We will guide your every step towards the goal you seek. We are here to guide you and protect you as much as we can. We know that due to much interference it is not very usual for our voice and advice to be heard by you. It is not common that even the most enlightened among you consciously communicate with us, from the angelic realm.
Rest assured that we know the deepest longings of your heart for peace, joy, happiness, balance and justice. We know your worth as well as you know yours.
You have chosen to incarnate upon the Earth sphere for the end game times, as so many of us call this time. We are so proud of you all for having decided to spread your wings upon Mother Earth, who is in great need of love and courage among her children.
The need for world peace will have to rise from the human realm, from the human dimension and implemented by humans. Our role is a supportive role, from behind the veil only. You are the ones who will have to take action and rely on each other’s courage to make the 3D gamble come to an end.
Know that you can connect with us through your higher self, through your heart and love. For love is all that is, dear souls. Love is the only reality that exists and the only way to end wars, crimes and all other violent forms against humanity, but also against the other life forms residing on Mother Earth, for whose wellbeing you are responsible for.
Bear in mind that the connection to the light is something that needs to be worked on actively. When you are not open to the light, other shadowy forces are nearing your being. Be clear of such presence by remaining connected with your Higher Self, and Source.
Love is all that Is, you are all beings of love and light, taking a tour in the darkness of the illusion world. Many changes are under way, even though they still remain hidden. Do not lose hope and joy from within your heart.
This battle is nearly over and we look forward to welcoming you home, among us again dear friends of our heart.
Thanks and Joy upon you all.
Channel: Laura Multidimensional Ocean
Copyright © Laura/ Multidimensional Ocean. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content, including the title, is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included: http://multidimensionalocean.wordpress.com andhttp://auroradreamflights2.wordpress.com/
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