(thanks to Lucas infos: http://networkedblogs.com/JId99)
Greetings Children of Ra this is Mother Sekhmet.
Welcome to the Golden Age on Earth. We are now moving into the 6th Sun. On March 28th new Divine Energies will pour into You through Source and Alcyone through your Sun to Earth and with this we enter the 9th Gateway. This changes all the potentials on Earth as you are now in the 5th Dimension and in certain sacred places on Earth the 7th Dimension and above. As these new energies pour in over the next few months, building over time, Earth is prepared to Activate Her changes including a Zero Point force field around the Planet which is a vibration where weapons won’t work. We will have World Peace.
I come to you this day to ask you suspend all disbelief, all fear and all preconceived notions about your Planet and your Body.
Have you ever taken a microscope to look at a human nucleus cell?
It looks much like the drawings for Inner Earth. An inner core Sun and structures within set around the sun encased in a sphere which has a busy surface world. This is a microcosm to the Human Body, the Planet, the Galaxy and the Cosmos.
The Divine blueprint repeats itself again and again. Evolution continues in a sequence of events as it always has through the aeons of time. We enter the 6th Sun and the 9th Gateway of this evolution now. It is the fractals spinning and unfolding into the Higher Realms of light.
Now that Earth has Ascended there are varying levels of adjustment. One is that of the ignorant who feel they are in a situation which is intolerable of slavery and suffering. One is that of the foolhardy looking for wealth and some of these are successful at it. In time the One looking for wealth realizes that each One has good times and bad times and it occurs in cycles and no One has only good or only bad and then they decide life is more than money and decide to pursue knowledge. One in this phase looks for information without discernment, good information, bad information they are like a basset hound sniffing out all things they had never considered before. Finally there is the Wise.
This One pursues inner activities connecting with Source energy throughout the day. By doing this they have abundance of wealth and spirit. They have good knowledge and literally spend their entire lives in meditation.
If you today are suffering in poverty or illness, obsessed with wealth building, or spending your every free second tracking nonsense I invite you today to skip over those phases and go right into Wisdom. There is no prerequisite only that you dissolve ego mind. These three first groups are joined at the hip by ego mind and the Wise Ones have no ego at all. They have only their connection to Oneness.
These are all normal phases to go through and almost everyone does. Now that Earth is in the 5th Dimension it is possible to Activate your Higher Intelligence. In a few days when the magnificent waves of energy pour down on you, those who have prepared will Activate all 12 Strands of DNA.
This is a gift and if you are aware ahead of time and consciously focus on it you may then actively dissolve your ego mind and move swiftly into your Inner Wisdom. It is not only your Birthright, but Your Right Eternal. Your Right perennial. Everlasting. You may learn to levitate, have telepathy, teletransport, walk through walls, see into other dimensions. You may become immortal and then only leave your body when you decide. As you desire to move into a different Dimension, after you have realized Enlightenment then you will decide. You no longer suffer illness or aging because you will have acquired the skills to be in this body without those things.
When we enter Zero Point Energy after Disclosure and Announcements then Earth crosses the 9th Gateway. We are on target for this next month provided we stay the course.
Being inside the 9th Gateway means that Earth is eligible to go back through the Eye of On. This is the middle star in Orion’s Belt, Al Nilam or On where when passed through Earth will first enter the Central Sun called Alcyone which is a series of three rings which look like Saturn’s rings and each One steps up the energy of Earth as she passes through making it possible for Her to pass to the Other Side of Alcyone.
This brings Earth to the Light Matter Universe called On, our Twin Universe – we are in Nebadon the Dark Matter Universe. This return through the Eye of On is Earth’s next major move and with it are unlimited potentials you cannot at this moment begin to understand. This is what Earth is preparing for next. Understand Earth will not be prepared for this until some years, maybe more than two decades or more.
That is a view into our not too far future. But the first order of business is all must enter Wisdom and discontinue old baby games. Put your puzzles down and lets look into becoming mature Beings of Earth. Ask for the Guidance of Archangel Michael with Chamuel and Metatron to eradicate the ”Ego” and the attachment to “the software of the Mind” completely, then dear One, you will raise your awareness and step up to the highest frequencies of pure Light. Invite your God Self to meet You and merge with it, embracing all the aspects and expressions of Self that carry the Highest Light Codes and free yourself from those that no longer serve you and are holding you back to a lower density. Free your form self spirit and anchor your new Human Angel state on Earth. All will fall into place then…
We must have Accountability from the Ones who kept Earth down. The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure asks the Media break their silence and ask the governments Self-Disclose to Earth Citizens their involvement with different Groups of extraterrestrials. The negative extraterrestrials left Earth permanently in 2010 preparing for Ascension. The positive extraterrestrials are the Galactic Federation who work with everyone on Earth to moving forward with Ascension. Francis Bacon, an Avatar of St. Germain has said “The Truth is so hard to tell sometimes it needs fiction to make it plausible”. I prefer not to sugar coat the truth for you at this moment. You absolutely MUST drop your egocentric rituals serving your lower bodies and come into your Higher Intelligence now. We are here to help you, you only must ask.
As the old continues to dissolve in front of your eyes the Good Ol? Boys Club within NSA, DOD, DIA, CIA, the Supreme Court, Congress, the Federal Reserve and IRS are running for their lives. Those Ones involved in facilitating the change over within the system are likewise fearful. Everyone is walking on eggshells. Each One has only a piece of the puzzle and feels so committed to doing their little part, they do not even come up for a breath or to look around and see the changes which are already complete. Those in the media have not yet received the memo. They still report with trap door stories with one or two sentences of truth wrapped around rabbit holes of deception. I invite you to turn away from the news because it no longer serves you. It will dissolve whether you waste your time with it or not.
What can you do to maximize your Soul Growth at this time?
When you open your eyes in the morning and your head is still on the pillow ask God: What may I do to serve you this day? If you are Atheist or Agnostic it does not matter, for YOU ARE GOD. Ask your Self: What may I do to serve you this day? Take action steps each day to Serve Mother Earth. Do something in the 5th Dimension which will make a difference. Agree with God at first lights each day that you will stay focused on having a conversation throughout the day with God and will no longer engage your focus with your ego mind. Ego will call you like a little child calling for Momma. Ego will want your attention. You will continue to hold a conversation only with God and ignore ego as it dissolves the way of all things 3D. You will put away your matrix mind and as ego dissolves your life will change dramatically.
Talking with God throughout the day will bring you strength you never knew you had. As you hold your gaze on God you cause a chain reaction which has your prayers answered. Financial stability will come into the picture. It will be a new sensation and you will – like any addict – have an urge to speak with ego, but with the support of the massive new energies beginning March 28th as the second surge after 12.21.12 you will resist this urge. When you feel weak you will fall into the arms of God and find comfort there. Mother – Father God, we are there for you every step of the way. You may act like a child and come sit with us. We will give you a hug and a smile before you go back on your way. You are always under our care. We are looking out for you. The more you focus your gaze with us the more we have you within our protective sight. We will give you all you need to elevate your Wisdom on your New Earth. You shall find the Inner Peace, the return to Innocence and in that Sacred Space, Dear One, you will clean all your tears with the gold liquid dust of the alchemy and magic of Oneness.
Now take your new Wisdom, your feelings of Wholeness and your new found strength and develop new habits. Push yourself to do more because just like working out your brain muscle is now sharper, faster and stronger. You are no longer that victim. You are a Creator God living in the 5th Dimension. Congratulations! You did it! Your Pineal is fully activated with the Gold Dust floating in everyday from Niburu like Manna from Heaven floating into your Crown giving you everything you need to have what you have asked for. Nothing and No One can stop you. Only just walk through the steps which make it so.
This transmission of Solar Light Codes through the language of Light and the Celestial songs/music of the spheres so the dance that you are initiating is always done egoless, within the Divine Presence of your heart with love, ease, grace , balance and harmony. Each moment is a choice. The speed at which your Collective Consciousness moves forward is dependent on your very thought, word and deed each day. Do you see yourself in one of the lower groups? Groveling for money, Having ups and downs with wealth, Searching the ends of the Earth for useless research? Come Up! Come Up Dear Children. Invoke Me, Invite Me, Open to Me. I am here for you. I am right here walking with you.
I also invite the Wise Ones to reach out more to this other Group and help the Collective Consciousness move forward quickly past Accountability, past Disclosure, past Announcements and right into the Cities of Light waiting for you to be prepared.
It is that simple. You have all you have asked for. Now go out there and take small moves – get Disclosure complete together and invite your Galactic Family back to Earth to enjoy New Earth in the 5th Dimension together with you. We are waiting for you – not the other way around. We Join You as You Enter Zero Point with No Nukes and World Peace. Namaste! This is Mother Sekhmet through Elizabeth Trutwin, March 24, 2013 © All Rights Reserved.http://GalacticRoundTable.org, http://Garuda.co, http://ElizabethTrutwin.org
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. Arthur Schopenhauer
German philosopher (1788 – 1860)
via www.lucas2012infos.wordpress.com published after received
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