We have a potent opportunity this December to regroup our energies and find a new sense of inner balance before year-end. This has not been an easy year, to say the least, with the constant ups-and-downs in energy and an ongoing atmosphere of turmoil and change.
The Council of 12 has shown me how essential it is that we have a reset of our energies this time of year. The full moon of next weekend is a perfect time! They will be providing this essential reset for each of you participating with us on Saturday, December 6. The idea of this global meditation is to help you be more resourced for what’s coming in 2015, and to end the year on a high note spiritually.
Lots of new opportunities will be unfolding in the new year – some on your wish list for a long time and some coming as such a surprise that you couldn’t know in advance to ask for them! You will want to be energetically prepared to receive in the highest way, and to have the clarity needed as the doors of opportunity open.
With our December 6 global meditation, you will have powerful spiritual fuel for clearing non-useful energies from your life – energies that could otherwise block your progress in 2015. You will benefit from this healing regardless of how you participate with us: live on site, live via teleclass, or later on with mp3.
During the remaining days of December after our event, the beneficial energies transmitted during the global meditation will continue to unfold in your life – coming to you as new insights, dreams, and helpful happenstance.
Four weeks later – on Saturday, January 3 – we will have an Abundance 2015 Full Moon Global Meditation. The purpose of this is to help you on both spiritual and physical levels with generating an enhanced abundance in 2015. We will use the potency of that weekend’s full moon to help amplify the healing you will receive.
As with all of our events, our gathering together is both a personal healing for each of you, and a powerful healing for the planet. You can know by participating that you indeed are part of a loving family of light across the world, and that you are an instrumental part of creating a more loving world!
You are enthusiastically invited to join us for these next 2 global meditations, to connect with powerful energetic support for your next steps on the path of light!
Looking forward to sharing with you soon.
Love and light–Selacia
Love and light–Selacia
http://www.selacia.com / via newsletter 30 November 2014
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