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I woke up the morning of February 11 with the words of a song running through my head called ‘Let It Go’. It kept running through my head and I didn’t know where it came from until I saw the movie a few days later called Frozen. I realized ‘Let It Go’ must be a popular song when I heard many people singing along with that song in the movie. I looked up the words to that song because it left such an impression on me. That song also won an Oscar in the Academy Awards last night. Check out this link: (search youtube for “Frozen let it go” or click
Here are a couple of verses to that song.
“It’s funny how some distance makes everything seem small and the fears that once controlled me can’t get to me at all. It’s time to see what I can do to test the limits and break through. No right, no wrong, no rules for me, I’m free. Let it go, let it go I am one with the wind and sky. Let it go, let it go. My power flurries through the air into the ground, my soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around, and one thought crystalizes like an icy blast. I’m never going back; the past is in the past. Let it go, let it go, let it go”.
Isn’t that what we are all doing right now? The past is gone; it is no more-let it go. The new is here and all we have to do is connect to the new energy, which is the energy of love and unity consciousness. I know that sometimes that is hard to do. We are all human Beings doing the best we can, although with the energy that is coming in right now we need to let go of our past. Live in the now and become an observer to everything that is going on around you. Don’t get caught in the drama. There needs to be a lot of people holding the energy right now and living in joy and happiness. Life is supposed to be happy. Did anyone say that life had to be so serious and painful? Now let’s go on to more thoughts about events that are going on in the world right now.
Welcome to the emotional water energy of the new moon in Pisces that happened on March 1, 2014. One of the results of that energy was the rain southern California just received. I hope they get more rain to help with the drought they are experiencing. They produce a large amount of food that is needed all over the United States. If they can’t produce the food, the price of food will go up. Besides that, it is nice to have enough water to take a bath every now and then.
Along with the storms in California, we have major storms going on in the Midwest and East Coast. The water energy can be either rain, snow, or ice. Remember I have been saying that Jupiter is in Cancer (water sign) and is activating the area from the Mississippi River to the East Coast which includes the Southeastern part of the USA. This energy will continue in those areas until the end of July. Then Jupiter will move into the fire sign Leo where it will stay for one year.
Along with the water energy of Pisces, we have the fiery, angry energy of the Sun conjunct Mars (by declination) for the first week of March. This means it is a good idea to control your temper. Mars also rules sports, and was over the area of Sochi when the Olympics were taking place. However there was also a revolution going on in Kiev at the same time. Mars energy is still over the Ukraine and Crimea, which was just taken over by the Russians. This is a pretty major event. We will see how it all works out. I had a dream about the bear (Russia) getting aggressive on February 25, 2013. Then I had two other dreams on April 7 and 10, 2013 about the bear.
Mars was just conjunct the North Node in Libra a few days ago. This means the node is activating Mars. The lower frequency Earth still seems to vibrate to the war energy of Mars. Other people are working toward the peace energy of Libra. Libra rules justice and people will tend to want their own way if they think things are unjust.
Valdimir Putin has four planets in Libra, with Scorpio rising and his moon is in Gemini. His Sun is on 13 degrees Libra and that is being activated by the cardinal cross right now. Mars is conjunct his Mercury, and Mars turned retrograde right on top of his Mercury. This gives him the energy to think that what he is doing is right. Pluto is exactly square his Sun right now which gives him the desire for power, or to become involved in power struggles and aggressive behavior.
With the high frequency energy that is happening right now things can get a little chaotic. This was a very interesting new moon because we had the Sun and Moon on 10 degrees Pisces, Jupiter 10 degrees Cancer, Uranus 10 degrees Aries, and Pluto 13 degrees Capricorn. This means the fast-acting cardinal cross is being activated and we can look for surprising and unexpected events to happen. These events can be either positive or negative, depending on what we have created.
Right now it looks like Russia is creating a negative event. Russian troops took over Crimea as the parliament in Moscow gave Valdimir Putin a green light to use the military to protect Russian interests in the Ukraine. Russia has a lot of natural gas which Putin sells to other countries, including Europe. Russia sells 25 percent of their gas to the European market, and 80 percent of that gas passes through the Ukraine. It sounds to me like there is a dispute about gas right now. Russia also has a Navy Base in Crimea on the Black Sea and Russia now controls that base.
March will be a very interesting month. Mars and Saturn turned retrograde at about the same time at the beginning of March. Those two planets in aspect rule police or military action. Mars is very dominant in its retrograde aspect. With Mars activating the Ukraine right now, it’s not surprising what is occurring there.
I also just heard there is an Ultra-Orthodox Jews mass-protest going on in Jerusalem right now (March 3, 2014) over the Army Service Draft Law. They are saying-No More War… The North Node just finished moving over Jerusalem.
Other parts of the world are also being activated as the Sun moves through the sign of Pisces. We will also probably hear news about Japan or the South Sea Islands. When the Sun moves into the fire sign Aries on the Spring Equinox at 9:57 AM PST on March 20, we will start experiencing the energy of fire. Mars rules Aries.
With the Sun and Uranus conjunct on April 2, we will be in the time of many unexpected changes. Then the cardinal cross will be exact on 13 degrees Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn on April 20-21-22. Easter just happens to be on April 20 this year. Palm Sunday is April 13 and the beginning of Passover is on April 15th. Easter is the celebration of the risen Christ consciousness that is within everyone.
The best thing we can do to help the Earth transition into the New Earth is to be happy, enjoy life, be grateful for everything we have, count your blessings, and develop an Attitude of Gratitude. And don’t forget to let go of the past and stand in your power of love. So Be It!
Blessings to everyone! ***** Mahala Gayle *****
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