what I call the “As Above, So Below” concept. It’s not that we can just “wish away” an illness, but we CAN wish away a thought. Those destructive thoughts can cause destructive action in the body. Also if you are working too hard, I am feeling strongly that we need to recognize the balance in resting as much as working.
I teach a workshop called “Energy Mechanics, The Science of Healing.” In the last class, I had a student lay on her stomach on a massage table. As the other students watched, I demonstrated a healing right before their eyes. It was only a mere recognition of the students right hip higher than the left. It was obvious to the group that this student looked a bit lopsided. So I put my left hand on the students sacrum and immediately felt a lack of finding time for herself. The hip being higher on the right side (giving) can indicate “putting out too much” and not having enough support. So I removed my hand, and gave the student on the massage table a short guided meditation, which included a cup of tea and a quiet room without interruption. I proceeded to engage her in reading a good book by a fireplace wearing a cozy comfy blanket on a cold evening. This guided meditation was all she needed to find herself relaxing. Then, as the other students witnessed this, they all could visibly see her hip going back into place without anyone touching her. The young woman could feel her hip subsiding away from her tailbone area and relax back to where it should be.
Suggestion: Find comfort in each day by going within for even a few minutes and remembering that you are in charge. For we are the placebo making our lives each moment… just think of all the marvelous things we can teach ourselves!
3.Next, this one is the biggest and best of all… finding truth in connection, not attachment. When I teach this, most people do not understand it at first. If you realize that we attach to other people by deciding how to interact with them, we’ll see that this is actually an old survival issue from childhood. Anger can arise by feeling hurt…betrayed, and heaven help us if a partner leaves us. We get caught up subconsciously in the realms and fears of not being loved, not understood, judged, or accepted. People who have had abandonment issues have difficulty with this one, and yet, just taking time to realize that we are the ones who mostly judge ourselves, that alone will help us in releasing the fear of whether or not we are “good enough.” It’s time to turn things around. For years, we have been taught that we are egotistical if we put ourselves first. It’s true if we are only out for personal gain, however, in the world of self esteem, we must come first. If we don’t, it’s like having debt in your bank account and you find yourself living in deficit. ( Talk about a poor place to be…) This is what Self Empowerment is all about. It’s knowing and having the courage to say no, to rest instead of running ragged, to learn to trust that your world will not collapse if you take a day off here and there… because the way things are going today, you just might collapse if you don’t!
4.Love the person you’re becoming. You contribute more in life than you could imagine. You may feel like you’re going crazy at times, but the truth is, we are not falling apart, we are falling into place. We are becoming better people as the Universe continues to talk to us. Subconsciously and consciously, we are acting and reacting differently for a reason. We are creating a new world, and are in the throws of of being a conscious contractor. The less we judge ourselves, the less we judge the world, and the clearer we become capable of stamina and more energy.
5.Be patient. Look ahead, not behind. Anxiety is from nervousness and not feeling like you can change the past, present or future. Depression can come from fear of the future. Either way, do your best at living in the moment and enjoying as much as you can. Remembering the late Joan Rivers and one of my favorite sayings she said, “Keep Calm and remember that everything is funny!” Here’s to us, our changing world, and the courage to love yourself no matter what! Blessings in Love, Mona~
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