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Saturday, February 28, 2015
Black hole 12bn times more massive than sun is discovered
Scientists name new ‘object’ SDSS J0100+2802 and say it is 12.8bn light years from Earth and was formed just 900m years after the Big Bang
Artist’s impression of a supermassive black hole at the centre of a distant quasar. Scientists believe they have discovered one whose mass is 12 billion times that of our sun’s.
Photograph: Zhaoyu Li/Shanghai Astronomical/Peking University/PA
A monster black hole powering “the brightest lighthouse in the distant universe” has been discovered that is 12bn times more massive than the sun, scientists have revealed.
The extraordinary object is at the centre of a quasar - an intensely powerful galactic radiation source - with a million billion times the sun’s energy output.
Selacia ~ Wise navigation of March energies –

Every month has its intense moments, so what’s unusual about March?
First is a peak moment on March 16 when we have a rare lineup of slow-moving planets Pluto and Uranus. This cosmic dance of energy is directly related to a long cycle of radical revolutionary change – impacting all of us and how we relate to one another on this small planet. March 16 is the seventh electrifying lineup since 2012. Keep in mind, it’s not about just one day – cosmic events like this are felt long before and after a planetary lineup. See my previous articles for more on this. Soon after the historic lineup is the March 20 Equinox occurring at the New Moon with total Solar Eclipse – a very spiritual and transformational moment with a ripple effect.
Jamye Price – Weekly Lightblast – Creating Problems (And Solutions) – 26 February 2015
Thanks to:

Your ability to problem solve is in-built into your functionality. As all things, it is a balancing. Through Time, you move from imbalance to balance, the seeking such a compelling that it is natural to you and often unnoticed. Whether you seek peace, excitement or any other sensation, you are on a path of Life progressing that is honored by your willingness to consume it into new experience.
Linda Robinson – Message From Archangel Zadkiel – “Maintaining A Calm Center In Expanded Consciousness” – 28 February 2015

Greetings Beloved Ones,
This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today, we wish to discuss maintaining a calm center in the higher frequencies of Light and expanded consciousness.
The higher frequencies of Light are continuing to come to the 3rd dimension in waves of energy that can assist you on your ascension path. As this occurs, it affects the existing patterns of energy on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. When you remain aware that this higher frequency energy is around you, you are able to use it for expanded consciousness and highest good.
Suzanne Lie ~ Blessings On Your New Life
There are myriad realities that surround us in every moment of our day.
We have forgotten that our consciousness is the key to open the doorway
into any reality that we choose.
Bob Fickes ~ Body, Soul and Inner Master
We are all multi-dimensional beings. Inside this body is our soul. Our soul is as different from our body as the driver of a car is different from the car we drive. When something happens to our car, the driver can walk away and either fix the car or get a new one. The soul stands inside this body and looks through it. What the soul thinks and experiences is often different than what our mind thinks and experiences. The soul is the driver of this body and uses it to learn how to improve our life in the world.
Behind this soul is another being who is as different from the soul as the soul is different from its body. This being is free of karma and negative emotions. We can call it our Inner Master Consciousness. Like our soul this being has its own perspectives and wisdom quite different from the more emotional soul that carries all of the karma from its past lives. This Inner Master is free of all karma and has many gifts that it wants to use in our daily life. The problem is that our body/mind has too much ego to listen, and our soul has too much distortion from the past and too many emotions to also listen to the wisdom our Inner Master wants to share with us.
Méline Portia Lafont ~ Reminder and Reflection of the moment from Saint Germain: what is freedom?
Thank you to Karl for this picture.
is freedom?
It is
being without a shadow of thought, perceptions, visions, control,
ideas, values, time, self image, actions... for these issues all
limit the you from all freedom there is. Even in the slightest parts
of you; freedom is you without all of that what is mentioned afore.
when you think about it and are trying to conceive what freedom is,
to express freedom, it is already not freedom but limitation through
a perception of the mind and what you think it is. Even putting into
words of what freedom is, is everything but freedom for it is a
limited form. An “inboxed” value you put onto it or try to
conceive it as.
Méline Portia Lafont ~ Gedanken für den Augenblick von Saint Germain: Was ist Freiheit?
Was ist Freiheit?
Freiheit besteht darin, ohne Gedanken, Sichtweisen, Visionen, ohne Kontrolle, Vorstellungen, Werte, Zeit, ohne Bild von sich selbst und ohne Tun zu sein... denn all dies grenzt das Du von der Freiheit ab, jeden einzelnen Teil von dir; Freiheit bedeutet Du ohne all das Vorgenannte.
Wenn ihr darüber nachdenkt und versucht zu erfassen, was Freiheit ist, Freiheit sich ausdrücken zu lassen, ist es bereits keine Freitheit mehr sondern Begrenzung aufgrund einer Wahrnehmung des Geistes und einer Vorstellung dessen, was sie ist. Mit Worten ausdrücken zu wollen was Freiheit ist ist alles andere als Freiheit, da es sich um eine eingegrenzte Form handelt. Ein "umrahmter" Wert, den ihr der Freiheit gebt oder mit dem ihr sie erfassen wollt.
Méline Portia Lafont - Promemoria e riflessione del momento da Saint Germain: che cos'è la liberta?
Grazie a Karl per questa immagine.
Cos'è la libertà?
E' essere senza l'ombra di un pensiero, di percezioni, controllo, idee, valori, tempo, auto-immagine, azioni... in quanto queste situazione limitano il "voi" da tutta la libertà che esiste. Anche nelle più piccole parti di voi; la libertà è voi senza tutto ciò che è menzionato sopra.
Veramente, quando pensate alla libertà e cercate di concepire che cosa essa sia o di esprimerla, non è più libertà ma una limitazione attraverso una percezione della mente e quello che pensate, è. Persino mettere in parole che cosa è la libertà è tutto fuorché libertà poiché ne è una forma limitata. Un valore "inscatolato" che metti sopra o che cerchi di concepire come tale.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Suzanne Lie ~ Message Hidden Inside the LIGHT -- The NOW of the ONE 2-25-15
The NOW of the ONE
The Message Hidden Inside the LIGHT
Dear Arcturians,
Is there a message for me today?
Yes, dear, Earth Emissary,
There is a message for you every day, every hour and every minute. There is, in fact, a steady flow of Light Language energy packages that infinitely flow from our dimension, our Mothership and our collective hearts into the hearts of our very brave volunteers.
Your family and friends aboard the Ship all hold you all in great esteem. Among them is your own higher expression of SELF who has sacrificed a component of sacred essence to live within your earth vessel.
Karen Dover ~ Navigating the “impasse” of the human logical mind
There are many teachings that seek to teach that simply changing the way that we think in our human form is the answer to creating a new earth reality. Our thought patterns are a result of the frequencies that we are running within our human energy signatures, the teaching of “change your thoughts/ change your life” is therefore akin to trying to remove the salt from the oceans. Removing the salt from the ocean would result in drinking water but the water comes with the salt already present.
At this moment upon the planet earth there is a huge tsunami of frequency release, for those who are unaware of how this affects the human energy signature let me take a moment to explain. When a frequency is released it is for a short period of time re-experienced in its full form, that is the full strength of the frequency pattern is re-experienced as it rises up from cellular level and is released from the cells of our human vehicles. This causes a temporary blindness and at a human waking conscious mind level it sees us re-live memories as if they were happening at this moment. This may result in huge chaos as the outer waking world may appear to be one situation but we react as if we were in a different place/time/scenario.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Meester Kuthumi - In Jullie Nieuwe Rollen Stappen en de Schepper van JULLIE Wereld Zijn - 23 Februari 2015 / Méline Portia Lafont
Met dank aan Cobie De Haan voor de vertaling <3
Groeten Meester Wezens van het Licht, mijn medereizigers en berijders van de golven van de oneindigheid. Ik kom naar jullie toe met Vrede en met begeleiding aangaande wat komt en wat IS. Ik roep jullie allen voort om deel te nemen aan deze wereld en deze verschuiving van de tijdperken met doorzettingsvermogen en met inspanning, want wat jullie gebied op het punt staat om te zien is een fata morgana van veranderingen, evenementen en mogelijkheden om het Menselijke Bewustzijn te verschuiven in/naar het Licht Bewustzijn.
En aldus representeren jullie, elk en iedereen van jullie, deze kracht van Gods Wil zijnde de uitvoerders van de Goddelijke blauwdruk welke op deze Aarde gezaaid werd. Jullie zullen in gedachten houden dat jullie allemaal, die bedoeld zijn het Licht in een ander en in het Zelf te zien, opzichters zijn van de Nieuwe Aarde en de zaden zijn van deze nieuwe fundering. Dus laat dit duidelijk zijn dat jullie allemaal de verantwoordelijkheid dragen om dat Licht en deze vibratie te allen tijde binnenin jullie vast te houden. Ik spreek over de geavanceerde Lichtfrequentie en kennis welke één is met het Gechristende Licht.
Ofschoon jullie welzeker het belang van dit alles begrijpen … geeft de trillingsverschuiving van de Aarde een gevoel van onrust en zoveel opruiming dat men het begrip gewaar mag worden te begrijpen om dit gebied/vlak te verlaten en het te laten voor wat het is. Het voelt als teveel voor velen en het vereist al jullie inspanningen en aandacht. Dit is aldus omdat jullie de grote verandering inderdaad aanschouwen, en dit op het innerlijke niveau alsook op het uiterlijke niveau. Het is alsof alles jullie kant op komt en door jullie heen wil gaan aldus het in vrijheid gesteld kan worden. Wel, op een bepaalde manier is dat zo mijn dierbare vrienden, en het is een taak waar jullie je allemaal voor aangemeld hebben. Maar voor niet al te lang meer, want de dingen staan op het punt om te veranderen.
Brenda Hoffman ~ You’re prepping for the role of a lifetime
Summary of Brenda’s February 20, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at Clearing issues will change your history and memories. You’re a unique part of the whole, just as each dot of your television screen is a unique and necessary part of the image you see. Without your dot, your being, the totality of the Universes would be less colorful, less complete.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog “Naysayers”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
Perhaps you feel as if your nerves are on top of your skin, that you are re-addressing issues you thought you addressed long ago or you are angry for seemingly little or no reason. Know that you are undergoing a major transition at this time.
Shanta Gabriel ~ Activate the Pillar of Golden Light

You are being gifted waves of Divine Illumination within Golden Light. Your job is to direct these frequencies and empower your life in its flow!
Dear Ones,
The Archangels are here to initiate the power of awakening energy upon the Earth as the Golden Light flows throughout the world now.This Light of pure divinity contains all the elements of consciousness that are so desired by those living on the Earth such as Peace, Love, Joy, Creativity, Freedom and Abundance.
In harmony with the Solar Ray of Gold, there is a presence you can invoke as the illumination of celestial forces integrating with human. It is a beautiful Pillar of Golden Light carrying the Christed presence so you can fill your inner being with the golden essence of Divine Love.
Aisha North ~ The manuscript of survival – part 434
By now, so much will have been irrevocably changed within you all, and as usual, the outside phenomena accompanying this internal turnaround may be hard to perceive. But again, what you see through those apertures in your head you call eyes accounts for only a small percentage of what is actually there to be perceived, so once again we will remind you that what you see is not all that you get. For there is a way to see beyond this small superficial presentation of “reality”, and that is by way of your heart to use a phrasing you are more than familiar with by now. But as you already know, we are not referring to that actual organ, those cells whose main function is to literally run this show that is your physical vehicle. No, what we refer to, are all those parts of you that do not actually belong inside said physical vehicle, but who have chosen to begin to interact with it in such a way, you too will begin to see beyond the physical limits.
And what is it that we are trying to convey in this very roundabout way? Merely to remind you all that now, you will be given the task to literally go beyond the limits of your own body as often as possible and in as many instances as you can devise. For you see, these limitations imposed upon you by your mind are still very much confined to these fleshy boundaries, but unless you manage to transcend that, you will still be governed by this small acreage of space allotted to you by way of this vehicle. And what do we mean by that? First of all, this is not in any way an encouragement to start thinking that the very idea of transcendence implies a total disconnection from the more tangible parts of you, for there are still those still set on thinking that this is the case. For to them, there is nothing they would like more than to leave this “mortal coil” behind once and for all and simply drift away up into the ethers.
Kara Schallock ~ Being Authentically You - 2/24/2015
While it may seem as though nothing is occurring, so much really is! We are integrating a lot and more and more folks are awakening and wondering, “What is going on? Everything is falling apart!” Well yes, everything must fall apart in order to build anew. We can’t just build a new structure on top of a garbage heap. We must let go of the garbage and begin to build who we are becoming. Here is an exercise for you, if you choose to take the time to do it:
Write a story of who you were; then write a story of who you are; and finally, write a story of who you intend to be (what kind of life you intend; who you are as a person, etc.) burn the first story and as you read the second story, notice how different you are from the first story. And then see how the third story is so much like who you are already.
being authentically,
february 2015,
Bob Fickes ~ Signals and Power Feedings from your Divine Self
As we open our heart to the Masters and begin our spiritual journey through meditation and channeling, we also open to new levels of experiences that happen to our body and our consciousness. When we begin to open to the Divine, we are really discovering that this Divine Consciousness is already inside of us. The Divine has been waiting for us to tune in and activate all the blessings and gifts we carry deep inside. One of our first and most important questions is how do I verify that what I am receiving is the Truth.
The Masters are ready to help you. All you need to do is ask. You can ask the Masters to send you a Power Feeding of Spiritual Light and Love. They will download this Power Feeding from deep inside of you. It never comes from the outside. Only when this Power rises up inside of you can you trust it. If it comes from the outside, you are not generating it and you must be suspicious of where it comes from. If it comes from inside you can trust that it is the right Truth for you. If it comes from the outside, it may be truth but it is not your Truth.
Suzanne Lie ~ Conversations Series about Transmuting Into our SELF 2-23-16
Hello Wonderful Readers,
I will be presenting a series of Conversations with some of the great, multidimensional friends I have made. Also, Nuri and I are presenting a series of conversations, and the first one was the Gamma Brainwave meditations.
It is important now that we begin to connect with others who are awakened and converse openly about our experiences. I hope that these recording will guide you to do so. So, let us open up our portals and transmute into our SELF.
Méline Portia Lafont ~ Mestre Kuthumi ~ o começo das vossas novas tarefas, ser o criador do TEU mundo.
Transmitido através de Méline Portia Lafont
Saudações Seres Mestres de Luz, meus companheiros de viagem e cavaleiros das ondas do infinito. Eu venho em paz e para vos guiar no que está para vir e no que É. Eu chamo-vos a todos para participarem neste mundo e nesta mudança das eras com perseverança e esforço, pois o que o vosso plano está para testemunhar é uma série de mudanças, eventos e oportunidades para transformar a consciência Humana para a consciência de Luz.
E então vocês, cada um de vocês, representam esta força da Vontade de Deus em sendo os executores da blueprint Divina que foi semeada sobre esta Terra. Lembrem-se que todos vocês, que vêm a luz no outro e no Ser próprio, são os guardadores da Nova Terra e são as sementes desta nova fundação. Que fique esclarecido que todos vocês têm a responsabilidade de manter a luz e esta vibração em todos os momentos. Eu refiro-me á frequência sofisticada de Luz e á sabedoria que é um com a Luz Crística.
Monday, February 23, 2015
Bella Capozzi ~ Celestial Message. "All are beautiful. All are unique."
In these days leading up to the Solstice time, there is much light of an aggressive nature affecting you. By aggressive, we mean not ill-meaning or hurtful. It is instead the sort of a frequency which you shall notice in a intensely physical and openly tangible sense. Are there many of you who might say that this is not so? That you have not at all been feeling tired or achy, deeply emotional, fearful or somewhat lost? We wish to assure you that these reactions are but by-products of your bodies' absorption of a level and quality of energy that your human vessels have, thus far, not experienced. Such frequencies are most familiar and comfortable for you while in a non-human state, and your higher nature recognizes and embraces these energies. But they can be quite taxing to your Earthly selves, as you are exhausted already-each one of you-for this particular journey has been long and ardous!
As you recognize and ackowledge fleeting feelings of false entrapment and confusion, accept them for exactly what they are; reactions, garbled messages, and the lower ego's last-ditch attempts to remain a significant decision maker in your life. It must not be so, however. You have evolved far, far past this sort of thing, and must now make life choices from the wisdom of your highest and purest nature. These times require you to trust yourself, implicitly. You must have faith in the quality and content of the information you are receiving, be it via the vehicle of dreamtime travel, instantaneous thoughts and epiphanies, or repetetive physical signs which you encounter throughout your day. Trust yourselves, Dear Ones. Trust and follow through.
Karen Dover ~ The cellular restructuring of the human vehicle in TRUTH

There is a process that is now underway within the human race that is hidden in plain view. As I have blogged previously anything that is not physically seen by our human naked eye is filtered out and generally ignored. There is much information and much DIS information that is in the outer waking life experience in relation to human DNA/RNA and with reference to the cellular structure of the human vehicle. For those of you who have physically felt the shifts and have released the deep cellular imprinting that you have endured within the old 3D earth created construct this may be as confirmation to what you are already experiencing and being shown by your own connection to SOURCE.
The human race kept within the old 3D earth created construct was prevented from entering into any evolutionary process. The vast amounts of both information and dis-information seek to pull the human race out of balance over and over as many have searched in vain for the information that is NOT AVAILABLE within the old 3D earth created construct as to the origins of the human race. Whilst many go on vast treasure hunts and pull out information that seeks to “prove” a belief the actual evolution of the human race has remained within a very tight bandwidth. As all in the universe is a frequency and said frequency interacts with all other frequencies it is easily understood how the evolution process has been curtailed.
Bob Fickes ~ A Message From the Cosmic Christ Lord Maitreya
Welcome Blessed Ones! I AM the Cosmic Christ and the Planetary Buddha. I AM Maitreya!
Your world is turning now from the old age of religion and science into the Eternal Love of the Cosmic Christ. Before Lord Jesus was incarnated, I enfolded his soul with the Light of the Cosmic Christ. This Light protected him during his most difficult times and allowed him to give Unconditional Love to everyone he met, even his enemies. I now bring this same Light of the Cosmic Christ to each of you, to protect you during your most difficult times and allow you too to offer Unconditional Love to everyone you meet.
Méline Portia Lafont ~ Master Kuthumi ~ stepping into your new roles being the creator of YOUR world.
Conveyed through Méline Portia Lafont
Greetings Master Beings of Light, my fellow travelers and riders of the waves of infinity. I come to you with peace and with guidance to what comes and what IS. I call you all forth to participate in this world and this shift of the ages with perseverance and with effort, for what your plane is about to see is a mirage of changes, events and opportunities to shift the Human consciousness into Light consciousness.
And so you represent, each and everyone of you, this force of God's Will being the executers of the Divine blueprint that has been seeded upon this Earth. You shall keep in mind that all of you, who are to see the light in another and in the Self, are keepers of the New Earth and are the seeds of this new foundation. So let this be clear that all of you carry the responsibility to hold that light and this vibration within you at all times. I speak of the sophisticated Light frequency and knowledge that is one with the Christed Light.
Méline Portia Lafont - Master Kuthumi - Avanzate nei vostri nuovi ruoli come creatori del VOSTRO mondo.
Trasmesso attraverso Méline Portia Lafont.
Translation by: Valentina Vazzaz
Vi saluto, Esseri Maestri di Luce, compagni di viaggio e "cavalcatori" delle onde dell'infinito. Vengo a voi nella pace e per assistervi su ciò che viene e che E'. Vi chiamo tutti a raccolta affinché partecipiate in questo mondo e in questo cambiamento epocale con perseveranza ed impegno, poiché quello che il vostro piano sta per vedere è un miraggio di cambiamenti, di eventi e di opportunità per cambiare la coscienza Umana in una coscienza di Luce.
Méline Portia Lafont ~ Meister Kuthumi : Eure neue Rolle der Erschaffer EURER Welt
Ich grüße euch liebe Meister des Lichts, liebe Reisenden und Reiter auf den Wellen der Unendlichkeit. Ich komme zu euch mit Frieden und Führung hinsichtlich dessen was kommt und was IST. Ich rufe euch auf, mit Ausdauer und Kraft euren Beitrag in dieser Welt und am Zeitenwandel zu leisten, denn was eure Ebene erleben wird sind Veränderungen, Ereignisse und Gelegenheiten, das menschliche Bewusstsein ins Lichtbewusstsein zu führen.
Und so ist jeder von euch diese Kraft von Gottes Willen, die die auf dieser Erde ausgesäte Göttliche Blaupause ausführt. Haltet euch vor Augen dass ihr alle, die das Licht im Anderen und im Selbst sehen, die Wächter der Neuen Erde und die Saaten dieses neuen Fundaments seid. Um dies noch klarer auszudrücken: Ihr alle tragt die Verantwortung, das Licht und die Schwingung jederzeit in euch zu halten. Ich spreche von der hohen Lichtfrequenz und dem hohen Wissen darum, dass dies eins ist mit dem Christuslicht.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Bob Fickes ~ Dolphins Holding the Violet Flame
Dolphins are high frequency energy beings much like angels but in a physical form. Their songs help to heal the Earth Planet and all the beings that live here. Together with the Whales, they are constantly adjusting their song to bring the Earth back to harmony and balance with the Spiritual Kingdoms.
You don’t need to see a dolphin in order to communicate with them. The best way to tune in to the Dolphin Energy is to listen to your Heart Song. This sounds like a very high frequency much like a whistle or tiny bubbles bursting in the inner consciousness. If you listen to this sound or just feel the vibration of the bubbles bursting into consciousness, you will feel lifted into another dimension of perception. These frequencies transform your perception into the Ascension Energy of the Violet Flame. The dolphins carry the next level of consciousness and get excited when we tune in to them. They are here to activate the new age of Ascension.
Jamye Price – Allowing And Adjusting – 20 February 2015
Thanks to:

It can seem disruptive to your peace as you must observe every detail and shape your choices based on a changing, sometimes chaotic, vibration. There is so much data coming at you and from you as you smooth your vibration into the flow of creation you are desiring. The lag time of manifestation often clouds the clarity of which thoughts and feelings led to which creation.
Natalie Glasson – Erasing Cycles Of Control By The Celestial White Beings – 21 February 2015

Marlene Swetlishoff ~ HILARION ~ February 22-29, 2015
Beloved Ones,
As you sit at the crossroads wondering which way humanity will choose to go, know that you are not helpless ones - you have ability to effect changes to the morphogenetic fields (fields which influence the pattern or form of things) that surround all situations. These are fields of habitual patterns that link all people, fields which influence and are influenced by, the habits of all people, whether of knowledge, perception or behaviour. It is a field that exists where each individual inherits a collective memory from past members of the species, and one which also contributes to the collective memory which affects other members of the species in the future. (See links below.) This is why we tell you that you are more powerful than you know and why mindfulness in your thoughts, words and deeds is so very important. It is through your focused intention, your love, your intuitive clarity and your light that changes to the current patterns in these fields take place. You are the ones that affect them!
Wes Annac ~ Wisdom with Wes: Working and Having Fun

We sometimes demonize hard work that uses the mind more than the heart or spirit, because we tend to convince ourselves our spiritual evolution should be all fun and no work.
Similarly, some of us have trouble putting our work down and enjoying life, because we convince ourselves that working hard is the only purpose of our existence on earth.
Instead of making ourselves miserable or playing instead of working, we can employ a healthy middle ground between working and having fun.
James McConnell ~ Master Saint Germain : Get ready for the jubilation
Note from Méline: I resonated with this article because I know from my personal conversations with Saint Germain that much is afoot concerning this and that Saint Germain is working hard behind the scenes on that matter again. So what is stated here is also been shared to me in my personal space. Just let go of time and be open, allow so that this all can come forth no matter what the time is. All is eternal and beyond time.
One Who Serves channeled by James McConnell
(Note: these messages were given during our weekly Prepare For Change group in Glendale, AZ on February 15, 2015)
“St. Germain”
This is “St. Germain”. The one known to you as such. It is my great pleasure to be with you once again.
This is “St. Germain”. The one known to you as such. It is my great pleasure to be with you once again.
These are indeed, times for jubilation! For so many of the things that we have spoken of in the past are now ready to manifest in your world. And it is not just the treasures and the monetary goodness that everyone has waited for. It is so much more than that. Those in this group who have been working so diligently around the planet as well in this room and in your own private lives have waited for the treasures but you have also invested the time and diligence to work on your own growth and your own preparedness.
Aisha North ~ A short update on the energies
As many of you have noticed, this ongoing merger of the inner layers that is taking place now will have many of you sitting up to take notice of the effects this will induce upon your system, and rightly so. For as we have already told you, this period will be one of massive transformation, one where these incoming missiles of energy will interact in a most profound way with your own energetic setup, and as such, the collapse of internal division into a coherent and far more fluid system than the former fragmented one is now finally on its way. So you see, this at times churning sea of chaotic tendencies towards misrepresentation of the actual events is not one that is entirely unfounded, for even if you are all well versed in these recurring periods of energetic upheavals, this will still be considered as one out of the ordinary, if ordinary is indeed a word that can be taken into use for any of these occasions. For as you all know more than well by this stage, every step you take is one that will break through the boundaries set by the previous ones, and as such, let us simply say that even in this long line of extraordinary events, this one will certainly stand out in the crowd.
Suzanne Lie ~ A.C.E.A. Part 3 - Your Life is in YOUR Hands 2-21-15
ACEA Part 3
Your Life is in YOUR Hands
Dear Ascending Ones,
We are ACEA, returned to speak with you again. In our last meeting we talked about managing fear. We wish to continue with that important message. You have been doing well at managing your fears. Remember that you can slow down your process of transmutation into Lightbody whenever it becomes too difficult.
Rather than putting yourself into crisis it is best to set a slow, steady pace that you can maintain. If you move too fast, you will bring up more fear than you can manage and you may even chose to terminate your process of ascension. Do not forget that “time” is an illusion. Hence, there is no hurry.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Sandra Walter ~The depth of the equinox pull into light
Many of you are experiencing the dramatic shift in the energies since last week. We officially entered the pull of the Equinox wave, and it brings us into a heightened state of the multidimensional merge. You may have noticed the merge has gone far beyond Higher Self and Lower Self, and involves many levels and dimensional expressions of You, Your Divine Team and Higher dimensional consciousness. Stronger waves are expected again February 22 -25.
The Equinox Eclipse Passage
It is a powerful phase, and somewhat mysterious as we cut paths through the unknown. Gatekeepers have been busy and I AM deeply moved by how this is unfolding. It is brilliant to witness the unique expressions of the return of the Christ which are lighting up through the HUman heart grid. We are going to break apart many belief systems, religious patterns, and repetitive activities - even within the awakened collective - with this next phase.
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