Hi everyone,
I am organizing a Global meditation to focus on Japan. We will especially put a deeper focus on Mount Fuji which is the third eye chakra of Gaia, also on Fukushima and the Northern Pacific Ocean near Japan .Join our Focus and meditation for Japan each Sunday for 3 weeks long at March 30, April 6 and April 13 at 9 PM CET Time (or GMT +1 Brussels), 8 PM GMT time, 12 PM PST time and 3 PM EST time. Where? in your own heart space
Facebook event, please join in at: https://www.facebook.com/events/296000903891069/?context=create&source=49
This video that I have created, will assist you in the vizualization through this guided meditation. I invite all of you to join in this focus and vibration of Love at the given times and dates.
Do not worry if you cannot make yourself free at that time, you are welcome to join in later on any time and space that suits you best to perform this meditation on that day. The more we unite at the same time, the more our intention and focus will be amplified.This meditation also consists of Light Language in co-creation with the Lemurians, The dolphin Collective and Saint Germain, that assist us all in this formation of a grid and unification. I hope to feel you all at these times and dates, we connect in the inner heart
♥ I will update afterwoods, what is been given to me during it and after the meditation and let you all know. Please feel free to share yours as well as comment on my page or by e-mail.Truly appreciate you all and thank you so much for assisting and being there. Feel free to spread around as far and as much as you can. We are grateful ♥
the music is by Thaddeus and can be purchased at www.orindaben.com/catalog/music_singles/
Namaste Méline Lafont
Autobiographic tale of my twenty years in the Korean unifying movement of the self-styled reverend Sun Myung Moon, the Unification Church, very active in Japan, in United States and in Europe. A recognition in the language denoted of plagiarism and self plagiarism, that characterize the interpersonal transaction in the mystical micro-cults. Strategies “no profit” to recycle a remarkable huge amount of money, deriving by philanthropic fundraising, in normal activities “full profit”. The secrets of the fundraising and sales “door to door”. Entirely transposed by my time in the more articulate, picturesque mystical enterprise of the history: the Moon’s sect or... the cleverest fraud of the history! http://www.amazon.it/Little-God-Syndrome-happily-Frontiers-ebook/dp/B00WH6DQOW/ref=sr_1_2?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1432290180&sr=1-2&keywords=ulisse+di+bartolomei