If the conscious community wants to come together, I think we’ll have to see that we don’t all have the same beliefs. We all empower different concepts, and some of us empower things that don’t resonate one bit with others.
If we want to thrive as a community, I think we’ll have to accept our differences in opinion/belief and love each other despite them. We aren’t all going to agree on the same things, and sometimes, the best thing we can do when we’re in the midst of a disagreement is to step back and allow the other person their opinion while still embracing ours.
We don’t all have to believe in the same things to come together and thrive, but presently, it seems like our beliefs are stopping a lot of conscious ‘camps’ from coming together in harmony to create all of the changes that need made.
As a community, we seem to have trouble uniting because of our respective interpretations of spirit.
Some groups believe in channeling, for example, while others don’t think it’s a genuine or helpful practice. Some groups believe in the existence of our galactic family, while others think this belief’s rooted too deeply in the ‘fringe’ category to give their energy or attention to.
I’m not trying to highlight the beliefs we can’t seem to agree on – I’m trying to highlight the importance of refusing to let them keep us divided.
We have a wealth of pure and potent changes to make to our broken yet fixable world, but we can only make them if we’re willing to come together and love each other, even if we don’t all believe or empower the same concepts or ideas.
Who says our differences in belief have to keep us apart? They don’t, and in fact, we can recognize that they’re what make us unique. Life would be pretty boring if we all believed the same things, because there’d be no passion; no individuality; no difference in opinion from one person to the next.
We don’t want to be a community of conformists, but we don’t want to be a community of people who can’t even come together because of our differences in belief either.
I think we should strive to become a community who recognizes and empowers each other’s opinions, and while we don’t have to agree with each other’s philosophy, our philosophical differences don’t have to stop us from doing what we came here to do.
We came here to unify; to display our unity to the rest of humanity in an attempt to show everyone that it’s possible. Unity’s not only possible – it’s as inevitable as the utopian future we want to create.
The more we’re rooted in the heart, the easier it’ll be to come together despite any differences in belief. We can embrace our respective interpretations of spirit, and we can see that our differences aren’t meant to divide us – they’re meant to bring us together.
We’ll gain little if we continue to divide ourselves into groups of conscious individuals who empower the same ideas. In doing this, we further propagate the division we’re ready to transcend, so let’s cease our division and come together with the understanding that we each have something unique and valuable to share.
Not one conscious individual is more or less valuable than another, and realizing this is the first step to empowering each individual to offer themselves to the restoration of consciousness and the healing of our little planet. A lot of changes need made here on earth, but we can only make them as a united collective body.
It’s been said that we’re very powerful as individuals, but we’re even more powerful as a collective.
If we were to unify, we could easily create all of the changes we’ve waited so long to see. There’d be little difficulty involved as long as we could respect that we each think and act differently, and the longer we wait to finally and justly unite, the longer it’ll take for us to create any real or progressive changes.
We’ll be the ones to change the earth by looking within and seeing what we can do to align with the new paradigm we want to create, and one of the first and most important changes we’ll have to make will be in the avenue of how we treat each other.
Do we choose to treat each other with the love and respect of conscious individuals who are excited to unite with their fellow seekers, regardless of any differences in belief? Are we willing to recognize our collective potential and let go of anything we don’t like about each other that holds us back from uniting?
I certainly hope so, because our illusory concept of ‘time’ is running out with each day that passes.
We only have so much ‘time’ left to create all of the miraculous changes that need made, and I don’t think we’ll create them as easily if we’re divided into groups. Don’t get me wrong – individual groups can achieve a lot of diverse things, but at a certain point, we’ll have to incorporate unity into our work or it’ll all be for naught.
I propose that we continue to work as individual groups but make it a point to come together at least once a week – hold a meeting of some sorts between the various groups and talk about what we were all able to get done since the previous meeting.
We could even assign certain groups with certain tasks.
Our options are as infinite as our growing perception, but our unity can only happen if we make it happen. We won’t just suddenly unify out of thin air – we have to make a real and solid effort to come together with those who we might not have agreed with in the past.
To remain separated over disagreements seems a little childish, and I’m sure more seekers will realize and act on the necessity to come together as consciousness continue to rise.
We have to be the ones to unify, and planetary change simply can’t come about any other way. With love in our hearts and willingness in our evolving minds, there’s nothing we can’t do or be – we simply have to realize this and start the greatest of our work as a solid collective unit.
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