I am the light of Quan Yin. I come on this day to escort you into your blessedness, for you are blessings to me. You stretch yourself and you walk upon the path of enlightenment, which is often strewn with many earthly hazards and physical pains.
You are such blessings to me because you try to fly in your mind and your heart with the wings of the Gods and the Goddesses that you are. You are blessings to me because you continue to pray as I pray against all odds.
You are my blessings and I come on this day to help you remember the sacred contract that you have made with your body, with your mind, and with your spirit. For the trinity of you is so very Holy. You hold within you an earthen trinity. You house the universe and all of its octaves in your physical body.
Look at your body as a 'great universe'. You can look into that universe and can see all that it consists of and what it houses or you can your view outwards into the heavenly realm that lives around your private universe. It is up to you. These 'god-lenses of the soul' will give to you perceptions, abilities, and clarity of seeing. You have begged and asked to see what truth is, to see true love, to see what is to come for you, to see your past so that you can heal it, to see into your body to see the blockages so that you can dissolve them.
this comes to you in the time of WESAK when the Buddha and the Christ merge their Lights. The Buddha now holds the vibrations of the Christ and the Christ, holds the vibrations of the Buddha. As you merge with them vibrationally you will blend like water that has been in a jar too long and seeks the ocean as a lonely lover that has been apart too many days. You are seeking, you are embracing, you are becoming the fluidness of your future as you allow yourself to be poured into new formats, and new geometry's. You will stretch yourself beyond what you know yourself to be.
For the last year humanity has contracted themselves they have been afraid to stretch because of war, because of disease, because of fear of not having enough, gas, money, or food. They have contracted and in this contraction, they have created pockets of poisons within their mind, within their words and within their bodies that now ask to be released.
This is a time for all of humanity to dispense with the contractions, to dispense with the fear, to dispense with the anger. Even though most people would like to hate and blame others the hate is turned inward. They spew it and spit their angry words but like a snake, the venom is held inside. Snakes are very wise beings. They have figured out how to hold toxins and not to become toxic, but humans are not snakes.
Therefore, the Buddha and the Christ come to you and ask you to dispense with all that is toxic or negative, release it, let it go, say "take it from my body, take it from my words, take it from my heart." These dispensations come to you as cleansing bubbles that land upon you and gather what has hardened, and is cancerous, and toxic. Lightness will be assured and insured as you walk through the rest of the cleansing summer with a supreme knowing that you are ready to move forward.
These recent energies have ushered you into the dark abysses and crevices of your fears and doubts. You cannot be allowed the pleasure of doubting. You cannot doubt your work, your thoughts and your intentions, or you choices. Dispense with what keeps you less than. Dispense with what keeps you from loving another. Dispense with what keeps another from loving you. Stop using the excuses of your past to keep yourself immobilized in the present. I am Quan Yin and you are my blessings.
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