Beloved Ones,
Many people are opening to deeper levels of love within all areas of their consciousness and this can be a difficult process for some. The needs of others can compete with your own intentions to move forwards in your life and it is important that you keep on track on your own personal journey. You need to stay connected to your higher promptings and to follow your own star. Each person on Earth is experiencing the higher influx of energies in their own way at the level of their personal awareness. It is difficult to stay on the sidelines and be a witness for those you care for as they experience the consequences of their choices. Each soul has an individual soul plan and the free will to follow it or not. Difficult as it may be to accept, each person has chosen to follow certain paths in order to gain knowledge and personal experience from them. Be available to your loved ones if and when they need you and love them without judgement. It takes great courage to experience life in the physical. Many shifts have and will continue to occur within each individual and within the movements of the Earth. The effects of these are far reaching in their impacts.
The Earth is surrounded by a golden light and this will assist in helping with the changes that have been wrought. Many areas of the world are in need of your loving compassion and energetic intent of healing and support. Send your love and healing energies to those areas that are in the throes of difficult change. The citizens of those areas are in need of love, compassion and practical support. The changes that occur in each area of the world are felt energetically around the world. The loving hearts of humanity are joined together in the heartbeat of the world they live on and it is important to stay aware and attuned to it. Take a moment often throughout each day to put a hand to your heart and feel this connection. Within each soul, the truth of the oneness with all is known, acknowledged and honoured. You are all sisters and brothers and it has always been so. Turn away from anything that would tell you otherwise.
Throughout Earth’s history, its surface crust has been altered many times and this is a process that is more prevalent at the end of certain cosmic cycles. The cosmic alignments create changes which open the doorways to new beginnings and such is the time that is now upon you. You are here now and were deemed capable of going through this process by utilizing the wisdom and knowledge you have accumulated and gained throughout the ages to aid you in riding through it. You have within you all that you need to emerge victorious. Place a star of love over each of these areas and set the intention that the love and healing this star radiates will be maintained and sustained at all times to offer healing and balancing to everyone within its radius. Your strong and focused intention will make it so.
The inner metamorphosis that each of you is going through can leave you feeling and looking drawn and haggard. It is another sign that the downloaded energies that you have received are being assimilated and integrated. It is once again imperative that you ingest more water than usual in order to assist your physical body to cope. More rest and nurturance of self is in order as this process continues. As each person’s heart chakra is opened more fully, there is more sensitivity and empathy becoming evident in the outward expressions of the people around you. Allow yourselves to feel into this experience without resistance to it. Keep the events of your life simplified and this will create the balance that is necessary. There are many activities that can be curtailed without missing their presence in your lives. Simplify, simplify, simplify!
By creating order within your homes and eliminating clutter, it creates a more conducive atmosphere which sets the stage for new beginnings. By repeating the words, “divine order” many times during the day, you will keep yourselves on task and will not be as likely to lose your focus. This activity also helps you to feel good about yourselves as you experience success in each of the goals that you have accomplished. Stopping often just to look around you and appreciate the beauty that surrounds you is also helpful as you create your new beginnings. We hasten to remind you that each new dawn also brings a new beginning so be kind to yourselves and more heart centered in your interactions with others around you. By keeping things as simple as possible, you will get through this.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2008-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
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