Beloved Ones,
There are signs everywhere of the changes that are taking place upon your planet. These changes are diverse and encompass many spectrums of life. The Earth changes reflect the changes within humanity as they strive to cope and to understand what is occurring. Each tragedy that occurs brings out the best within humanity as they strive to give what they can to assist. Many questions are being asked within all hearts, for it seems as though the world that they knew is crumbling and falling apart. Humanity is experiencing the effects of their planet shaking off the chains of the past as she moves into her rightful place in the universe. These changes have occurred many times through the millennia but in these times, humanity has an opportunity to rise above and emerge victorious.
It is a time for each person to go within and seek to know self, their divine self. It is a time to achieve and maintain equilibrium in one’s management of their inner and outer lives, to make choice and decision as to the path that they follow. As the past dissolves, new beginnings are emerging in their glorious potential and possibilities. Many of you are now firmly on the path of your destiny, doing what brings you your greatest joy and happiness. Others are in the midst of challenges that seem too great to bear. They are learning to have strength, determination and persistence. Those are very important soul qualities to have. As you see those that you know and care about going through their personal challenges, send your love and healing to everyone around you, for that is what each person wants most, to love and be loved, for it is love that is the mightiest force in the universe and can be a healing balm when most needed.
Nurture and care for each other with the utmost love, honor and respect, for it is also a time of moving beyond self and into the field of oneness, of joining in the expansion and evolution into a higher consciousness and understanding. Call often upon your spiritual guides and angels when help and hope is needed and remember that you are never alone, that you are constantly surrounded by love, for love is all there is. It is good to sit for a few moments each day to feel and experience this love within your hearts, minds and souls. Connect to that which gives you sustenance and daily inspiration in whatever way works best for you. Be at peace and stay calm as the inner and outer changes take place.
You are here to master duality by embracing all aspects of your being. As you let go of your resistance and denials of hidden aspects of yourselves, realize that everything that happens is good, whether perceived as good or bad, right or wrong, it is all given to you in love in order that you might hone yourselves into masters of this realm, to reclaim your divine birthright as children of the divine. You chose these experiences in order that you might gain a greater understanding of the nuances and complexities of the journey back to source, with you as the victor.
Keep this ever in your thoughts and move forward when you must and rest and nurture when your physical body prompts. As you attune to the greater rhythms of your life, all will be well.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
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