Every single one of us is able to do this. It’s not a rare and mysterious gift given only to a chosen few. Not at all! The Universe doesn’t work like that, and when we were created we were all created equally perfect and amazing. It’s just that there are varying levels of trust among us, as to the authenticity of the information we receive, and also how our life experiences (both past and present) have impacted us and blocked our flow of Divine Communication. The first and most essential step in eradicating these blocks is simply to acknowledge that you have them in the first place. Then you must take steps to clear them away, and evaluate and reconfigure the way you look at things. At how you view yourself. Be confident! Have faith in your own magnificence!
This a time of tremendous change. We can no longer rely on the mainstream media or other conventional, old-energy sources for our news and information. In fact, it’s becoming increasingly evident that we never really could. The most accurate reporting comes not only from the beloved Celestial Teams circling around us, but from deep within our own hearts as well. It’s important to take some time each day to work on honing your telepathic skill, via meditation and simple observation. As we move further and further into a 5th dimensional state, this form of communication will eventually overtake the spoken word to become the norm. So let’s get ready!
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