Before we begin today, let us tell all who are suffering because of their connection to your loss of so many dear little ones they are here with us and they are well cared for. We offer our comfort to all who ask. We understand your pain and wish you peace in your knowing of their return home.
Let us now begin by pointing out to you, although we know it is totally unnecessary, that only five days remain in your current ‘age’. In less than one week you will move into your Age of Aquarius. You will spend a few moments in direct alignment with the galactic plane. You will receive the greatest flood of light and information in your entire earthly experience, and you will be forever changed.
We speak of you the individual, but also every consciousness upon your planet, your planet Herself, and because everything is Unity, nothing which is will remain unaffected.
Understand that your personal experience and awareness of this will be exactly what you are capable of experiencing, no more, no less. DO NOT, we ask of you, allow yourself to judge this either good or bad. There will be many who are amazed at what they see, hear, feel, or understand. There will be many more who will spend some time ‘getting their feet wet’ in the new consciousness. And many will rush to claim that, “See? Nothing happened!” Be only responsible for yourselves. That is, after all, the only thing you can control.
We suggest you begin right now by opening yourselves in earnest intent to receive whatever is in store for you with deepest gratitude. We promise that it will be more than you have imagined. More than a few of you are already having the experience of feeling the rise of the incoming changes. To you we say, you have not begun to see all that is in store for you.
We will speak again before the day. Peace and calm be yours now. Good day.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/
I have been and being feeling the changes for sometime especially after 12 12 12 the increasing Joy, Peace and excitement is so obvious to me. It's So Beautiful to experience indeed and I am forever in deep appreciation to the Creator and all love beings. Thank you for sharing the Love~