(Méline: This is worth the while to read and to visit her page!!!)
(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)
There are three very important things to know about how polarity is really removed and how it got here. Removing polarity has to do with the spin rate of the electron and proton and how it joins with it's anti-particle or etheric twin cellular structure. It has to do with the 12 subharmonic frequencies of the etheric or anti particle 12 DNA reconnecting to the particle DNA. It has to do with the Soul Matrix (sometimes called SuperConsciousness or Higher Self) of the 4,5,6 dimensions and DNA assimilates into oneness with the 1,2,3 dimensions or DNA. This is also referred to the Fission of Harmonic Universe One into Harmonic Universe Two.
(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)
There are three very important things to know about how polarity is really removed and how it got here. Removing polarity has to do with the spin rate of the electron and proton and how it joins with it's anti-particle or etheric twin cellular structure. It has to do with the 12 subharmonic frequencies of the etheric or anti particle 12 DNA reconnecting to the particle DNA. It has to do with the Soul Matrix (sometimes called SuperConsciousness or Higher Self) of the 4,5,6 dimensions and DNA assimilates into oneness with the 1,2,3 dimensions or DNA. This is also referred to the Fission of Harmonic Universe One into Harmonic Universe Two.
The Soul Integration of the Soul Matrix from Harmonic Universe Two into the Body Template in Harmonic Universe One allows for complete removal of polarity through assimilation. Once that polarity of purpose between the lower bodies and the Soul Matrix is removed, the new advanced state of consciousness recognizes the plural nature of simultaneous existence in various space - time dimensional realities. Once the removal of polarity of the harmonic universe one and two is achieved, the entity begins the process of assimilating into the Harmonic Universe Three Over Soul Matrix.
This process is mostly about listening and being directed by the Higher Consciousness of ones own Soul Matrix. When this continuous listening is achieved, the Ego of the lower personality melts away into the Divine Mind or the Super Mind of the Souls of our Creation, containing the Wisdom and Experience, of all we have ever been and all we will ever be. The Soul Matrix contains the Archetypal Mind that knows itself as a singular identity that is composed of many identities who are a part of the Incarnational Soul, the race, the species, the mind networks of this universe and parallel universes. The 5D Mind is the re-cognizing to the Many that we really are. The neuro network reconnects to all that we have been in our past selves and what our greater purpose or true mission was that we set out to accomplish through those past lives. The assimilation into the Astral- 4th, Archetypal 5th, and the Angelic Consciousness of the 6th allows the Communication Process of Star Language to begin. We will soon learn that our Souls live in the Stars. We were all once great entities who created stars and were stars, or who have lived within stars. A star is simply an Eternal System, while a Planet is a Mortal System.
Our logical mind has always relied on us drawing conclusions, and not allowing our emotional mind or intuitive mind to allow pure cognition. Our alignment with our Soul Matrix is the blending of the logical and emotional minds into a knowing and cognizing the full reality of the all knowing Divine Mind. We are getting re-cognized as we allow our frequency specific mid brain to guide us.
So, polarity removal does not mean separating good and bad, happy and sad, left brain right brain, or any of those other things that you probably think it means.
Polarity removed means when the positive electron and negative proton become the neutral neutron. We are becoming the neutron body. This process happens through the 14th dimensional element called heliotalic silver pastel helium combined with Sun Alcyone's Gamma wave of our orignal creation.
Our bioenergetic field of energy is being transposed from the spinning of the electro magnetic or male female frequencies of the positive negative spin rate being altered until there are no more electron and protons. The polarity is removed because we get the neutral neutron energy. This can only happen when the heliotalic frequency of the 14th dimension is added. This is being supplied to us from the Aurora Field and time portal alignments arranged through Sirius B.
It is the addition of the Helium to Water H2O2HE3 that will allow us to assimilate into the new harmonic universe two atmosphere and rearrange our bioenergetic field. It is the helium that allows us to levitate and teleport the body. That is one of the first beginning stages of learning to utilize our new reality. First stages of pure listening to the Soul Matrix, seeing with the mid brain, meeting your orb bodies, and then finally learning to orb out of here are all realities that will become obtainable in 2013.
This new bioenergetic arrangement is achieved by the spinning of the electro magnetic relation ship or the particle antiparticle relationship of harmonic universe one which is Earth with the harmonic universe two which is Tara.
The entire magical fission that will create a new vision of reality is the morphing or fission of the anti particle reality of the fourth with the particle reality of the third. Actually that part of the process was already completed in December. Now, we will begin to experience the after affects of that fissionary process.
We will begin to see the harmonic universe two morph into this visible plane that we have been so accustomed to believing was the only reality. Tara will appear as Inner Earth rises into the particles of Earth. The Inner Earth known as Agartha will become more and more visible each day. It will be faster for those who know how to raise their frequencies into the fifth dimension through the gamma rays of Sun Alcyone.
This entire universe is being rearranged by the Helium in the 14th dimension. That helium, which is the heliotalic frequency of light and sound must interact with the parallel 8th of Sun Alcyone in a way that creates the new Neutron Energy within our BioEnergetic Fields. We must breathe this frequency into the cells of our body to create the transformation which will shift our bodies into alignment with our Etheric, Light and Crystal Bodies which are made of a new chemical arrangement which allows us to turn into light and travel beyond the Earth's Matrix.
Polarity removed means when the positive electron and negative proton become the neutral neutron. We are becoming the neutron body. This process happens through the 14th dimensional element called heliotalic silver pastel helium combined with Sun Alcyone's Gamma wave of our orignal creation.
Our bioenergetic field of energy is being transposed from the spinning of the electro magnetic or male female frequencies of the positive negative spin rate being altered until there are no more electron and protons. The polarity is removed because we get the neutral neutron energy.
This new bioenergetic arrangement is achieved by the spinning of the electro magnetic relation ship or the particle--antiparticle relationship of harmonic universe one which is Earth with the harmonic universe two which is Tara.
The entire magical fission that will create a new vision of reality is the morphing or fission of the anti particle reality of the fourth with the particle reality of the third. Actually that part of the process was already completed in December. Now, we will begin to experience the after affects of that fissionary process.
We will begin to see the harmonic universe two morph into this visible plane that we have been so accumstomed to believing was the only reality. Tara will appear as Inner Earth rises into the particles of Earth. The Inner Earth known as Agartha will become more and more visible each day. It will be faster for those who know how to raise their frequencies into the fifth dimension through the gamma rays of Sun Alcyone.
This entire universe is being rearranged by the Helium in the 14th dimension. That helium, which is the heliotalic frequency of light and sound must interact with the parallel 8th of Sun Alcyone in a way that creates the new Neutron Energy within our BioEnergetic Fields. We must breathe this frequency into the cells of our body to create the transformation which will shift our bodies into alignment with our Etheric, Light and Crystal Bodies which are made of a new chemical arrangement which allows us to turn into light and travel beyond the Earth's Matrix.
Great piece, thought I would add just one link, (those interested can search for more via "monopole",etc), to where mainstream science is reflecting what I believe is expressed in this reading.