There is an important new level understanding beginning to emerge and for those at the frontier of human consciousness, it is becoming increasingly more clear that the game has changed, as has our involvement in it.
We are born again. For those at the fore, the incomprehensible initiation period ends and each of us is being called to a new level participation with life. We have broken the mold and together we are discovering what it means to be here in this new now, in a very curious way. There’s a sense of wonderment and awe, having no idea what is about to unfold, yet with the unwavering certainty that what whatever awaits us will be at once brand new and deeply familiar. There is also a sense of will life become everything I dreamed of, hoped for? And the answer to that is no…simply because what is becoming of us is not something we, as yet, have a context for.
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And still, we find ourselves in this deep pause between breaths knowing that the landscape that surrounds us is about to dramatically change. We are currently at the refueling station…or maybe the auto body shop for some last minute repairs…as we begin the resuscitation that inevitably follows the long journey home. Dedicated as ever, we continue to align every layer of our lower body system with our solar christed Self in preparation for own unique and individual emergence, as God incarnate.
This is a very personal, sacred time and one that should be honored as such. It is tempting to fall prey the bubbling excitement and anticipation that surrounds these next few months as our new reality prepares to reveal itself, but the energies that we are working with here will absolutely pull the rug out from under us if we are not solidly rooted in ourSelves.
We can feel that very soon, all that we have known will be no more. Chain by chain the restriction of the past breaks off, falls to the ground, and the limitation we have been bound by in order to wrangle ourselves free from the matrix is slowly shifting to a new scene…one that supports our sovereignty. We are moving from enslavement to ensoulment and here we begin to live our true life…spontaneously and unscripted…fully present to our divine plan as we walk the earthen plane embodied.
As we do, and as our personal hologram begins to morph to reflect our true nature, we are simultaneously reconnecting with our cosmic creator power…remembering how to manage our balancing male-female forces with aplomb. And as we begin to work more directly with the universal forces that are offered freely to those of pure heart & mind, the divine mechanism for creation activates in our DNA and we are able to enact our soul plans with perfection, quickly and effectively able to accomplish the impossible…to the extent that our well-honed capabilities will literally seem like magic to those around us.
For those who have moved beyond the trappings of duality, healed of the original wound (of separation), these accomplishments will seem rather ordinary…as if a very natural next step on our journey. But to others, we will seem as sorcerers, able to move in and out of the illusion at will. And this is exactly what the colossal purification/discipleship/trial by fire intended to offer us….the opportunity to remember how to change the universe we live in with our perceptions alone.
This is the ultimate freedom awarded those who consciously allow themselves to be gutted, purged of all human identity and attachment to the lower world. When the only thing remaining is LOVE, only then do we have everything to gain…because any gain at that point is purely for fun. Translation: when we have absolutely proved to ourselves that we need for nothing, we can have it all.
2015 lays the framework for many of these hard-earned discoveries to be made manifest in the physical world, and in the process of grounding our dreams and employing our passion, we may impress upon others that creation is effortless. But we know better. We know exactly what we put into ourSelves in order to arrive at “effortless”. The divine alchemist is very aware of the long term Self investment required before our earnings mature….earnings that can only be withdrawn (without penalty) by first letting go everything, of life itself.
For those who have been stripped bare, reduced to the lowest common denominator (LOVE)…time to rebuild our authentic worlds. Time to fill ourSelves up with all the outer reflections of our LOVE, all the worldly goodness that we now know we ARE…a match to.
After we were thrusted thru the 1:1 gate on January 1st, it became clear that the solar powered energies swirling about the planet are supercharged and looking for suitable hosts…seeking out the like-resonance of empowered creators. This means that those (golden GODs) who vibrationally match the (golden) Source frequency can now mandate these particles at will to support the creation of the Golden Age, the new world…one where we live in harmony with Source, as God, with a body, via the world of matter.
And just as we are imbued with this golden light of divine creation, so too must we embody it. Ipso facto, we are seeing thru experience that our power to create is absolutely subject to our be-lie-f that this is so. After many…m.a.n.y…m-a-n-y…years behind the 8ball it makes perfect sense that we would still be-lie-ve that we have been stripped of our will…because for so long (thru discipleship) we have. But the messages are loud and clear that this is no longer the case for those complete in their purification. We are shifting some massive gears, moving into a highly masculine, Self-driven creation dynamic…one where our desires are fully supported because our will is now aligned with divine will.
This means we are returning to our ability to ‘make’ (key word) things happen again, to BE in COMMAND of our lives and to achieve what we desire to because we finally understand how. We have advanced to the highest level of the (human) game, the one which grants us true authority over our bodies and lives, and the events in it. This is absolutely becoming possible now, but only for those who are ready & willing to take full responsibility for their ultimate (GOD) power to create.
I can’t overemphasize how only those who harness their divine power can wield it. Only when we drop ALL human stories, do we realize that we have domain over our lives now…that the new beginning has already begun. Yes, this still tenuous connection to our growing truth will continue to ebb and flow, but our focus is teeming with absolute power now. Where we put it determines everything. Literally.
If you are still finding yourself stuck in patterns of helplessness, check to see if your old tracks are still playing on repeat. If so, you will likely notice a hollow emptiness to the stories you have been be-lie-ving to be true. These played-out storylines, including the ones we created to arrive here, were really highlighted during retrograde mostly to show us that they no longer hold relevance…and yet, as is usually the case during any transition, the new isn’t anchored enough to sink our teeth into it.
The point and practice of now is to absolutely suspend any and all judgement about where you are until you arrive there. And you will.
Those who OWN their divine power will be the first to employ their magic, for they are those who realize that true creator power lies in the supreme certainty and confidence that they have complete jurisdiction over everything in their lives and happenings. -Pleiadian High Council ©Expect Miracles, Inc. 2014 All rights reserved.
Permission granted to copy and redistribute The 5D Report’s FREE VERSION ONLY on the condition that the content remains complete, intact, full credit is given to the author, and that it’s distributed freely.
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