Always be willing and excited to embrace your creativity and the spirituality that lies within it, for these things will help you find the salvation so many of you seek.
You can create and spread a higher vibration from right on the surface of your beautiful, evolving planet, and all you have to do is embrace the things that are leading you to expand your greater perception and help others do the same.
When you’re willing to stay as open and receptive to the ‘voice’ of spirit as you can, you’ll find it much easier to use this voice to sharpen and enhance the works you present to the rest of the conscious community.
If you’re willing to embrace your works to the extent that you essentially ‘become’ them, you’ll notice that not only do they become easier and more free-flowing, but others gravitate to them.
Your work can become more favorable in the eyes of the conscious community that it’s been for many of you if you can continuously embrace it, and the more motivated and dedicated you are to helping your dearest planet evolve, the easier it’ll be to do all of the magnificent things you’ve come to earth to do.
You have no more reason to sell yourselves short or convince yourselves you’re anything less than the world-changers you’ve come to earth to be, and to continue to live below your potential would be unfortunate to say the least.
When you can remember to integrate as much love as you can into your spiritual and creative practices, you’ll enjoy the creative process far more than if you practiced it with little love or spirituality involved.
As many of you are discovering, spirituality is everything for the awakening seeker who wants to help their planet, and as as long as you have love, spirit and creativity, you’re golden.
As long as you can remember to call on your love and spirituality when you need them the most, nothing about your otherwise difficult world will bring you down or keep you from playing your role in humanity’s evolution.
It’s time for the awakening humanity to become the pioneers you’ve always been meant to be, and with a level head, an opened mind and a heart that overflows with love and spirit, your connections will strengthen with each day that passes and your ability to positively affect others will grow as much as your enthusiasm to contribute to your ongoing revolution, which is causing (and being caused by) your spiritual evolution.
Channeled through Wes Annac, December 28, 2014
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