Beloved Ones,
As you step into a greater unfolding in the acceleration of the peeling away of the layers of your human perceptions, you open yourselves to ever greater energies that stream in to take their place. These will begin to open you to the gifts you hold within you which will now surface in the most delightful ways. You will have the most inspiring and uplifting thoughts, joyful thoughts that will fill you with anticipation and enthusiasm for new beginnings. Let love open a greater door to the truth of your being and your life. How blessed you are, in truth, for you have discourse with the angels! Each day they show you the reality of their presence in many different ways and bring to you meaningful validations of the path that you are on. There are also many human angels who surround you, support you and let you know that they are always there for you.
The manifestation of all your dreams is occurring in seemingly miraculous and graceful ways. This is because the energies now support this occurrence. The blocks that you held within you to the manifestation of the greater good you have so earnestly desired dissolve as though they have never been. The deep cleansing you are now experiencing has opened many doors that were shut before. This dissolving of old patterns of thought and behaviour leaves you open to explore your greater potential. As old dreams manifest for you, dream new ones, and never stop learning and growing, gathering new knowledge and new skills to add to your tool box of abilities. You will be supported in all that you embrace.
The journey through life is all about experience and the partaking of the opportunities that come into your awareness. Breathe a deep breath and allow these new ideas to germinate and take root. As you take this step, greater doors will open and this is how to create the life of your dreams. It always requires your direct participation and action. Without this, your life will just stay in a holding pattern and bring stagnation. There is so much that you can be and do and every new experience adds an enriching quality to your life, to the fullness of it. Be willing to encounter and embrace every opportunity to meet and talk to new people who will now be coming into your sphere of influence. These people will add a new dimension to your every experience.
Your gratitude for these new experiences does not go unnoticed by the universe, for the universe always gives more for which you are grateful and also more of what you dwell on. This is why it is important to ensure that your every thought is an empowering and enhancing one, for this is what you will then experience. As you become adept at building and weaving the life of your dreams, you also become a living example of what can be possible to others who in turn become inspired to create the life of their own potential and possibilities.
All is unfolding in its divine timing and will continue to create a better world for all, one person at a time. As each person embraces their potential, they experience more good and positive synchronicities in their own lives and the path to freedom from their limited past widens considerably. So it is that all life upon your planet benefits greatly from your living and loving example. Open your hearts fully to this experience and it will be good.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
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