Donation based workshop. Please send donations to
Whether you’re a master of meditation, beginning a new journey, or awakening to the “shift”; This Workshop is a collective and individual experience in learning to Love the EM-BODI-MENT of Self and Universe. Munesh Kumar Sinha is well a known Spiritual Guide, Guru, and Community Leader in his home country of India. He’s been teaching the concepts of Om Namah Shivaya and has been guiding others into kundalini awakenings for over 14 years. Both he and his wife, Sonali, hold MBA’s and worked in the corporate world until they founded the organization Param Pranyog over 12 years ago. Param Pranyog has been mindfully engaged in generating SANJEEVANI (Positive Aura). Through meditation and consciousness projects, Param Pranyog has injected positive energy towards the masses and the collective/cosmic “mind”. Through the connectedness of Spirit and the hearts of more than 600 underprivileged children,Param Pranyog brings mass meditation to the real issues on a daily basis. The meditations focus on global issues such as the Earth, our environment, inner peace, terrorism, global warming, poverty, mental hygiene, corruption, and creating a holistic and healthy way of life. Please join us on this very special Journey of East meets West in a 6 week workshop dedicated to bringing the concepts of Om Namah Shivaya, kundalini activation, stillness, mindfulness, mantra chanting, chakra balancing, and working with universal energies in our reality. According to Munesh, meditation is a process to merge with Nature and we will be gently guided into the Universal Consciousness deepening our connection with Self and Spirit. This is the most amazing, healing healing journey and an extraordinary, magical Date with Self! We will complete the Journey feeling Reborn, together and as individuals, which is the True Gift of The Dancing Shiva. Week by week workshop syllabus and payment information below.
Om Namah Shivaya is difficult to describe in words, even for a writer. But, a foundation is this…
OM is the buzzing you hear in your ears when it’s really quiet. It is the eternal OM and the vibration of the Universe.
Namah means Acceptance because we try to define the Universe but the Universe defines us as well via our perspectives and experiences. We can’t seem to Accept the vastness of “all that is” so we limit it to suit our perception of Self. Mirrors…everywhere.
Shivaya (basically) means: The Universe is my “god” and I am the Universe.
We will meet once per week for one hour from the comfort of home. The Workshop begins February 7th and ends March 14th. We will broadcast live via Zoom beginning Saturday, February, 7th and ending on Saturday, March 14th at 0800MST/1000EST/1500GMT/2030IST. Each session begins with an introduction by Munesh, satsang (spiritual gathering, sacred circle) , a 15-20 minute meditation followed by a Q&A session.
Week One ~ Introduction to the concept of Om Namah Shivaya and introduction to Self through meditation
Week Two ~ Om Namah Shivaya Meditation and Practice
Week Three ~ Harnessing Gratitude and Loving energies toward the physical body as well as the spiritual/emotional “body”
Week Four ~ Chakra Balancing and Kundalini detail
Week Five ~ Kundalini Activation
Week Six ~ Mantra Chanting and Closing Ceremony
Donation based workshop. Please send donations to
We also have an Indiegogo Campaign if you prefer to donate that way. Please visit our Campaign with special perks packages by clicking HERE.
About Param Pranyog:
Param Pranyog, says that everything on this earth is in the form of energy including body, mind and soul. When our thinking goes towords any particular direction, It involves spending an amount of energy i.e sanjeevani. This high radiation sanjeevani surges as the healing balm for any problem that discomforts the heart and the soul.
Our aim is to spread awareness of the mission collectively with various sources and places. So far we are blessed with a large number of intellectuals and socialites irrespective of age, region and religion for this noble cause. For more information, please visit: or read this amazing article:

About Blueprints for Butterflies:

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