Even those that believe it to be powerful do not often fully trust the mechanism, for it is not as understood as action creating result. To feed someone that is hungry is obviously valuable. Yet for those that do not understand the power of the mind/heart complex – to Love that same person and see their beauty and capability is a lovely gesture, but ineffective for results.
As you begin to honor the entire process of creation, from invisible vibration of thought and emotion, into visible participation of your choices and actions; you are utilizing your full creative potential. Humanity does this automatically, for they observe, think, compare and choose. Yet most are not taught the creative power of the thinking and feeling mechanism (intentionally singular because they work together). Therefore, humanity does not control their thoughts or feelings as they control their actions, for the actions are seen as contributing to the final result.
In your recent years there has been much support for Lightworkers to cleanse, strengthen and focus the heart and mind. This support has often felt like the wringing of a rag as you were squeezed free of vibration that blocked your Love flow. This year of creative power will take you to another level of Self Love as you begin to focus your creation of Ascended Self into form.
Your empowerment is your ability to not only maintain your inner world, but to choose its focus. There is no other that can truly do this for you. It is the domain of the individual and it is your work as you create. Your future depends on it for manifestation.
The Future is merely your past and your now focused through your perspective. Your perspective is like a beam of light illuminating potential into form. That is the nature of your holographic experience. You Foretell your Future into form with your thoughts, your feelings and your actions.
Your work is to focus your perspective on creation for the Self, for each empowered individual must learn to do so. It is your Future to Foretell. With a moment of deep, empowered Love, visualize yourself empowered and creative. No details, just empowered and creative. As you are empowered and creative, you offer it to all you meet. It is part of your service to the world.
As we sit to Blast Foretelling Futures, we are focusing our potent beam of Love into the Loving future of humanity. We are initializing a new holographic potential as we illuminate the positive potential of any negative experience. We are letting go of the focus on the negative that dims the understanding of its wisdom. We are becoming strong enough to handle the negative and wise enough to foster the positive. We are seeing the Light of Love clearly, even as we choose a path of the unknown, for our power to create is becoming known within. Blast on!
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