And as we do so, we are invited to repeat the words of the channeling that you see below (that you will hear after my message)
And when we look at ourselves in the mirror, If we notice that we are sending “negative” energy through our eyes, transitioning, transmitting negative energies, we must keep cleansing our palate. We are called to gaze at our own selves.. deeply.. and to see how it feels when we look onto another, to see how we feel about our very own selves, to stand naked before our own selves and to acknowledge our own divinity, to see our selves as we are, without anything but that which we are.
To do so you must truly be brave… as the energy coming from your eyes, may surprise you.. and yet you will learn so much from doing this exercise. Looking into your very own eyes, with your eyes being reflected back at you through the mirror, which shall act as a prizm.. magnifying everything back to you..
How many times have we stared at our selves in the mirror? But we have not truly SEEN our selves as we are? Ignoring to truly look into our soul. This is a very intense and brilliant experience, which will truly get you to tune into your own self. And when you do, you will bring out the Melchizedek within your own self (the Melech Tsadik) of your very own soul. And through this cleansing, you will tap into the universal knowledge of incredible proportions.

Sephirot Device balances out not only all 7 of your chakras, but assists in activating the 10 emanations of the Kabalah Tree of Life. This is a VERY powerful tool, to be used by those who are ready to open up to all of their virtues. Incredibly useful for healers and those working in the healing and creative arts. This device will cleanse you out, so be ready for tremendous transformations to take place after meditating with this disc for a while. You can use this device on your clients, simply by placing it on that body part which needs healing. Once you do so, you will be able to open a gateway to their subocniousnes and various thoughts will arise for them to release, various emotions will come up in order to heal whatever is ailing them.
We are asked to look into our own selves, and be our own teacher, to wait not for another to show us the way, as we are the ones CREATING this way.. and yet if we still need help.. we can receive it, simply by tuning into our own selves.
The times are changing.. and in order to receive any information you are asked to look into your own self.. literally.. and then you will know all the truth that you need to continue on your own path of creation.
I stay and I stay upon you, through the glorious continuation of the times that have passed, through the yesteryear of the consciousness of the beholder.I stay, and I stand before you, glorious in the moon, and glorious in the sun, partaking of all the energies of the cosmic flares. I stand before you, naked, I stand before you revealed. I stand before you, and I, offer you the glorious accompaniments of the heavenly abodes.I stand before you as I am, for I am. I stand before you today on the edge of the new world, and I ask thee to look deep into the abyss of that which ye has created for thyself. I ask thee to look deep within into the abyss to examine closely that which ye have created for thyself, for indeed the question of ye consciousness shall arise, the question of ye consciousness shall spring anew and birth a new cognition, of the benevolent creation of that which ye are. For the cognition of your earthly abode shall begin to swirl in the understanding of informational decrees. Shall being to take a new route, a new route into the prowess of ye hearts.I ask thee to look past all the obstacles, I ask thee to find my hand and I ask thee to follow me into the heart space of ye own creation. As I stand before ye, revealed, as I stand before ye naked, as I stand before ye with the accompaniments of the creator.Yes I the gaze through the realm of the divine unfolding. I stand before you naked as I am. Naked as I appear to be, naked of all the glory, naked of all the ego, naked of all the energies of the past , I stand before you as I am, as nothingness, as a void, I stand before you as the creator, and as a whole.And when you shall look into the gaze of my eyes, and when you shall gaze upon me, and when you shall gaze into my eyes, you shall see the benevolence of all that indeed you are, when you shall gaze into my gaze, you shall be transformed, transformed for through a prism of your understanding of thyself, you shall find the true meaning and core of that which indeed you are!For I stand before you naked, for I stand before you cleansed of all , for I am nothing and I am everything, For nothing I am and Everything that I am is me. For I stand before you in the void of your creation. And when you shall gaze upon me, you shall see yourself through a prism of your own creation.For I bring with me the pureness of all that is, for I bring with me the purification of that which you indeed have been longing to uphold, for I bring with me the purification and I take upon me that which is, and I transmute all that is, and I break through the barriers and I walk thee on the path of righteousness the path of righteousness I walk thy path.Heed my words child of the gods, heed my words for through my gaze you shall be transformed, through my gaze of nothingness’ you shall be transformed and birthed anew. Gaze upon me whenever you wish for I stand before you transformed.
Essentially what we are asked to do is to repeat the mantra that you have just heard as we gaze into our own eyes as we stand before a mirror examining that which we are. It is not necessary to repeat it word by word, the idea is to remember the essence of this message, to understand that you are a master of your own creation and your life. You are a very powerful being, who has come onto this plane to assist others in remembering that which they are. You are asked to remember this, and to work with yourself, in clearing away the underlying waves and emotions that may be hindering your progress, that may be reflecting upon others the negativity which is within your heart. You are asked to cleanse yourself yet again, through this exercise.
To do so, find a quite moment in your day, and stand before a mirror, really close to it, so that you can see your eyes, then look into your eyes. If you feel any type of discomfort or fear wash over you. Correct these feelings by telling yourself that you are love, that you are loved and that you are divine. Tell yourself that you are the violet flame, and that you are swirling in light and positivity. Send this love to yourself through your eyes. Focus on that, and you will see how your eyes will begin to shift and transmit a different type of frequency. This is a very healing exercise and at the same time a disturbing one, so please only proceed if you feel you are ready to do so.
Once you master the adjustment between the “dark” and “light” energies emanating from your eyes, you will be able to use this technique to completely restore your balance at any given moment in time. I hope this helps all of you to come into your power! I love you all so very very much and am so humbled and grateful to walk this path with you!
P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit : https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/books/
~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/
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