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Monday, August 31, 2015
Magenta Pixie ~ The Rose, The Diamond, The Mag-Da-Len and The Shield
Magenta Pixie's website:
"The Rose, The Diamond, The Mag-Da-Len and The Shield"
The Golden Shield, also known to many as the Mer-Ka-Bah, is an intricate, symmetrical, flowing, moving, living entity containing the codes of physical reality and the keys or maps needed for transformation.
Sunday, August 30, 2015
The End of Victimhood - Matt Kahn/
We'd love to stay in touch with you! Please sign up for our free newsletter at: (and receive a free Energy Activation from Matt) and join us for an upcoming Soul Gathering, retreat, or Angel Academy:
Thank you to bansuri maestros Steve Gorn and Manose, and tabla maestro Ty Burhoe for their beautiful music. This is excerpted from the "Illumination" CD available at
Matt Kahn is a spiritual teacher, mystic, and highly-attuned empath who, along with meditation guide and yoga teacher and sound healer, Julie Dittmar, travel the world inviting seekers of all faiths to discover their true divine nature.
Linda Robinson ~ AA Zadkiel ~ A Light of Peace
Greetings Beloved Ones,
This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Lady Amethyst, of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. We are being joined by the Hathors, the Sirians, the Arcturians, and a Host of the Angelic Realm of Light. We are coming together with this Message of Light to show the interconnectedness of all Beings of Light. Today, we wish to discuss your opportunity to be a Light of Peace.
Many waves of higher dimensional energy are continuing to reach your planet. This is providing ongoing opportunities for rapid advancement on your spiritual path. It also provides you an opportunity to be of service as a Light of Peace on a multi-dimensional level.
Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ A full relationship with your Higher Self is possible when you give yourself time to receive Love from the deepest sources of your Being.
Dear One,
One of the most powerful and important relationships you have in this life is with your Higher Self. This is the part of you which is in full communion with God because it is the voice of your Soul. Guidance and intuitive insight come from this place. There are a number of ways you can develop and strengthen this relationship between your personality awareness and your Higher Self, and all of them require patience, persistence and practice.
One way is to learn to act on your intuition. How many times have you thought about doing something, ignored the thought, and then a situation arose when you said, "I knew I should have done that?" The more you listen to your inner voice and act on your intuition, the stronger this connection will become.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Méline Portia Lafont ~ September Gateway ~ FOCUS
This is a FaceBook post. Follow Méline on Facebook:
Blessings Beloveds! We are arriving in the September Gateway ~ A Gateway of FOCUS to balance through the challenges, shifts, seeded creations taking on form and the many ruptures that may come about. Remember it is not to focus on what goes on around you and what this Collective world may show you of unleashing energies. Hold in mind that these are all old energies wanting to be released like the pressure on a boiling pot. Simply observe. Let this not pull you out of your focus and intention to move through your personal Gateway.
This Gateway is about the FULL integration of your Higher Layers to the level you can stand within your physical body. It is to focus on the Harmony, inner balance and heart while the whirlwind sweeps around you. There is an inner force coming to Light, illuminating your True SELF. Your Body is taking on another level of illumination and starts to shine more of your Light. Your cells are re-activating their essential vibrational consciousness and your soul is emerging into that state of essence where you are one with All that Is. This will be an intense gateway of intense shifts.
Suzanne Lie ~ Returning to New Earth--The Arcturians
Returning to New Earth
The Arcturians
Our Dearest Ascending Ones,
We are happy that you have been able to maintain the consciousness of unconditional love since you opened your Doorway to New Earth. It is the continuous FEEL of unconditional love that assures our ascending ones that they are “in the process of creating New Earth.”
We know that you all will experience some moments of fear-based third dimensional thinking, but we want you to realize that those moments are not a “failure” in any way. Instead, they are moments when you have temporarily returned to “habit.”
Ann Dahlberg ~ Judas Iscariot ~ August 16, 2015
Sananda August 24, 2015
Judas Iscariot
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Channel Ann Dahlberg
I am Judas Iscariot and I greet you all from above. There is much happening now in the world. The banking sector will be redone. The money is redistributed to other safe banks and financiers. A new currency is about to make its foray into the world – a value-based currency that suits all countries and its people.
You are in final times, and you see a lot now that is both good and bad. The darkness comes up, but leaves the light intact. Understand that the more darkness that comes up, the more light there will be. The darkness gives way to the light. Hatred opens up to love. It can tear and rip a bit in each one, but love will win in the end.
Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - August 28, 2015

The latest guidance for Lightworkers, from our friends, the fifth and sixth dimensional beings known as the Collective:
Greetings, friends! We are glad to have this opportunity to speak with you today.
In this empowering month of August, you have seen many changes, and they are not over yet.
They are building in their intensity so that the changes in energetic climate that will occur in September will not come as such as a shock to your systems.
One might say, that all of the energy shifts and activations occurring in human bodies and consciousness now, come in preparation for the next step up—the next step toward creating your Light bodies, toward building the New Earth, toward embracing your freedom and sovereignty as independent beings and intergalactic citizens.
Natalie Glasson ~ Saint Germain ~ Instigating and Observing Transformation
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 28th August 2015 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
My love and the vibration of transformation which the Creator delivers and anchors through my being is expressed to you now, available for you to receive and embody to support your ascension. I am St Germain, some may call me a Master of Transformation, and yet I am simply observant of the energy of the Creator realising the potential for growth and expansion that is waiting to take place. It is my simple observation and understanding of energy which allows me to instigate and experience transformation of all forms.
This is the time for immense energy changes, and what will impact the most at this time is the disintegration, the leaving, the dying, of the Old Adam, the Old Eve, so that we can be resurrected and reborn into our new Adam/Eve Kadmon Lightbodies.
So many of us have been put through severe initiations in the last few years and we have had to shed skin after skin, memory bank after memory bank. We have been stripped naked and bare to our very core soul self, and then some more.
Sandra Walter ~ Mystery School Parallels, Cosmic Christ and the Equinox – Video
Blessing Beloved Light Tribe,
I had a deep share on Lauren Galey’s Healing Conversations last week. I discussed the parallels between our journey and the Mystery schools; a cosmic template for a spiritual curriculum. Our broadcast time was limited for large topic, however the strongest parallels were covered, as well as Equinox predictions and a question about the Corey Good material.
The intel over the last decade shows us the progression, templates, initiations at each levels attained, and the neutrality we embody in order to experience the higher realms. Recently the intel advised facing fears of transformation, our higher choices during the August trigger, our pure intention, divine delineation, all of it leading to this transformational tipping point in our Ascension. The energy now carries us – if willing – to the Mastery of cosmic union.
Friday, August 28, 2015
Jamye Price ~ Weekly Lightblast ~ Creating a Wave
Creating a Wave
Blessed Creative Being, you live in a world of waves, of vibration. Your science has told you for many years that the solid table is a mass of vibrating molecules, densified by a bond that creates a sensory effect of solidity. Yet at its core it vibrates, willing to release the bond with the proper force. For a table, that force may be impact, fire or a chemical compound that severs the vibrational attraction, changing the behavior of the particles at the subatomic level. Your science has also discovered the ability to track light at a level so small that mere awareness changes the behavior from waveform to particle form.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Shanta Gabriel ~ An Invitation to the Immersion into Light Circle
Artwork by Daniel B. Holeman
Dear Ones,
September is developing into one of the most powerful months of the entire year. It is an especially important time to stay in Balance and keep focused on Harmony and Peace in your heart.
The wave of Accelerated Light that flows through us during the month of September will be a higher frequency than we have ever experienced in our lives.We will be seeing Super Full Moons beginning August 29, which means that the moon is nearer to the earth than usual, thus compounding the normal increase of energy around a full moon. These two super full moons are also called Blood Moons because of the red color. The September 28 Full Moon is the one we often refer to as the Harvest Moon because of its large golden-orange appearance, signifying the fruition and harvest of our gifts.
Adding to the excitement, there will also be a partial Solar Eclipse on September 13 at the New Moon and a total Lunar Eclipse on September 28 on that Super Full Moon. This is the last total Lunar Eclipse until 2018, so it is very special. Between those dates we will be feeling the intensity of the energy, so grounding and focus is essential.
Gregg Prescott ~ In5D ~ What Would People Think If You Instantly Disappeared Into A Higher Dimension?
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
In one of my previous articles, “Beyond Imagination! The Cosmic Wildcard”, I present a number of ways that humanity will evolve into our next stage of spiritual and physical evolution.
It is also possible that we can make a transition into a Golden Age for humanity through various programs such as the Venus Project, where everyone can live in abundance, health, and prosperity without the need for money or the Ubuntu program, where everyone would only work three hours per week and could use the rest of their free time to pursue whatever interests they desire.
Bob Fickes ~ Obstacles and Delays
Obstacles and delays seem to be quite common these days. Just as we are getting ready to move in the right direction, something pops up and stands in our way or delays us. As we get more synchronized to our path, the universe has to adjust things that stand in our way. To the untrained mind this appears to be a delay or a form of resistance. But the universe is on our side. What we don’t need will pop up in front of us before it disappears. Maybe this is a form of saying goodbye to our old habits.
Meredith Murphy ~ AA Michael ~ Directing the Light Within You for Your Joy
Transmission from the recent Wealth Focus Fest, August 2015
Divine One,
Light is you and light is flowing into you and this light within you is capable of anything, anything. It is true potential, it is malleable, flexible. It can be given any instructions via your consciousness and completely, effortlessly, perfectly fulfill them. In fact, it does.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Ron Head ~ Value – The Council
Today we will speak of value. This is not a subject we have addressed here before, but we feel that at this time it may be well to do so.
What is value? How may it be best determined? Is it being determined in the best way today? Let us suggest today that perhaps the understanding of what value is may need to be modified somewhat.
The true measure of value is whether a thing, a thought, or an action is beneficial to life. The ultimate value to a being, to your being, is life itself. Does the thing being valued enhance life? Does it harm life? That is always at the heart of your own determinations, is it not? Perhaps you might be mistaken, but do you not always determine your valuation of something by what you perceive to be best for yourself?
august 2015,
Ron head,
The council,
Selacia ~ Super Full Moon Tips - Bridging Worlds -
by Selacia
Heading into our first of three Super Full Moons on August 29, it's helpful now to take stock of where things are in your life. Most likely our recent up-and-down energies have stimulated more than one relationship challenge and had you questioning your status quo. Perhaps you have initiated some bold new steps, too, taking advantage of positive potentials of this month's energy cycle.
Sometimes you may wonder how you can bridge the spiritual and physical realities - they can seem so different and at odds. The wise part of you knows, however, that your spiritual and physical lives can and do complement one another. They really go together!
Sometimes you may wonder how you can bridge the spiritual and physical realities - they can seem so different and at odds. The wise part of you knows, however, that your spiritual and physical lives can and do complement one another. They really go together!
The Pleiadians ~ You have landed on safe grounds ~Video Format!
Here is the video format of the latest transmission! Check it out to have a feel of what I felt during the channeling of Magical energy, this now being available for you all to feel as well through this beautiful video, voice transmission and Pleiadian music. All Magical Pleiadian energy :) Enjoy!! you can find this transmission on my website as a free audio format as well to download. Thank you to Karl Morfett for making this beautiful video for me <3
As conveyed through Méline portia Lafont
Bob Fickes ~ Synchronizing with the Universe
This is the age of higher physics. That is to say that this is the age of lifting human consciousness beyond the physical material perception into more subtle frequencies of the heart, i.e. spiritual reality.
That also means that the language of the heart becomes sweet and clear flowing like waves of love and joy. This is the language of happiness. Happiness is universal. Even when we don’t understand the words of another language, we see what is happening and we laugh.
Suzanne Lie ~ About New Earth--El Morya and Theta Waved MeditationVideo
Dear Readers,
I found this message from El Morya that must have been written years ago. The information makes much more sense in today’s world than it did then. The “truth” is that which does not change. However, truth is more easily understood by a reality on the cusp of return to a higher dimensional expression.
Message From Ascended Master El Morya
Many of our earth masters are feeling the pull of New Earth for you are, indeed, moving into a frequency of reality that is not adhesive to such low frequency patterns as the third dimension. The higher levels of the fifth dimension create continuous, circular, and infinite energy patterns that expand and transmute.
IMPORTANT UPDATE by Patricia Cota-Robles
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
28 september een nieuwe belangrijke datum! (maansverduistering en heftige zonnestormen)
For our Dutch audience! Voor onze Nederlands publiek!
2015 is energetisch gezien een bijzonder intensief jaar. Niet alleen zijn er een paar belangrijke data, zoals 8 augustus 2015 (8-8-8), maar er vinden ook een groot aantal elektromagnetische veranderingen plaats. Deze veranderingen zijn begonnen rond de equinox van 20 maart (en de drie dagen daarvoor). Daarna vond er een totale maansverduistering plaats op 4 april.
In de maand september zal er wederom een grote verschuiving plaatsvinden. Eerst rond de equinox van 23 september, daarna tijdens de volledige maansverduistering op 28 september. Op die dag zullen er tevens heftige zonnestormen plaatsvinden (deze heftigheid vindt slechts één keer in de 3600 jaar plaats).
Ann Dahlberg~ Judas Iscariot ~ August 8, 2015
Judas Iscariot
Saturday, August 8, 2015
Channel Ann Dahlberg
I am Judas Iscariot and I greet you all from above. Now is the time to listen, dear folks. Listen really closely to your heart. It is the time of opening and much is now happening with your bodies. Listen very carefully now at what the body wants and what it does not want. It is developing now and need your help, so that the development can go as smoothly as possible. Cleansing will occur, but they become heavier and harder if you oppose it with too unhealthy food. The body knows what it needs, so feel inside what feels good and what feels less good. What tasted good before might not taste good now. It is a sign that there is something that does not fit the body and its current energy. It needs energy rich food. Please add some more vegetables and fruits in your diet. Drink lots of water, it is cleansing. Be in nature as much as possible, or something similar, it strengthens the body. If there are no forests nearby stay outdoors as much as you can in nearby parks or gardens. All that grows is now growing with you. The energy affects everything growing on the earth.
Bob Fickes ~ Happiness is Energy
When we are happy the universe moves with our heart. Happiness is the key to changing our life and bringing support from the universe. Whenever I get stuck, I stop what I am doing and look for something to do that makes me happy. As soon as I find it, my heart moves again and the resistance disappears. It is like magic!
I learned this many years ago when I was in Hawaii. At that time I was so busy that my schedule was fully booked for three months in advance. One day I looked at the appointments for the next week and discovered that only half the sessions were full. I was shocked. I guess I had been riding the wave for so long that I forgot to pay attention to my schedule. I panicked. In those days before the internet, the only way to send out a message to my friends was through a newsletter sent by mail.
Brenda Hoffman ~ Where Do You Rank?
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s August 14, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at You have a complete skill set and you’re new you on New Earth. Start creating your dreams in joy. It’s no longer appropriate to blame the gods, Universes or earth beings for your discomfort and pain.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog “Stepping Out of Your Prison”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
You are most likely having difficulties shedding the need to outshine, out sparkle others.
When you were of the Old Age, you needed to prop yourself up. Not because you were not as capable as anyone, but because your society purposely pitted you against others. There was always an ‘in’ group and those considered beneath or less worthy than the in group.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Without patience you can never understand the meaning of Divine Timing.
Dear One,
Your presence in the world in a conscious manner leads to the opening of the consciousness of all people. Your Soul's task is to carry the light of love and truth with you wherever you go, no matter what you are doing. Through this intention you will bring more peace and light into the world.
Being a visionary, you see in your mind that which you wish to accomplish. It becomes your intention, as if you are taking aim, pulling back the bow and shooting your arrow toward your target. With this clarity, you will surely reach your mark. There is, however, the question of when.
Before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note: I want you to know that you are amazing, beautiful, breathtakingly exquisite beings of light and love. I want you to know that you are all loved beyond measure and that all of you are incredibly brave souls to have come onto this planet and share your light with all inhabitants of GAIA.
I want you to know that you are manifesting miracles onto this plane of existence, and that if it wasn’t’ for you none of this would ever be possible. I want you to know that right now is an incredible time of manifestation and transcendence into another reality.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Abraham Hicks ~ Dealing with Family Issues
Abraham explains how to deal with difficult relationship with family members and how this affects your life and what to do about it.
Please share this information with someone you love. “Remember: Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire” Share your love and your knowledge.
Thought is a living force....use it wisely!
Suzanne Lie ~ The Journal #7--An Unexpected Gift/ Free download Chakra Book 8-23-15
Free Download of "About chakras PDF"
The Journal #7
An Unexpected Gift
When Lisa finished the message about receiving money from her mother, she did not know if she was sad or angry. Perhaps it was a combination of the two, much like her entire life. Fortunately, before she had any emotion at all, she took the two pages out of the journal and folded them neatly into her robe.
Did that mean that her mother was right, and she should not trust Bruce? Or, maybe it meant that she had enough wisdom to tell me to hide the note and find out for myself. With the note tucked safely into her pocket, she put down the journal and stood up to go into the kitchen and get some tea. She was so deep in thought that she almost bumped into Bruce.
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