Imagine a world where money would no longer be needed, where people would work and do only what brings them fulfilment and joy, only what their heart calls them to do.
Image a world where people would no longer need to steal in order to feed their family, to pay their bills, rent or mortgages.
Image a world where nobody would be interested in buying drugs in order to escape an unjust and unfair society. There would also no longer be drugs related crimes or murders, no more serial murders caused by heavy medication or drugs induced states.
Imagine a world where people would no longer need a policing system to keep order, where in consequence there would only be one small prison per country with perhaps 10 people max inside of it. There would no longer be any need for a legal and judiciary system either, no more need for politicians to dictate our lives and make up rules preventing us from being free citizens.
Imagine the savings that would be made on no longer need petty crimes due to lack of money. Therefore there would be less police, less judges and solicitors, less social workers and expenses.
Imagine a world where people would no longer suffer from depression, where nobody would need heavy medication from big pharmaceutical companies, medication which makes you dependant on them, and does not cure the causes of the illness.
There would also no longer be need for wars, for fighting over petrol, over territory, no more need for weapons manufacturing, no more need for huge hospitals and medication to treat war casualties and to have to take medication for life as a result of war injuries.
Imagine a world where people would have time to spend with their family and their loved ones, would have enough time to spend doing what they like best. Imagine a world where people would have time to dedicate working with people in need for love and care. A world where we would have time to listen to one another, or where we would have time to pursue our interests and hobbies.
No matter if these dreams and hobbies would not bring us money, it would be enough if one wishes to spend hours gardening, painting, writing, meditating, or spend hours with friends, animals and plants.
Imagine a world where inventors could patent their discoveries, make them public and of general use immediately. A world not ruled by profit seeking corporations, over any sense of humanity, of compassion, love, understanding , justice, equality and fairness.
Imagine a world where people would no longer be motivated by material gains, a world where society understands that we took this human form for a transitory period, on this planet in order to deepen our level of love and understanding. Imagine a world free from money.
Laura/ Multidimensional Ocean
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