Welcome to your new age. Is there not a feeling of newness around you? Some are having difficulty orienting themselves in such a different internal environment. You will have yourselves anchored firmly soon.
There is a feeling of the world holding its breath to see what will happen. Also, it seems that the whirlwind you lived in for so long had begun to subside. There is a feeling of calmness, of quiet. It is time allowed you for an assessment of who you are, of what you want to do, for a flexing of your internal muscles. Time to learn how to walk in your newness, dear ones.
For many, it is time to realize there is a newness. Some dear ones will be surprised at new feelings, at what comes out of their mouths. Some final adjustments are still being made. That is causing quite a few of you to sleep far more than you were used to. It will pass quickly.
You may begin now to remember more and more of what passes in your dream states. Formerly, you have been unaware of how you passed a great deal of your lives. That is not so necessary anymore. You have hidden a great deal from yourselves that will gradually begin to surface now. Also, the abilities of many to expand their awareness of what is around them will become more and more obvious. There is a wonderful newness and beauty to your world. We invite you to open to it.
Listen to your inner promptings and let the old restrictions that you accepted years ago to drop away. Be a child again. We are loving what we see as you begin to understand and get your bearings. Gather yourselves and assess your dreams anew. Begin to look at them as new possibilities.
Good day, dear friends.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/
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