Beloved masters, your GOD-SEED ATOM / I AM Presence is your original Core Intelligence, your first individualized identity within a Universal or Sub-universal experience. Within this Sub-universal experience, your first twelve God-Sparks / soul fragments contained all the virtues, aspects, talents and knowledge you would need to traverse the multiple levels (dimensions) within this Sub-universe. Since that time, your God-Seed Atom Essence has refracted and separated innumerable times. You are now in the process of reclaiming all the multiple facets of your soul-self within the third/fourth dimensions so that you may move forward to a greater, more dynamic and expansive version of your Higher Self within a fifth-dimensional environment. To assist you in accomplishing this, your Diamond Core God Cell and your personal Flower of Life Creator Wheel contain a full measure of the Twelve Rays of God-Consciousness for this Sub-universal experience. They were designed so that when you were ready to begin the return journey into the higher levels of consciousness, you would have access to your own FULL SPECTRUM DIVINITY. Your task is to activate these Rays, to incorporate the God qualities and attributes they contain, and then to use these qualities and attributes for the greatest good. There is still much confusion as to what the soul is, how it functions, and where it resides. It is vital that you understand the intricate process of reconnecting with the many facets of your Higher Self. It is also important that you gain clarity about the more in-depth teachings we have given you regarding the multiple Higher Self Fragments (you have many, not just one) and the process for incorporating these multiple facets of Self. Therefore, we feel it is time for an advanced explanation of this most important process for the EVOLUTION OF THE SOUL.
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Friday, October 31, 2014
20 maggio 2013 – La Comunità dei Delfini - La forza nascosta dietro l’ACQUA –Canalizzato da Méline Lafont
Vi salutiamo, incantevoli creature, siete veramente i benvenuti nel nostro nucleo di Amore, nella nostra essenza e nelle nostre amorevoli energie.
Essendo un gruppo, in essenza, abbiamo molte antenne e risorse per trasferire a tutti voi le migliori energie e permettere ai vostri cuori di cantare di nuovo, di farsi sentire ed avere solo le intenzioni più amorevoli. Questa è la ragione che ci porta a voi in questi tempi di Ascensione, per offrirvi nuovamente potere e assistenza sotto forma di Amore e genuina amicizia. Come sempre siamo i vostri fratelli e le vostre sorelle della Luce e sentiamo un legame davvero profondo e molto amore per tutti voi. E’ nostro grande desiderio continuare a mantenere e a nutrire tale legame e addirittura rafforzarlo.
Voi portate luce a questa Terra attraverso i vostri cuori e le vostre intenzioni, qualcosa che è sentito e conosciuto da ogni organismo vivente. Anche noi lo sentiamo e siamo davvero deliziati dall’enorme progresso raggiunto ed espresso con il cambiamento. Esistono dei movimenti terrestri che originano ulteriori grandi cambiamenti sulla Terra così come a livello solare. Si tratta di grandi cambiamenti, non di piccoli.
YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! by Patricia Cota-Robles
October 30, 2014
In the United States of America we are in the midst of midterm elections. I know everybody is more than disgusted with this process and the incredible reports of greed, corruption, and negativity we are being bombarded with in the media. There is absolutely no doubt that our political system is completely broken, but the only way we can move forward in the Light is to do something about it. That statement probably makes you even more frustrated, but please contemplate the following information from the Company of Heaven.
There is a purging process taking place on this Planet that is unprecedented in the history of time. Everything that conflicts with the patterns of perfection for the New Earth is being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted back into Light. What we are witnessing as far as the governments of the World are concerned is the antithesis of what government will be like on the New Earth.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
As Energias do Eclipse ~ A Deusa fala: Méline Portia Lafont
Translation by Patricia Teixeira <3
As Energias do Eclipse ~ A Deusa fala
Eu acho que as energias do Eclipse vêm promover o Deus/Deusa que estão dentro de nós com a finalidade de dar-se um passo em frente na criação com um sentido mais profundo do Ser próprio. Estas energias fortificadoras estão aqui para pôr-te em alinhamento com uma forma e expressão Superior de ti para que possas realizar a tua missão e serviço como um canal de Luz e Guardião do Portal. Estas energias do Eclipse estão a despertar as energias de expressão e de criatividade, que vão florescer ainda mais ao longo do mês de Novembro. Eu sinto que o mês de Novembro vai tratar da expressão dessas energias criativas que estão dentro de nós e vai fazer algo com elas quer no coletivo humano, quer na nossa realidade pessoal. Dar um passo em frente com autoconfiança nas energias de criatividade e criação é então a energia do Mês de Novembro. Pelo menos, é algo que eu sinto que está a acontecer e é a minha mensagem pessoal para todos vós.
Bob Fickes ~ How to Materialize What You Want
We all want to materialize our desires. There are two approaches for materializing what we want. The most common way is to ask the universe, God, a master or angels to give us what we want. The more advanced way is to directly materialize what we want from our own consciousness.
Either way there is a simple formula to follow. Two things are needed in order to materialize what we want: first we need a mold and second we need something to fill it with. The mold is our intention. We fill our intention with energy or Life Force. The best and most powerful Life Force is the force of Love. To put it simply: set your intention and put love into it!
Tom Kenyon – A Planetary Hathor Message – Escalation Of Chaotic Nodes And The Dismantling Of 3-D Reality – 30 October 2014

In past messages we have referred to the interaction of chaotic events as a Chaotic Node, singular, but in this instance we are referring to a more complex phenomenon—what we are calling Chaotic Nodes, plural.
Depending upon your vibratory resonance you will be affected in unique ways by the escalation of chaotic events. Those of you sensitive to the ecosystem of this planet may be experiencing extreme duress as you witness the degradation of the ecosystem and the loss of many species of life.
Another Chaotic Node, in addition to the Chaotic Node of your ecosystem, is the stress of interpersonal communications. This is a very complex situation, and it is partly due to the shifts in magnetic fields upon your planet, making short-term memory and cognitive sequencing difficult during energetic shifts—and these energetic shifts are accelerating. Irrational behavior, desperation and feelings of utter hopelessness are on the rise. As the deterioration of both the ecosystem and interpersonal communications increase we anticipate even more cultural and social instability.
Jamye Price – Weekly Lightblast – Give And Take – 30 October 2014

The stories of your past are either supportive or depletive, you choose. They are past, yet not complete until you Take the lesson learned and Give yourself the power to choose anew with new strength, new wisdom, new potential that is born from the past. Give and Take is an engine of duality merging into new form, you choose. With every choice you Give and Take of Self and Life. It is your work of empowerment to perceive the visible and invisible aspects of each. As you do this, you find the mutually beneficial mergence that allows new form based in Love, supportive of Life, to emerge. As you Take of Life, you Give it new form. As you Take your power within, you Give Life new potential.
Karen Dover ~ Walking through the veils of illusion in TRUTH
As the energies now begin to expand and to deepen the human life experience is one that is becoming richer and richer at all moments of all moments. Many of you may now be anchoring just how amazing the human life experience is in relation to the DEPTH of experience that can be experienced at any one moment. It is to be remembered that your human vehicle is upgrading and shifting NATURALLY through this process, the challenge if you will is to allow the upgrading and the shifting that is unfolding through you, around you and within you. The universe is by DESIGN and the human vehicle is a miracle in itself, it has merely been kept in a lower vibrational frequency, so when it begins to work with and to decode the higher dimensional frequencies it will automatically and NATURALLY begin its own evolution process.
As you move through these intense energies it is important that you surrender to the NOW moment, the human logical mind is not too keen on the NOW moment as it has been TAUGHT to project into the “future” or the “past”, both scenarios designed to keep you from accessing the NOW moment and allowing PEACE to be anchored. At this moment in time take a moment to understand how you FEEL, take a note of your surroundings and what is going on in the NOW moment, PEACE can only be achieved NOW moment to NOW moment. NO ONE knows what will happen in the coming few minutes, that is the miracle and the excitement of the human experience.
To have your life planned in minute detail and to try to then steer your life so that you are holding tightly on to one outcome will see you attempt to place the constraints back around you, a bit like a prisoner being freed from prison only to run back into the jail cell and close the door once again. Indeed it may take some practice to be able to stay in the NOW moment, after all you have been TAUGHT and therefore practised being in anything but the NOW moment for your entire existence on this planet. Compassion for SELF is therefore a must at this time.
Suzanne Lie ~ Arcturian Transmissions to our Inter-Galactic Emissaries Part 3 -- The Galactic Post Office 10-29-14
Arcturian Transmissions to our Inter-Galactic Emissaries
Part 3
The Galactic Post Office
Our dear Emissaries of Light assisting dear Gaia HOME to Her true frequency,
Yes, rather a long introduction, but to us there is no time and no separation of words. Could you please take a moment of your NOW to FEEL our message? You will feel, not the words that we have written, but the carrier wave of unconditional love that transports our messages to you from the very Heart of our ONE.
FEEL how much we love and support you. Once you acknowledge that YOU deserve our unconditional love and constant guidance, you will be able to open the “frequency waveform” of our message. Please allow these messages to enter into your High Heart and higher states of consciousness so that you can best translate these waveforms into your 3D language systems.
Méline Portia Lafont - Le energie dell'Eclissi - La Dea parla
Translation by Valentina <3
Trovo che le energie dell'Eclissi rafforzino il nostro Dio e la nostra Dea interiori permettendoci di manifestare la creazione con un senso del Sé più profondo. Queste energie esistono per allinearvi con un forma ed un'espressione più elevate di voi stessi dandovi la possibilità di portare avanti la vostra missione ed il vostro dovere come canali di Luce e Guardiani del Portale. Le energie di questa Eclissi stanno risvegliando le energie della creatività ed espressione le quali sbocceranno ulteriormente mano a mano che avanziamo verso il mese di novembre. Sento che novembre sarà il periodo in cui esprimeremo tali energie creative che risiedono dentro di noi, nella nostra realtà personale così come in quella collettiva. Avanzare con fiducia in se stessi e supportando il nostro Sé attraverso le energie della creatività e dell'espressione: ecco quali saranno le energie del mese di novembre. Perlomeno questo è qualcosa che credo accadrà ed è anche il mio messaggio personale a voi tutti.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
New free audio files are now available to download on website ! FREE !
Bob Fickes ~ What about God?
God is the central source of all things. God is the ocean and all living beings are the waves.
No one is ever separated from God, in the same way that all waves are never separated from the ocean.
All living beings have God inside of them. Some will call it our Buddha Nature. Others will call it our Inner Christ. But even beyond the Buddha Nature and the Inner Christ is a state of Consciousness that goes beyond all things.
Wes Annac ~ Oversoul Teachings: You No Longer Need to Wait – Part 2/2
Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings
Concluded from Part 1
If you can keep in mind that you’re constantly loved, guided and supported by various higher-dimensional souls, you can more easily and readily attune to the intuitive wisdom we offer.
We recommend you always listen to your intuition and never deny any advice or guidance it has for you, because it’s not only a directional and navigational system that helps you make decisions that’ll ultimately lead you back into the higher realms – it’s also your direct link to these realms.
The Emergence of the Inner Warrior of Light : Standing in Power and Love and Being a Focus of Radiant Light for the Earth Transition ~ The Eclipses of October 2014 ~ Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
In the period after the Planetary New Year and the Global Equinox, the energies of Change have continued to be powerful on the Earth. Waves of Light Codes, Solar impulses and Diamond Light have continued to pulsate through the Galaxy, activating deep changes to all life forms and structures. On the Earth, these Light impulses are integrated into the Light Grids and into the Consciousness of those whose Light Bodies are ready to receive them. And once they are received, they serve to initiate very deep changes that continue with the process of breaking down the old third-dimensional patterns and awakening the new multi-dimensional consciousness on Earth.
The incoming energies of the Diamond Children are joining with those of the Crystal Children, providing a powerful impetus to the new Warriors of the Heart and the Warriors of the Light. These young people are entering into the time of their lives when they are remembering who they are and why they are here. They have powerful missions to be the anchor points for the energy of Inner Power, Love, Strength, Honesty and Transparency. They have courage and focus, and they are beginning to make their presence felt on the Earth. You are seeing this in China now, where the majority of people who are going into the streets to protest are in the age group of 17 to 22. These are the Crystal Children, and they are feeling that this is their time to stand up and ask for what they need for their future on the Earth. It is not only in China, in many places on the Earth, it is the young people who are finding their Inner Power and their Inner Warrior of Light and stepping forward.
Mahala – From Depth To Life – 29 October 2014

~From “Depth” to Life~
In these last few months, many people have really been feeling the “jolts” of change in their lives. I’m sure we all are to some degree feeling an upheaval of sorts as well. We recently had a blood red moon, 2 eclipses, and many solar flares of great magnitude to add to the pot. There’s no doubt about it…life just isn’t the same, nor will it ever be again.
Being a Vibrational Energy Healer/Reader my whole life, I would love to add a few tid bits of healthy advice for everyone to consider as these shifts are only increasing… especially up to the end of the year.
1.The changes we are experiencing are about lifting our recognition of our personal power. Both as individuals and as a collective whole, we are becoming new every day. Therefore, we must realize that by moving forward in life, this suggests we change our way of thinking in regards to how “things have always been.” Decisions we make may no longer feel like something we would have done even a year ago, and may be completely in a new phase of changing into the road less traveled. The best suggestion: go for it…. we really can no longer abide by something that our hearts do not feel.
Sandra Walter ~ Feeling the Love: Accelerated Timeline Shift
Blessings Beloveds,
The shift to an accelerated Ascension timeline has occurred. Deep gratitude to all who participated during the Gateway Trigger last week; our work on behalf of the highest interests of all concerned has lifted us to a more expansive, accelerated Ascension timeline. The levels of love, Christed light, and Fifth dimensional consciousness are quite profound.
I AM sure that most of you noticed the turning point – the timeline jump – during the X-flare of the 24th. It was sudden, strong, and palpable as the tube torus alignment between timelines occurred. Add it to the many magical moments of this journey as the unexplainable becomes commonplace; my Higher Levels said Step outside, open up to the SUN, and anchor this. A few minutes later, an X-flare that felt like pure Source consciousness. The following day, another nudge to step outside and Witness the completion: A giant rainbow appeared over Shasta as the Trigger passage anchored our intent. Success!
Oktober Toegangspoort ~ Het Opwarmen van de Energieën en de Verandering 13 Oktober 2014 / Méline Portia Lafont
We bewegen door een gigantische kracht van energieën heen dat alles in diens kern schudt. Velen beginnen zich het einde van hun oude overtuigingen/veroordelingen en het ego waar zij zich voor zolang aan vastgeklampt hebben te realiseren. De Volle Bloed Maan verduistering heeft de kern geschud van dat wat weg moet schrompelen om meer plaats voor het nieuwe en een ander groot portaal te maken, in de vorm van een zonsverduistering, dat zich voor zal doen in de aankomende dagen en dat de kern van dit alles wederom dooreen zal schudden. Iedere keer is het een andere energie invoer wat aan het proces van loslating en wedergeboorte deelneemt. Iedere invoer heeft diens eigen unieke codes en energieën om iedere vezel van al het bestaan aan te raken.
8 aprile 2013 - Siate coraggiosi e date il vostro meglio nei compiti che state affrontando al momento poiché sono molto significativi e giocano un ruolo importante - Canalizzato da Méline Lafont
Translation by Valentina <3
I Pleiadiani
I primi contatti con noi diventano sempre più reali e veri grazie al modo in cui vi state evolvendo. La collettività ha compiuto passi da gigante in parte grazie ai numerosi operatori di Luce che non hanno mai abbandonato la speranza e sono rimasti all'interno del loro potere continuando, con passione, a creare delle solide basi per la collaborazione. Ringraziamo tutti coloro che hanno continuato a lavorare così profondamente e che hanno perseverato nella loro missione. E' risaputo che ne varrà la pena.
Esistono vari sistemi per contattarci; alcuni di voi sono stati in grado di stabilire un contatto diretto con noi attraverso, per esempio, la telepatia e persino tramite contatti visivi diretti nella propria realtà. Tuttavia, molti di questi contatti accadono inconsciamente anche se questo sta progressivamente cambiando per arrivare ad un contatto più conscio come quello che avviene nel sonno.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Bob Fickes ~ Greetings from Merlin!
Well Blessings and Greetings to you my friends! This is the Merlin! I am so happy to see all of the changes you are going through. It is very exciting to see your lights shining on Earth. There are so many of you radiating light. From out in space we see the Earth and particularly Japan full of many dots of light from each of you!
The healing of Japan was very effective this month! We see the land coming alive again. It is good to see that what you are doing is working!
Many of you are beginning to wake up to your new energy and remembering who you are. Maybe your mind doesn’t remember yet, but your soul is gathering light and retrieving your ancient spiritual power.
Karen Dover ~ Acceptance of ALL that IS at human conscious waking mind level
In order to move and shift in frequency there has to be an acknowledgement and acceptance of that which is presented. For many of you at this time the ability to dismiss what is occurring around you is no longer an option. From family patterning that is now presented as unworkable to situations where many of you are becoming tired of “repeating”, all is moving into place to be released, prior to this it must be acknowledged and ACCEPTED at a human conscious waking mind level.
There are many, many teachings that seek to teach you to disconnect from what is happening at any one moment. In a world where the outer waking reality is extremely uncomfortable at many levels of the human life experience it is vital that you acknowledge and accept where you are at this time and find peace with this. You are where you are meant to be at any given moment as the walk out of the old 3D earth created reality is one that you are being guided with. Remember you came here to this life experience in order to release the KARMIC dimensional realities that you have lived within for eternity. ” YOU CANNOT fail at what you came here to BE” (- HCoO, thru Karen Dover) for only YOU ARE YOU.
Aisha North ~ Welcome to the New World, welcome to the New Pond
Beloved family of light!
Mere words are not enough to convey the huge transformation that has taken place over this last week, both on a personal and a collective level, for I think it is beyond anything any of us have the vocabulary to describe. My gratitude goes out to Philip, Sue, Ingrid, Murray, Heather, Ildiko, Claudia and all the other amazing people I met during my journey to Crete. Without you, this would not be, and so I thank you all from the very bottom of my heart for making this possible. And to Lin, JJ, Nancee, Adele, Bronnie and Lidia – your light will always shine in my heart.
Just the sheer joy of being able to meet face to face so many of the wonderful shining souls that I have come to know and to love through this Pond was enough to make my heart sing. For then, I was finally able to truly allow myself to finally know that WE are real, THIS is real. But as the week started to unfold and we went through a succession of meditations and ceremonies that were all above and beyond the most powerful ones I have ever taken part in, I started to realize that we had gathered there to do work of such a magnitude, it would change this world forever.
Ariah Velasquez-Elmore- MY ASCENSION STORY – 27 October 2014
Thanks to:

The first shift truly occurred while working with the Pleiadians adjusting my sacred geometry. Sacred geometry is the universal patterns that make up the Universe including the physical body. In a meditation from a book I read, it had the Pleiadians guiding readers into adjusting this to be tuned to higher dimensional vibrations and frequencies. I made the request and in a matter of seconds a huge surge of energy so strong I could barely breathe rushed through my body. I felt fear surface as it felt like my physical body could not possibly contain the divine force that was moving through me. Telepathically, I asked for them to slow down, and they immediately did. I must say, now that I know what it lead to, I kind of wished I had found out what would have happened if I fully surrendered…immediate enlightenment? That would be wonderful! But, what I did get was my being beginning to vibrate at a higher frequency, and the beginning of a many year path into ascension. I cannot say that I just ascended one day. I feel that evolution is a never ending process; but I did change.
Brenda Hoffman ~ You’re too large for a 3D World
Summary of Brenda’s October 25, 2014 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at The past few days were probably not the love fest you expected. You likely revisited some past 3D fears – and global violence never seems to end. Ebola wasn’t a soothing topic either, as more of those close to you were diagnosed or exposed. You’ve since shifted some deep personal fears. And because Ebola is not contained within a certain part of the world or group of entities, humans are joining forces to solve the Ebola riddle.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Bank Your Love Energies?”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
In the past few days, many revisited areas that pushed their 3D buttons. Perhaps an employer said or did something that reminded you how uncomfortable your work place is. Perhaps someone brought up a painful subject in your personal life. For many, the past few days have felt the opposite of love and joy.
Shanta Gabriel ~ The release of fear is a small price to pay for the ecstasy of full merging with the Divine.

For some reason our culture seems to think that the responsible thing for us to do is to focus on our fears, as if worrying about the future is the preparation we need to make good things happen. As students of the Law of Attraction, we know that it is exactly opposite from what is the truth in our lives.
Monday, October 27, 2014
Méline Portia Lafont: The Eclipse energies ~ The Goddess Speaks
I find the Eclipse energies to be about empowering the God/Goddess within, in order to step forth in creation with a deeper sense of Self. These empowering energies are here to align you with a Higher form and expression of you so that you can execute your mission and duty as a Light conduit and Gatekeeper. These Eclipse energies are awakening the energies of creativity and expression, which will blossom more as we move into the month of November. I get the sense that November will be about expressing those creative energies within us and to do something with this in the collective as well as in your own personal reality. Stepping forth in self trust and with self empowerment through the energies of creativity and creation is thus the energy of the Month of November. At least it is something I strongly feel happening and it is my personal message to you all.
I have created this audio during the Full Blood Moon Eclipse energies of early October 2014, where this powerful force of the Goddess consciousness was activating within me to speak these tones of truth. It is a language of light codes, one that speaks of empowering, freedom and unity as One. This helps you to release emotions, to empower your own true God/Goddess Self and to awaken this creativity within you to arise and integrate in your life.
Suzanne Lie ~ Arcturian Transmissions to our Inter-Galactic Emissaries - Part 2 Through the Portal 10-24-14
Arcturian Transmissions to our Inter-Galactic Emissaries
Part 2
Through The Portal
Dear Inter-Galactic Emissaries,
We wish to tell you that you are in the process of download and integration of a higher light that was, and is still, being delivered from the higher dimensions. How does higher light download into Earth from the higher dimension? One way is that they “catch a ride” on the current “space weather.”
Whenever there are energy fields flowing from your Sun, or even from outside of your local Solar System, the higher light takes advantage of that opportunity to ride the energy waves into the atmosphere of Gaia. It is important that you remember that all planets, solar systems, galaxies and universal beings are sentient beings.
As we are now stepping into the greatest quantum leap in consciousness and evolution this planet has ever seen, it is good to remember the Ancient truth that what is INSIDE will manifest on the outside, and what is there is the macrocosm has to manifest in the microcosm.
The greatest shift then is not so much outside, as it is within: – yet, as the planet is shifting, the Universe is shifting, so are we.
Bob Fickes ~ Who Am I?
Source: Who Am I?
We all want to know who we are and what we should be doing in this life. Often this becomes a burning question and creates a lot of confusion and discomfort as we begin to think too much! The only real answer comes from inside of us. It can never come by trying to be like someone else or do something that others want us to do. Our Consciousness is a field of infinite possibilities. We can be anything we want.
The real problem that we have is “we think too much”! We use our mind to figure out what we should be doing and think too much about who we are. Don’t think! Relax, let go, and learn how to listen to our feelings.
The first question we need to answer is who am I? Our mind wants a concrete and specific answer. We think we identify our self by defining what we do. This is not the question why want to answer. Who am I is not determined by what we do. I am the same person now that I was when I was a child. My knowledge has changed, my desires have changed, but I am still the same person I was when I was a child. I am this consciousness that stays the same throughout my entire life.
Bob Fickes,
october 2014,
who Am I?
Marilyn Raffaele ~ the Arcturian Group ~ OCTOBER 26, 2014
Greetings dear ones.
In these present times of confusion for so many we see great light shining forth. Much is happening that you are unaware of for chaos is acting to bring forth a change of consciousness for many who otherwise would not be open to change. The human condition fears change, finding a sense of security in sameness regardless of how uncomfortable, painful, or outgrown it may be.
Those experiencing chaotic situations have for the most part, all given permission before incarnating to be a part of some experience that may be needed to help to shift world consciousness. In doing so they are completing personal karma as well as serving to help awaken and shift world consciousness. Not every chaotic experience is pre-planned. There are times when a soul becomes so overwhelmed by life on earth that he forgets his pre-birth contract and lashes out in ways harmful to others and self.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Bob Fickes ~ Time to Smile and Celebrate Your New Life
Today is a day of rest. After all the offerings this month and all the spiritual events, it is time to honor Amaterasu and look into the mirror. Go to a place in Nature and relax. Tune in to your inner being and notice how much you have changed.
Look in the mirror and see your new self. Close your eyes so you are not distracted by the outside world. Put aside everything that you have been doing and everything that has happened to you and your family. Just be quiet with your new self.
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