If you’re so truthful in all and telling only the story from your perspective without telling it to be only that view. If your only saying this is THE truth without being truthful about where that truth is coming from. If you’re not keeping room for discernment from others but just tell IT IS.
If you are still marketing truths that have served purpose in the old paradigm and bring them into the belief systems for some fools believing. If your still talking about others being wrong and making yourself and your group being the only ones telling the truth.
If you are the one that has made yourself into the only expert in knowing what the NEW in the new paradigm will be. If you are the one that thinks to exclude or separate to unite. If you are the one that is still having profits, power and ruling over interests written all over your actions.
If you are the ones that still think to be ruling the planet on your terms. If you are the ones that still think government and representatives are doing all in service to you or have the best interest.
If you’re telling people to be living in a new paradigm: why are you acting still if you are not. Walk the talk! If you are only being transparent, honest and truthful when it is convenient.
I have compassion If you are that one or those ones.
I have a message for you all. Get being truthful, honest and transparent yourselves. Get finding your inner-power that is not found in someone or something outside of you. Get working on changing YOU first. It is so easy to pull the sheeple in by their willingness to be stupid and still belief and follow instead of BE. Get finding the balance back within and know the balance will be found in everything eventually. The time for wildly swinging extremes of polarity is over. It is time to come together at the center. There is not one way of doing things nor will there be a certain way prevalent. All is working towards the end-balance whatever way it has been chosing. Be prepared to find the unexpected to be coming on your path. Work together with people not with groups or structures. You are all individual creator beings and not sheep that need a sheep-fold and need to be guided, fed and led the way to be existing. Think about what your own truth within is. Let us all forget the if… and truly be honest, truthful and transparent.
Love and Light,
P.S. Maybe will be a bit less posting or even not as my situation does not allow health wise as also money wise. Thanks for all of you that have made a difference. I do and have done my mission in service to all. Some know what real conditions I have been doing this from and I do it from my heart. Maybe I was not understood but you will understand when all is finding its place back in center. You can make still a difference voluntary towards helping me cope you can find the donation button on the main page. Thanks for more than 8.2 million views and 3.5 million visitors. I hope I have made a difference in waking you up or given you a view on things from another perspective as you all need to discern yourselves in all. BE you and not what others, groups or structures want you to be.
Love you all.
Love and Light,
(c) 2014 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with thehttp://www.lucas2012Infos.wordpress.com link mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.
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