2014 was a year of focus on personal empowerment. This is vital to the Ascension of humanity and yet attained individually. That you each become empowered within as a sovereign expressions of Life is fundamental to your own progression and that of Life on Earth. This requires the healing of vibration (the invisible) that blocks your easy flow with Life – releasing control, releasing sorrow, emphasizing capability and the Joy of Life. As you become an empowered sovereign, you are enhancing your own Creatorship – your divine birthright as a Creator in human form. You are effecting the overall vibration of Life on Earth and beginning a change that is not clearly visible at first.
Your work in 2014 caused much change, often invisible at first, though perhaps felt. As change occurs it waves through Time and you may experience a lift, then a drop as you integrate and release at a pace that supports rejuvenation and a new vigor for Creation. You are supported in ways not easily seen for many, but the promptings of change are constantly revered and Rejoiced by Life as you create. You now embark on a Time of Creativity (2015) that will be shaped by your empowerment and supported by your desire for change. As you bring your year 2014 to a close, Rejoice in all that you released and achieved, for you are reforming Life on Earth.
Rejoicing is a powerful aspect of Life and creation. As you Rejoice, you are amplifying focus, which nourishes Life. The energy of Rejoicing is joyous, celebratory and Loving. As you nourish your marriages, your graduations, your accomplishments, your lessons learned – you are amplifying the energy of Love. You amplify this in connection with the focus, which flows out into other areas of Life. Just as you Rejoice a child into not giving up on walking when he or she falls, so too, do you deserve the same encouragement in life continuously. In your past (mostly), Rejoicing was lost to grim obedience. Reclaim this powerful magnifier of Love and celebrate Life. In the smallest aspects and the most challenging aspects, Rejoicing will begin to Reform any experience into a Loving flow of Life.
As we sit to Blast Rejoicing, we are becoming the dominant vibration in our lives and entraining those that have lost their joy into new possibility. We are reclaiming our Divine birthright of Creatorship and flavoring all of Life with our powerful Love. We are recognizing the power of our focus to change the mundane into the mundance of Life as we change the beat of a tired old drum. We are celebrating the beauty of Life as we heal the challenge into wisdom gained. We are looking into the future of what this moment’s Love is creating, enjoying the Joy into form. Blast on!
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