It is easy to falling into the traps of others laid out to make their truth yours and you will even fight others over it…. right?! It is about knowing that your inner-source of knowledge your intuition, gutt feeling and heart-source connection with all will show you what is YOUR truth. All that what is seen on the outside is seemingly telling you A TRUTH not THE TRUTH as that is only YOUR TRUTH. Do not forget to be also honest yourselves. See also that other telling certain truths are maybe having an agenda. It becomes also very clear if you see that certain persons are into slandering or spamming or making things personal or even going making their “truths” into a hate campaign or defamation.
If there are questions unanswered you may put that out there and ask it to the right persons or organisations in question. It is absolutely fine to find your truth but forget not to leave at that. Please do not make others follow or force them or coerce them in some sort of truth in what way ever. It is always up to you to discern and weighing the data you got and you need not comment or go into fora for that reason as it is your truth. Discussing or exchanging information is good for the right reasons of course. Do not forget things can always change. Your views and perceptions change and some truths can change with new date or information or by changing beliefs or views within a group or from a person.
If you have a grouch or have a personal problem…go to the person or organization you have a problem with and not take it out on others or do intentional harm to others just by doing so. At the moment things are volatile. Things are in transit. Truths and hidden agendas will be revealed and old stuff and that what served purpose will be going out the backdoor. Keep a focus within and try to keep the balance within. Observing within what is out of balance as well that what is outside of you out of balance just a few data can help. You distance yourself a from that what you might normally go into taking personal, or seeing as an extreme opposite or even as wrong.
Nothing is right or wrong now… It all is an ongoing balance act. It will come all nicely together in unexpected ways in the now. All is contributing towards the ending of the imbalance. Know there is already lots of change in front or behind the scenes going on. It may be sometimes not for 100% intended to be for the best 0f all humanity but regardless of the personal interests, agendas and other stuff it will help to bring things a bit faster in balance. We will find a or maybe for a short-term multiple ways to transit things into the new.
The only thing I can say is. Keep the focus and balance on that what is for all of us the best solution as ME, I and MINE is not anymore the basis we will do things from as they become irrelevant.
Love and Light,
(c) 2014 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with the link mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.
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